2024 Daniel Mercer

Memorial Tournament


Who's Coming 2024

Tournament Rules


1.    7u – No player can turn 8 before May 1st.  8u - No player can turn age 9 before May 1st.  9u Tourney - No player can turn age 10 before May 1st.  10u Tourney - No player can turn age 11 before May 1st.  11u Tourney - No player can turn age 12 before May 1st.  12u – No player can turn 13 before May 1st.  14u – No player can turn 15 before May 1st.  Please carry copies of birth certificates in case of questioning.

2.    All judgment calls by an umpire may not be protested or argued. Umpires have the final say.

3.    No Protested Games: Rules interpretation may be discussed as soon as the dispute arises. 7u - 9u will follow Little League rules unless stated otherwise in these tourney rules.  10u - 14u will follow USSSA rules unless otherwise stated in these tourney rules.  The umpire and/or Tournament Director will resolve the dispute before play resumes. All decisions are final.

4.    Coaches are responsible for the behavior of the team and fans. No arguing or poor sportsmanship from players, coaches, parents, and fans will be tolerated. Any team violating this rule will be given one (1) warning, the second, the individual guilty-coach, player, parent or fan, will be suspended for that particular game and may be suspended for the remainder of the tournament.  It will be at the tournament director’s discretion whether or not a player or coach will be allowed to watch as a spectator.  A fan that is ejected will not be permitted to return to any game for the remainder of the tourney.  Tournament directors must be notified of any suspension immediately following that game.

5.    Home Team Designation. During pool play, the determination of the home team will be made by a player from each team participating in a best of 3 rock, paper, scissors. During elimination rounds, the Home team will be the team with the higher seed.

6.    Grace Period: A 10-minute grace period will be extended after the scheduled start of the game.  If, after this period of time has expired and a team has not shown itself ready to play, the game will be forfeited 7-0.

7.    Minimum Players to Play: The minimum number of players to start and finish a game is eight (8).  The opposite team can enforce an automatic out in the 9th batting position. This will be decided before the game and notified to the umpire and tournament director.

8.    No infield practice prior to the start of any game.  Teams will warm up in the outfield.

9.    Complete game: A complete game will consist of six (6) innings, 7 innings for 13u.

10. Run Rule will be as follows:

a.    7u through 12u will be 15 runs after 3 and 10 runs after 4, and 8 runs after 5.

b.    13u/14u will be 15 runs after 4, 10 runs after 5

11. Time Limit: The time limit is in effect for all pool games and tournament play with the exception of the tournament championship game.  A new inning cannot start after the time limit has expired. 

·         7u and 8u – 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes

·         9u, 10u, 11u, and 12u – 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes

·         13u/14u – 7 innings with no new innings after 1 hour 45 minutes



7u and 8u – will bat entire lineup

9u through 14u – Teams may bat (9) player line-up, ten (10)-player lineup using an Extra Hitter (EH) or continuous line-up of all present, eligible, uniformed players.  Such line-up shall be declared before the start of the game and used throughout the entire game.

-                  If a team uses a lineup that contains substitute players, all starting players may be removed and re-enter the game once, but must re-enter in their original position in the batting order.  Non-starters are not allowed to re-enter.  When a starter re-enters, the player in the starter’s batting position in the batting order must be removed from the game and is ineligible for the remainder of the game.

-                  If a team uses a lineup that contains ten (10) players, the player in the Extra Hitter position, while not actually playing a defensive position, will be treated as such for substitution purposes.

-                  If a team uses a continuous line-up, all players other than the nine (9) defensive position players are extra hitters and may move freely in defensive positions with the exception of the pitching position.  Any player(s) arriving after the game has begun shall be added to the bottom of the batting line-up.  When using the continuous line-up and a player has to leave the game for any reason, that position in the line-up becomes an out when that at bat comes around.



1.      Each pitcher may not pitch more than three (3) innings per game; this includes both pool play and tournament play.  One pitch thrown in any inning will constitute an inning pitched for that pitcher.  There will not be a maximum inning count for the tournament.  We trust that coaches will not “abuse” any young pitcher’s arm.  For information on recommended pitch counts (per game, week, month and season), research the recommendations of the MLB Pitch Smart program.

2.  There are no pitch restrictions for 13u/14u.  We trust that coaches will not “abuse” any young pitcher’s arm.  For information on recommended pitch counts (per game, week, month and season), research the recommendations of the MLB Pitch Smart program.

3.    When a pitcher is replaced in a game, he/she cannot re-enter the game as a pitcher.

4.    Two (2) trips to the mound in an inning to the same pitcher, that pitcher must be replaced by another eligible player.

5.  Ages 9u-12u pitchers will not throw pitches on intentional walks.  The runner will be awarded his base without a pitch being thrown.  



1.    In order to speed up the game, the speedy rule will apply for the catcher on base. This rule applies to the player who will be playing the Catcher position in the very next defensive inning ONLY.  If the Catcher is on base, with two (2) outs, he can be replaced with another runner. The runner, who substitutes for the catcher on base, will be the player who made the last out. The base runner that is replaced MUST catch the complete next inning.

