Fast radio bursts and their possible neutron star origins
18 - 20 February, 2019
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference Hashtag: #FRB2019
Important news
26 February:
Thank you to all participants for an excellent meeting. Links to publicly available slides are given on the conference programme page for individual talks.
18 January:
The conference programme has now been published on the Programme page.
18 October:
Due to high interest in the workshop, registration is now full. However, interested participants are still encouraged to register via the form on the conference website to be added to the registration waitlist. In the event of cancellations, applicants on the waitlist will be registered for the meeting. Applicants officially registered to attend will receive a confirmation email from the conference organizers.
Note: all talks will be live streamed via Zoom or similar so the conference can be remotely attended by non-registered participants. If you would be interested in calling into the meeting please contact Emily.
Registered participants have until 15 November to submit a talk abstract.
Participants are also encouraged to book accommodation as early as possible, as hotels in Amsterdam can fill up fast. See the Logistics page for some hotels with block bookings for the conference.
12 September:
Registration is now open for the meeting. There is no cost for registration for any participants although participation is limited to ~50 attendees. Follow the links below to register and to submit an abstract for a presentation at the meeting. If you wish to participate in the meeting you must register before 1 December, 2018. If you wish to submit an abstract for a talk you must submit your abstract before 15 November, 2018. In the event of over-subscription the organizing committee will limit the participant list. All registrants will be notified shortly after the registration closes in December.
Register as a workshop participant (closes 1 December, 2018)
Submit a talk abstract (closes 15 November, 2018)
Participants are encouraged to book their hotels as soon as possible! See the Logistics page for a list of suggested hotels.
Workshop Motivation
This workshop will focus on the rapidly evolving topic of fast radio bursts (FRBs), including recent observational and theoretical progress in the field. The connection between FRBs and pulsed neutron star radio emission mechanisms has become increasingly interesting and topical as new FRB observations have revealed repetition, polarizaion, Faraday rotation, and other properties. With this workshop we aim to bring researchers in the field of fast radio bursts together with experts in the observational and theoretical aspects of neutron star physics to discuss the FRB phenomenon. This will include discussion of why FRBs might or might not be related to neutron stars. The workshop will include invited and contributed talks as well as significant time for discussion. Topics of the workshop will include:
- FRB observational results
- FRB progenitor theories
- Theoretical implications of FRBs for neutron star emission and evolution
- Studies of neutron star and FRB local environments
Important Dates
Second announcement: September 2018
Final announcement: October 2018
Abstract submission closes: 1 November 2018
Registration closes: 1 December, 2018
Accommodation and Transportation
For more information about the location of the meeting and arranging accommodation please see the Logistics page
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Dr. Keith Bannister -- ASKAP FRBs
Dr. Manisha Caleb -- FRB Polarization
Pragya Chawla -- FRB rates
Dr. Jim Cordes -- Propagation Effects and Plasma Lensing
Tarraneh Eftekhari -- FRB Host Galaxy Identification
Dr. Maxim Lyutikov -- Neutron Star Emission Mechanisms for FRBs
Ben Margalit -- Millisecond Magnetar Models for FRBs
Dr. Anthony Piro -- FRBs from Isolated Neutron Stars
Ziggy Pleunis -- CHIME FRBs
Dr. Vikram Ravi -- Current Status of FRB Observations
Dr. Bing Zhang -- FRBs from Colliding/Interacting Neutron Stars
Workshop Dates and Meeting Space
The workshop will take place from Monday 18 - Wednesday 20 February, 2019 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The two days after the workshop (21 & 22 February) meeting space will be available in the Anton Pannekoek Institute located adjacent to the conference venue for participants who wish to remain after the workshop for collaboration and additional discussion.