Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies ICO Fraud Lawyers in Philadelphia PA

We work with investors in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, who suffered losses as a result of misconduct by third parties. Such misconduct could range from inappropriate investment recommendations to hacking to theft or fraud.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency, or cryptocurrency. It was designed as a worldwide payment system. Due to the exponential increase of its value over the past couple of years it has garnered increasing interest from retail investors.

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator that may be traded on online exchanges for conventional currencies, including the U.S. dollar, or used to purchase goods and services online.

The Following Are Amongst the Largest Known Risks to Selling, Buying and Using Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies:

  • Bitcoin payments cannot be reversed.

  • Once you a transaction is completed, it cannot be reversed.

  • Purchases can be refunded, but that depends solely on the willingness of the issuers or sellers.

If you believe you may have lost money in Bitcoin fraud or cryptocurrency schemes please contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation regarding your legal situation and potential recovery options, by phone at 888-998-0530, via email at, or through the contact form on this page.

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