2.      One on-deck batter will be permitted.  All other players must remain in the dugout.

3.      Dropped ball third strike will apply for age’s 10u and up.

4.      Infield fly rule will apply for age groups 10u - 14u.

5.      9u and 10u will play 46/65 modified and 11u and 12u will play 50/70 modified high school rules with the exception of the hitting and pitching rules explained within this rules document.

6.      Lead offs will not apply except for 10u - 14u age groups.

7.    There will be no completely replayed games. If the game has gone at least four (4) innings, then it will constitute a complete game.  3 ½ innings, if the home team is ahead.  (5) innings will constitute a complete game for the 13u/14u age groups.

8.    If a game is suspended in the middle of an inning due to weather or darkness and has completed the minimum number of innings to constitute it as a completed game, then the final result of that game will revert back to the previous full inning played.

9.      It will be mandatory to slide OR avoid contact for all close plays at a base. A base runner making contact with a fielder may be considered out in the judgment of the umpire, and the play is considered dead. Base runners attempting to score must slide OR avoid contact at home plate, unless in the umpire’s judgment, contact is not likely without sliding.  

10. Interference:

a.      Base runners who intentionally interfere with the defensive player will be called out.

b.    If, in the judgment of the umpire, a defensive player intentionally blocks a base or home plate while not in control of the baseball, the base runner will be called safe. 

11.  Over Throws.  Over throws that land in out of play territory shall result in the base runner(s) advancing only one base.

12.  Injured Base Runner.  The last runner not to reach base will replace any runner sustaining an injury while running on base.

13.  Tie games.  For pool play games, no extra innings will be played.  The result of the game will be a tie.  For tournament games, California rules will be in effect and the game will be continued until a winner is determined.  California rules place the last batter of the prior inning at second base with one out.  If after 2 extra innings are completed and the score is still tied each team will start with the same California rules as stated above with the exception that the batter will start with a 1 ball, 1 strike count.

14.  Pool Play/Tie Breaker Criteria: Once advanced to subsequent tiebreaker criteria, do not return to the previous criteria.

6.  Average run differential - descending

7. Coin flip

15.  13u/14u will play USSSA baseball rules unless stated above.

7u and 8u Applicable Rules

1. Each team shall field only 10 players per inning.  The infield consists of 6 players: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, SS, pitcher's helper and catcher.  The outfield will consist of 4 fielders, no short fielders. Teams with fewer than 9 players will be able to participate, but we will call an out on the 9th batter each time. Each team will bat the lineup.

2. Adults will pitch overhand.  One foot must be inside the circle when pitch is delivered.  

3. Each inning will consist of 3 outs.  Each batter is allowed 5 pitches or three swinging strikes, with no called strikes or walks.  After 5 pitches, the batter will be declared out unless the 5th pitch is fouled.  A batter can’t end his at bat on a foul ball.  Unlimited fouls on/after the 5th pitch.

4. There will be no leading off or steals. Runner may start to advance when the ball hits the bat, not prior. A warning will be given for the first infraction; all others will be an automatic out.

5. After the ball is hit into play, a fielder will attempt to make a play on the ball and runners will advance at will.  Once an infielder has control of the ball, either in their hand or glove, in fair territory in the infield with arms raised, time will be called by the umpire. At this time, a runner will be returned to the previous base unless, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner has passed the base path hash mark at the time play was “stopped.”  Once time is called, no runner can be tagged out.  If the lead runner was not beyond the hash mark when time is called, all runners will be returned to their previous base.

6. The pitcher's helper will position himself within 5 feet of the adult pitcher, but not in front of him.  The pitcher's helper must also wear a helmet.  A facemask is optional but highly recommended.

7. Infield flies and dropped third strike rules are not in effect.

8. No bunting is allowed.

9. If a batted ball unintentionally hits the pitcher, the ball is dead and will be re-pitched.  All base runners will return to their previous base prior to the pitcher being hit.  If a pitcher, in the judgment of the umpire, intentionally interferes with a batted ball, the ball is dead, the batter is out and no runners may advance.  If an adult pitcher intentionally interferes with a thrown ball, the ball is dead and the runner nearest home is out.

10. Run rule will be no more than 6 in one inning until the final or 6th inning which will be unlimited runs allowed.  If the time limit is close to expiring, the umpire will declare the final inning. There is a 15 run rule after 3 innings, 10 after 4, and 8 runs after 5 innings.

11. Once the batter steps into the batter box and the coach is ready to pitch, the catcher must be in a crouched catcher’s position giving the pitching coach a target.  Catchers will not be allowed to stand during the pitch.

12. No Coaches will be allowed on the defensive playing field



If my team does not provide a certificate of insurance, indicating coverage during the dates of this tournament, your team will not be permitted to participate in the tournament and my registration fees will be forfeited.  If I cancel my registration, prior to May 1, 2024, I will receive 90% of my registration fee as a refund, less credit card fees. Any cancellations after May 1, 2024, will receive no refund.  Additionally, in the event of weather cancellations, the following refunds will be provided:  90% if no games are played, 50% if one game is played, and 0% if two or more games are played.  If Franklin Youth Baseball cancels the tournament, you will receive a 100% refund including credit card fees if applicable.



·         If play is canceled prior to pool play games being finished, neither winners nor runners-up will be determined.

·         If pool play is finished and no tournament games can be played, winners and runners-up will be determined by seeding.