Short Bio
I am Full Professor of Innovation Management for the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies at the University Parthenope of Naples (Italy). I earned my doctorate in “Network Economics and Knowledge Management” at Foundation SSAV (Ca' Foscari University), Venice (Italy). I am currently the scientific director of VIMASS (, the research lab in healthcare innovation and management at University of Naples Parthenope.
I teach at undergraduate, master and doctorate levels at many universities in Italy and abroad. I have also experience in supervising and gaining funding for Ph.D. candidates. Furthermore, I am Affiliated Professor of Innovation Management at the EM Lyon Business School and the Paris School of Business (France). I have implemented innovative teaching methods in different teaching modules and focused on the case study methodology. I have been Visiting professor/researcher over the last ten years at the St. John's University (New York, USA) in 2008, University of Flensburg (Germany) in 2013, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) in 2016 and IESEG School of Management (France).
I am currently associate editor for Technological Forecasting and Social Change, the Journal of Intellectual Capital and Innovations: Reveu d'Economie et de management de l'Innovation /Journal of Innovation Economics and Management. Furthermore, I served as Guest Editor in leading academic and professional management journals including Production, Planning & Control, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Intellectual Capital. I am member of the editorial boards of European Journal Innovation Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, Management Decision, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Leadership in Health Services.
My research works have been published in various prestigious academic journals including IEEE-Transactions of Engineering Management, Production, Planning & Control, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Business Process Management Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Organizational Change Management, European Journal of Innovation Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, BMC Health Service Research.
I am “Ad hoc Reviewer”, for Industry & Innovation (Routledge), European Journal of Marketing (Emerald), Journal of Organizational Change Management (Emerald), Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (Routledge), International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (Inderscience), International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship (Inderscience), Management Research News (Emerald) and many more journals.
Moreover, I am member of scientific academies or societies around the world such as ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management), IACCM (International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management), SIMA (Società Italiana di Management).
My research is focused on technology and innovation management, big data and artificial intelligence, digital transformation and healthcare management. I just completed a research project about patient innovation, which is a new form of user within the healthcare sector. The monography has been published in May 2020. I am now working on the new research about artificial intelligence in B2B contexts and the value of big data for precision medicine. Papers about this topic should be published sono in various prestigeous academics journals.
I am a recipient of several academic honors and awards and received various research grants from public funding bodies and private organizations. I am regularly invited as key note speaker or speaker at international conferences and to give lectures to academic audience. I’m also able to organise international conferences in the field of innovation management and healthcare management. I’m often involved in several activities outside of Italy, in particular in Spain, Germany and France.
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