Frederic Alberti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Research Interests

I am a postdoctoral researcher in probability theory and its applications, in particular in the area of mathematical population genetics. Thus far, my research has been focussed on models of genetic recombination and its interplay with various other evolutionary processes, including natural selection, migration as well as fixed pedigrees. A large part of my studies has been to combine analytical and probabilistic techniques, establishing formal relationships between deterministic (systems of) ordinary differential equations, describing the evolution of a population forward in time, and their associated (stochastic) ancestral processes, describing the genealogy of a sample backward in time.

Currently, I am working on a model for the genealogies in a diploid population model with fixed pedigrees. Another focus of my studies is on the Brownian Net and its role as a universal scaling limit of genealogies in spatially structured population models under selection. More broadly, I am interested in dynamic aspects of random graphs and networks, in particular their scaling limits and condensation phenomena. 



    Thesis: "Dynamic and probabilistic aspects of recombination"

                               Supervisor: Ellen Baake     


                         Thesis: "Cauchy operators in view of Riemann-Hilbert problems"

                         Supervisor: Thomas Kriecherbauer

                         Thesis: "Der Cauchyoperator für reguläre geschlossene Jordankurven"

                         Supervisor: Thomas Kriecherbauer                                              

Professional Career

                         (Faculty of Mathematics, chair for nonlinear analysis and mathematical physics)