the key is not stopping the key is finding what you are able to do and do everything that is in your possibilities and try to get better a little bit every day Yo gorillas welcome to the athlete insider podcast by gonation my name is phil and today's guest is an italian endurance beast an extremely strong athlete somebody who achieves often the impossible in his workouts and the first and only barbarian in in italy and i'm really happy to welcome you to the show sergio di pasquale yeah thank you thank you so much for having me it's a pleasure for me it's also a big pleasure uh now i was so concentrating that i pronounced it in the in the italian in the right way don't worry you did great you did great can you can you say it once for you for you it sounds better oh it's sergio di pascuale pasquale nice yeah so uh yeah let's kick off for the people who don't know you who is sergio and what what kind of person are you yeah all right so first of all i'm from italy i've lived in italy my whole life and i am the first and only italian barbarian i've become a barbarian in 2017 so it's it's like yeah three years almost four years now that i've been one officially so it's about to be more time that i've been a barbarian officially than you know the time that it took me to get there actually since i started because i started training in 2014 when i was 16 years old and i've been at it consistently for these past seven years non-stop it's like day in day in and all in all really i just started because i wanted to become better and stronger and that's what i've been striving to do since the beginning nice sounds already great you're 22 now right exactly i'm about to turn 23 in some days you know okay uh yeah on the 23rd of december oh okay great um and for the people because i recognized the shirt i just uh watched some of your your youtube videos and i recognize this i recognize this shirt from the video three years ago when you uh yeah posted your uh your uh let's say test uh how's it called um your yeah it's the requirements the environment requirements that was my official attempt at it and that is when i got my gold wings you know which actually represents the official complete membership in the barbarians in the barbarians family okay and i'm pretty sure that there are some new listeners who don't know who the barbarians are what are these requirements can you maybe i can present that perfect um so the barbarians are a calisthenics family we refer to each other as brothers and we feel like a real family so it's not really exact to say we are a team but we are also a team we can be seen that way and barbarians originated in brooklyn in uh i if i'm not mistaken in 2004 like on the shirts we got 2006 written on it i don't know if you can see it but if i'm not mistaken it's it's in 2004. and barbarian's founder is zep zacharelli calisthenics legend i think many many know him and many were inspired by him as i was no and um yeah the barbarians we are a family but you know apart from the relationship of trust loyalty between each other which is crucial to becoming a member uh we also have physical requirements so it is a routine that any wannabe barbarian have to pass and have to complete under a certain time frame time limit under the judgment of zepta cavaliers criteria and if everything goes well and if you are also recognized you know as a true brother member of the family you will receive your gold wings that's pretty much how it works the routine these were actually um you know to my knowledge the first ever requirements in uh any calisthenics team let's use their that were uh in this this case and that a lot of other teams followed uh the same trend and you know made up their own requirement routines but ours should be the first that's what i know and it consists of as of now and it's been some years like like that five muscle ups 50 parallel bars dips 30 pull-ups 60 floor push-ups and another five muscle-ups to end everything unbroken in that precise order under five minutes so if the if the form is all right at least physically you are you are ready to become a barbarian okay and unbroken means you're not allowed to rest in between for example the the dips or the push-ups exactly um you know you can actually recharge in a lockout position um of the various exercise you cannot leave the instrument though you cannot like um uh stop holding the bar with one end during the pull-ups while the other one is still gripping or anything like that also the push-ups you shouldn't lower your waist or you know keep your butt high you should stay in a in a solid state of plank uh but apart from that yeah it's unbroken and it should ideally be straight straight reps not even resting not even during the sets well yeah so first of all for everybody who is interested in seeing you perform the requirements we will put your youtube video in the description but uh yeah let's let's come back before we go dive into your workout into your preparation for the requirements etc um the two hard facts that people always ask how tall and how heavy are you oh so i'm not that tall you could ask how short i am i'm 170 170 centimeters it should be what is it five foot five five foot six uh something like that and weight i should be kilograms between 70 and 74 around that weight okay and you always keep this weight during the year yeah practically all year round because i do not follow a strict diet so being so flexible my weight also fluctuates um a bit around these numbers but the fact that i'm always training and striving to improve my performance keeps everything in balance okay then let's jump to the 16 year old sergio um who is starting to work out how did you get in touch with calisthenics what did you do before let us take part in your in your beginning sure sure man that's quite a story actually because