

Reilly, J., ... Garcea, F.E., ... et al. What we mean when we say semantic: A consensus statement on the nomenclature of semantic memory. PsyArXiv.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Ambron, E., Garcea, F.E., Cason, S., Medina, J., Detre, J., & Coslett, H.B. (2024). The influence of hand posture on tactile processing: Evidence from a 7T functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Cortex, 173, 138-149. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E. & Buxbaum, L.J. (2023). Mechanisms and neuroanatomy of response selection in tool and non-tool action actions: Evidence from left-hemisphere stroke. Cortex, 167, 335-350. [pdf]. Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Metzgar, R., Stoll, H., Grafton, S.T., Buxbaum, L.J., & Garcea, F.E. (2022). Single-case disconnectome lesion symptom mapping: Identifying two subtypes of limb apraxia. Neuropsychologia, 170, 108210. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Matheson, H.E., Garcea, F.E., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2021). Scene context shapes category representational geometry during processing of tools. Cortex, 141, 1-15. [pdf]

Belkhir, J.R., Fitch, W.T., Garcea, F.E., ... Pilcher, W.H., & Mahon, B.Z. (2021). Direct electrical stimulation evidence for a dorsal motor area with control of the larynx. Brain  Stimulation, 14, 110-112. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Greene, C., Grafton, S.T., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2020). Structural disconnection of the tool use network after left hemisphere stroke predicts limb apraxia severity. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 1, 1-20.  [pdf]

Chernoff, B.L., Teghipco, A., Garcea, F.E., ... & Mahon, B.Z. (2020). Reorganized language network connectivity after left arcuate fasciculus resection: A case study. Cortex, 123, 173-184. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2019). Gesturing tool use and tool transport actions modulates inferior parietal functional connectivity with the dorsal and ventral object processing pathways. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 2867-2883. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Hirad, A., Bazarian, J., Merchant-Borna, K., Garcea, F.E., ... & Mahon, B.Z. (2019). A common neural signature of brain injury in concussion and sub-concussion. Science Advances, 5, eaau3460. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Almeida, J., ... Pilcher, W.H., & Mahon, B.Z. (2019). Domain-specific diaschisis: Lesions to parietal action areas modulate neural responses to tools in the ventral stream. Cerebral Cortex, 29, 3168–3181. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Mahon, B.Z., Mead, J.A., Chernoff, B., Sims, M.H., Garcea, F.E., et al. (2019). Translational brain mapping at the University of Rochester Medical Center: Preserving the mind through personalized brain mapping. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 150, e59592. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Stoll, H., & Buxbaum, L.J. (2019). Reduced competition between tool action neighbors after left hemisphere stroke. Cortex, 120, 269-283. [pdf].

Shay, E., Chen, Q., Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2019). Decoding intransitive actions in primary motor cortex using fMRI: toward a componential theory of ‘action primitives’ in motor cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 13-19. [pdf]

Almeida, J., Amaral, L., Garcea, F.E., Aguiar de Sousa, D., Xu, S., Mahon, B.Z., & Pavão Martins, I. (2018). Visual and visuomotor processing of hands and tools as a case study of cross talk between the dorsal and ventral streams. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 35, 288-303. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E, Chen, Q., Vargas Jr., R., Narayan, D., and Mahon, B.Z. (2018). Task- and domain-specific modulation of functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal object processing pathways. Brain Structure and Function, 223, 2589-2607. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Chen, Q., Garcea, F.E., Jacobs, R.A., & Mahon, B.Z. (2018). Abstract representations of object-directed action in the left inferior parietal lobule. Cerebral Cortex, 28, 2162–2174. [pdf]

Chernoff, B., Teghipco, A., Garcea, F.E., Sims, M.H., Paul, D.A., ... & Mahon, B.Z. (2018). A role for the Frontal Aslant Tract in speech planning: A neurosurgical case study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1 - 18. [pdf]

Chen, Q., Garcea, F.E., Almeida, J., & Mahon, B.Z. (2017). Connectivity-based constraints on category-specificity in the ventral object processing pathway. Neuropsychologia, 105, 184-196. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., … Marvin, E., Pilcher, W.H., & Mahon, B.Z. (2017). Direct electrical stimulation in the human brain disrupts melody processing. Current Biology,  27,  2684-2691. [pdf] Supplemental Videos [click here]

Kristensen, S., Garcea, F.E., Mahon, B.Z., & Almeida, J. (2016). Temporal frequency tuning reveals interactions between the dorsal and ventral visual streams. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28, 1295-1302. [pdf]

Vargas, Jr., R., Garcea, F.E., Mahon, B.Z., & Narayan, D. (2016). Refining the clustering coefficient for analysis of social and neural network data. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6:49. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Kristensen, S., Almeida, J., & Mahon, B.Z. (2016). Resilience to the contralateral visual field bias as a window into object representations. Cortex, 81, 14-23. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf

Erdogan, G., Chen, Q., Garcea, F.E., Mahon, B.Z., & Jacobs, R. (2016). Multisensory part-based representations of objects in human lateral occipital complex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 869-881. [pdf]

Chen, Q., Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2016). The representation of object-directed action and function knowledge in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 1609-1618. [pdf

Stasenko, A., Bonn, C., Teghipco, A., Garcea, F.E., Sweet, C., Dombovy, M., McDonough, J., & Mahon, B.Z. (2015). A causal test of the motor theory of speech perception: A case of impaired speech production and spared speech perception. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32, 38-57. [pdf]

Stasenko, A., Garcea, F.E., Dombovy, M., & Mahon, B.Z. (2014). When concepts lose their color: A case of object color knowledge impairment. Cortex, 58, 217-238. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2014). Parcellating left parietal tool representations by functional connectivity. Neuropsychologia, 60, 131 - 143. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Stasenko, A., Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2013). What happens to the motor theory of perception when the motor system is damaged? Language and Cognition, 5, 225-238. [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Dombovy, M., & Mahon, B.Z. (2013). Preserved tool knowledge in the context of impaired action knowledge: Implications for models of semantic memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 1-18. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2012). What is in a tool concept? Dissociating manipulation knowledge from function knowledge. Memory and Cognition, 40, 1303-1313. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Garcea, F.E., Almeida, J., & Mahon, B.Z. (2012). A right visual field advantage for visual processing of manipulable objects. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 813-825. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Mahon, B.Z., Garcea, F.E., & Navarrete, E. (2012). Picture-word interference and the response exclusion hypothesis: A response to Mulatti and Coltheart. Cortex, 48, 373-377. [pdf] Supplemental Materials [pdf]

Book Chapters

Garcea, F.E., & Mahon, B.Z. (2019). The how and what of object knowledge in the human brain. In Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics. de Zubicaray, G. & Schiller, N.O. (Eds.). [pdf]

PhD Thesis

Garcea, F.E. (2017). The organization of manipulable object concepts in the human brain. University of Rochester, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. [pdf]