i was a kid first of all like i was in high school it was like third year of high school and um i literally had no idea of what i wanted to be you know when i grew up uh what job would i take on um what type of person i wanted to be or i have some big ideas you know uh maybe some um some far away ideas or what a good person should be and but i felt so so far away from that because i was weak much weaker than i am right now like i'm i still am but i got a little better since i was 16 and to me you know a good person should also be strong physically of course but strength is a all-around value all-around quality that then you can transfer and throughout your life and deal with maybe difficult circumstances so i really wanted to to train to to get tougher tougher physically tougher mentally inspired as many peoples by you know cartoons i started training um and i actually started by running you know so i didn't even know exactly what calisthenics was i just started running you know trying to get a little bit more fit and then uh for some reason i found some calisthenics videos on youtube or one of the most famous videos at the time which was one of frank medrano that was literally the first person i ever saw you know in real life outside of cartoons doing pull-ups and just that you know struck me and i was and i want to be able to do that too to me already that already seen even a half one arm pull-up seemed out of this word for real seemed so cool and i wanted to be like that you know seeing all those uh visible muscles and striations because he's also pretty lean guy so i just wanted to become more like that let's put it this way and i started looking for some basic routines that a beginner could follow so i started um while i also was running incorporating a little bit of basic test exercises a couple pull-ups mainly australian pull-ups because i couldn't do two pull-ups uh in a row and some push-ups um even for the push-ups i wasn't really at a good level like i could do 10 uh with bad form and practically not breathing and 10 push-ups were enough to to make me become all right in the face but i kept at it i kept looking for motivation on youtube mainly because you know around here i didn't really know people that would train in this style and i don't really know anyone as of now actually not many um you know choose uh this route precisely not yet though and i hope for that to change in the future but while i was watching now many different videos from many different athletes um i also discovered the uk guys you know um big shout out to ranjit uh if that's how it's pronounced in solo which were a big big huge motivation for me when i was starting and we're actually the first guys i ever saw do a must-have with 20 kg with the eudo belt with a judo belt this is this was like their style yeah that blew my mind yeah um and just by you know the you youtube algorithm doing its magic one day i got into my recommendations the the video that changed my life one of zeph's videos one of his uh his most viewed ones the one that is called like real extreme motivations zuckerbergi something like that that video changed that's where i discovered zeph founder and leader of barbarians and i just wanted to know who was that superman like real life superman doing all those crazy crazy crazy things and hearing him talk as well in the video uh there are a couple of monologues in that video that became mantras for me that that really made me fall in love with the barbarian philosophy wow and then the what did you do with this motivation with this uh ideas from the video did you go out start training did you write your training schedule what what was what were the next steps yeah before of course seeing the video i had already started training so just my my motivation kept increasing as i was also seeing physical results and performance uh improvements i just kept going wanting to become stronger and stronger as strong as my examples so i just kept going uh and of course with time trying to put myself out there starting to upload videos first on facebook and then on youtube and tagging every single one of my motivations on my videos so they could see it and acknowledge me acknowledge my presence you could say in the game me trying to to become stronger and better and doing it so it was a you know testimony to my consistency that i wanted them to be a part of um and you know i actually um it was thanks to cyborg that i really was inspired one day to follow the barbarian route you know because i was posting my videos i was posting my videos on facebook and of course like my form isn't perfect even now back then it was worse than ever it was bad um you know how when you train and keep training your your mind or storyboards and you learn to see things that were totally invisible um before um because your sensibility increases so the mistakes i did i didn't even recognize them as mistakes i learned to do that you know after after some time um so i um received some critiques but i was stubborn i just i i i had been putting so much passion in it and that's what i do still to this day that i didn't really care but um seeing that some people were you know commenting with some you know more or less uh objective but also maybe a little bit mean uh truths about my my execution my form um cyborg choose to send me a couple of uh video messages on facebook and that is that was crazy to me like this guy who is already a pretty sick athlete you know i might say chose to contact me out of his own just will to to help me and told me not to pay attention to the critiques and focus more on the positive and on people like the barbarians he said focus on people like us who encourage you to become better and you know those were that that was just another piece to the puzzle that made me get more and more interested to be in a part of the exact barbarian reality um instead of any other reality that was out there okay oh yeah that's uh that's a big part that's a big thing so since um when you started with 16 since how many years was it the goal to achieve this these requirements how long did you really focus on the on the requirements not only working out to achieve your goals to become stronger but this precise goal so since yeah i started talking uh with cyborg and you know tagging other barbarians into my workouts my goal was that of completing the requirements so that i could join family even though i didn't really know yet what it meant to be part of the family even when i got my wings i still had many things to to learn about it to the importance of the you know the the veteran uh the brotherhood um it's i had hints of that uh not really a full um more in-depth comprehension like i have now at least but i was lucky that zef saw much more into the future that than me at the time and that was really a blessing but yeah you could say that since i was around 18 because i became a barbarian at 19 i really started to focus with the requirements completion as a goal now i didn't really um try them out you know try the routine out many many times before the official attempt but i just kept getting stronger on all fundamentals of calisthenics and the improvements on the routine just came because that's just a test of your strength endurance generally it's not something out of this world if you are training fundamentals you are going to find precisely those in the routine of the requirements so there's of course a high high level transfer with without the real need of attempting it every single week at least that wasn't my strategy i really just trained like an animal even doing more than i maybe that i should have done to reach the level needed because you're over trained or i didn't really get into overtraining territory but i got myself some inflammation of course you know in the elbow area and so after getting my wings i had to turn it down a bit just take a couple of steps back and build the same level of strength or of course even more strength but more gradually mainly but but i was so hungry i was so hungry and i was doing sets of 30 pull-ups uh one month before the requirements or sets of 60 dip not even with the best form but i wanted to own the numbers that i would have had to face in the official test so even if my level wasn't there yet i kind of forced myself to be at that level you know at a peak before uh actually making it mine without the physical repercussions that could arise from an exaggeration in training and if i tell you now let's do the barbarian requirements would you be able to do it of course always you have to you have to like you are a barbarian but you have to renew your gold wings every day that doesn't mean you have to be to to do the requirements every day but you have to be able to do the requirements every day okay yeah because i like i just have to think of my sports teacher i don't know if it's the same in italy but the sports teachers at school they always have a big belly you know like they they have this life they they did their studies once and it's the same it's the same mostly it's the same here you're not gonna find like super elite athletes in school i don't think at least not amongst the teachers that can happen if i manage to become a teacher that could be a reality but i don't really aim to be a pe teacher so it's still different okay great so different mentality that's then sports teachers that's a good thing yes um so to take us within your life um what are your your profession what is your profession what do you study right now how does it look like all right so right now as far as uh profession is concerned i'm a online coach mainly and i've been an online coach since 2018 so it's more than two years now and it's going fairly well i'm very happy of the direction that it has taken like my students are a constant supply of motivation and also satisfaction and pride because they keep getting better they keep getting stronger i'm really really proud and as far as studies i am a language student i am a university student i in the languages and foreign literatures course so you know i'm not really sure if i'm going to become a english teacher in the future but that's the perspective that i that i like compared to to other ones for sure and it's just a safety net you don't have to do it if the if the coaching stuff etc goes well it's just something well the coaching is already going fairly well as i said but for some reason i feel like this university journey is part of my overall journey life journey as much as training calisthenics and or barbarian reality is you know i got i got my beliefs and that's why i stick to things that i find meaningful in my life okay great um yeah take us uh in a typical day um of of um you wake up at what time what do you do afterwards what do you eat oh man look right now of course uh due to the poverty situation as well my days are fairly boring there's not really anything super exciting going on as you can imagine just when i have lessons courses i wake up at around i guess 7 7 30 and i get ready for the courses in the morning then after the courses the lessons are done i have lunch and right after lunch i may answer some of my students messages and around three four o'clock i go to the park that i built together with my father in my in my garden and i and i train for you know um a couple hours at least or three or four it depends on the routine and after the routine i just come back home and focus again on on the coaching work answer some more questions maybe make some video calls if some of my students need it if they need some counseling or they need me to motivate them during uh a training session or correct their form in real time um just that after after doing work like that i maybe focus on some other project that i got going or relax by watching a movie why not or reading reading is also an activity that i enjoy while the all the work for the day is done yeah nothing crazy nothing too special right now i hope i'll have the occasion of you know traveling again soon maybe teaching again in uh in person other people and uh maybe meet some other members of the family as soon as i can because it's been it's been some time now that i'm steaming the last time and i'm about to see to meet them again i can imagine three or four hours of workout how how many times per week it's like three years like the average okay when i got exams for the university to prepare uh it could be even one and a half two hours when i you know when i'm free it could even go up to five sometimes it depends on the goal of the day but average is three and i train um it's kind of peculiar now the situation because i trained seven days in a row and then i got a day of rest so my schedule due to the number of exercises and the frequency that i want to maintain for each of them i need um like eight days in a weekly cycle let's call it that so i need seven days straight of training then i got a rest day okay interesting um because if i watch your numbers of your workouts it's often that i think oh this is yeah great maybe for a week or even two weeks of work out these numbers uh and you do them in in three hours um tell us more when you go into into a workout um how is your mindset what are your goals is everything written down everything planned out or do you do also some spontaneous workout tell us more about that um i am very methodic in my workouts like how they are structured but my decisions on the routine of the day are very spontaneous they are very much influenced by the way i feel that day now of course it's many times it's a struggle it's a battle between wanting to to complete a routine that maybe is too hard for that day and you know the the rationality of adapting the the numbers for how you feel because you know we need challenges as athletes to become better we cannot really relax during training that's not how it works that's not how you get better but you cannot uh um force yourself to to go too much over the the boundaries that you can actually manage for a certain day so you really have to be good at listening yourself and know and knowing what you can actually do for that day it's important that you always challenge yourself but in a smart way in a smart way that's very important that's my my approach to it so i really try to feel how i am on a certain day and base my routine on that i try not to make changes to the routine once i've decided what to do but if they are necessary i will make some adjustments but again for the you know the the matter of building up discipline if it goes wrong you know the the the decision of the routine then you still gotta you gotta bring it on as it is that's why you gotta be good at listening yourself because you just throw around numbers that you can manage that are totally wrong and of your real possibilities you're going to be in a pickle um that's my approach my routine are not too complicated like they're very basic uh some many uh might find them boring but reaching a certain objective which i decide at the beginning of the workout is in itself a big big um you know it's uh it satisfies you a lot it's it's it's in um it's difficult to describe it's a it's a feeling very very hard to describe but it makes all the suffering all the fatigue worth at the end of the the workout okay yeah and um what is your split you know i mean you're like you have seven days of workout in a row yeah but of course i i have a split for different muscle groups every day um actually different movements because i focus on the movements itself themselves and soy goes like this my first day of the week right now is weight and muscle ups all right because i want to get better at muscle ups and i want to keep the stimulus of weighted as well in this exercise as i um as i do for the other ones but it's not too it's not too heavy generally like um it's not often that i use 20 kg i maintain uh lower weight so like so that i can do a higher number even if it's weighted uh then i got weighted pull-ups the day after and then again i got waiter waited dips the day after that um after the the weighted i got the the day of rest up to the way to dips and then i got again body weight muscle ups by the way pull ups uh body weight pushing which could be either push-ups or dips down body weight this time and squats after squats i don't have a rest day uh the day of squats acts as my rest day so that the day after i start again with weight and muscle ups and this is where the seven days in a row come in okay squats is your rest day sounds good um so yeah um it's it's it's body weight though yeah i just do thousands of thousands of them but it's it's sort of like cardio if you think about it so you do it um because of aesthetics because of your heart what is the reason that you work on squats because with your goals with your uh yeah you know i definitely see an improvement in my general shape and proportions since i started training squats but if you i truly believe that if you get to a high level of performance on bodyweight squats it is highly beneficial all around for your endurance in any other exercise because you know legs are biggest muscle group in the in the body and while you do squats you have to move the whole weight of your body if you reach the level where you can do 200 squats straight in the same rhythm or you can do 2 000 squats in a training session in around two hours then any other exercise or any endurance focused routine is gonna be a breeze especially if there are no no squats in there because every other exercise demands less from your from your body and your arm and all that you know your lungs your breathing capacity it's i truly believe it's highly beneficial training uh squats in the endurance style for the purpose of improving your endurance overall okay and do you also feel that you have like more stable joints and like more i don't know the hip you know like just seeing really really long term seeing you in 60 70 years do you think you will benefit from doing a lot of squats or is it um even bad for for knees like if you tell i don't know i just i just imagine you tell a normal person on the street yeah this is sergio he does uh 1 500 squads in a training session um yeah that's pretty low actually i mean that's maintainment but yeah i understand but i i think it's going to be beneficial even from a structural standpoint joints can adapt the most important thing is that you reach certain numbers gradually um the first time i trained squats now some years ago i did actually something pretty stupid and i did a thousand i did 50 sets of 20 in a couple hours actually so that's very bad for performance but i couldn't walk for a week because i hadn't been training squats for the rest of my training you know um career let's call it that and now that i've built my endurance muscular endurance with squats i can easily do a thousand squats in uh what is it like 20 on the minute for 50 minutes so it's less than half the time that it took me when i started and the next day i'm i'm fine and this is say insane for me i know you say it and as if it would be nothing but that's really insane because the the thing is since i follow you i'm like also um motivated to do the imam imam method uh which is great which is i love it which is cool if you have also if you have if you don't have a lot of time and for me exactly often when i come home i come home um really late and i really just want to throw a 10 15 minutes workout this is the best thing for me but like everybody every friend every family member that i told yeah um try it they all overestimated them because it sounds so easy to do 10 pull-ups for 10 minutes um yeah like 100 pull-ups in 10 minutes it doesn't sound too crazy but everybody who tried it and who is not like an elite athlete they will feel pain and they will feel some some yeah yeah it depends you know the number that you choose to to keep on the minute uh depends very much on your level and it's very a very important choice my record for 10 pull-ups on the minute anyway uh is 200 minutes straight i'm very proud of that yeah you can be that's really insane um and for everybody who is listening now and who is like really motivated and that's maybe what also happened for you for the squads that you just uh did like crazy numbers in the first try uh what can you recommend to the people um being motivated after this uh this interview and starting with crazy numbers should they how should they approach the their work as i said um graduality is crucial i believe that you can reach any number you want to reach in a training session you can reach any number you want in a single set any number you want in a training session you know uh being reasonable with the differences between these two things like for example um my one of my goals now is 200 push-ups straight which would take around two minutes if done at a decent speed and i've done 5k in a train so at least i'm at least thinking about reaching 10k in a training session so you see you know it's two different types of uh tests of endurance but as long as you uh as you build a gradual journey and you are smart about it how you increase when you can and you decrease when you need to you can just keep improving overall and reach any goal because it's it's a matter of letting your body adapt to to the stimuli that you get it it's just that it's that simple it takes a lot of mental strength because you know doing the same thing over and over on the minute on such a strict um you know time frame for hundreds of minutes straight can be really hard on your mind if you're not adapted to it but you can train your mind too and if you train your mind the body follows and you can reach any goal any goal that you set yourself to reach you just have to be motivated and even more important disciplined put in the struggle and the sacrifice make the sacrifice necessary to reach a goal if it's truly one of your goals one of your dreams it has to have a meaning or else you're not going to put 100 into it and if you want to reach something you will that's just how it works you got to be smart about the strategy that you use and be gradual you know be patient if you have to make uh you know five sessions of 50 minutes so that you can prepare to do a single session of 60 do it that's the right path you know just as an example those are random numbers okay how does one train his mind you know it's it's easily said um your your body can follow the mind etc uh what are the um what is the advice that you can give to the people who want to train their mind mainly you have to try push yourself forward a bit forward every day it doesn't have to be huge jumps as we said it's graduality is the key the um you know if you think about it you can rationally conclude that if you do 50 today nothing stops you from doing 51 the day after and once you've done 51 you can try 52. it's not gonna be that big of a difference but in the long run if you keep that mentality you will be at 70 and you you haven't even realized it that's it it's small small steps just a little bit more you don't have to force yourself to pass out or you know try to jump from zero to 100 or from 100 to 1 000. you just have to go from 100 to 101 that that's the best way to to do it and it's gonna be as hard as the hundred you know it's gonna be as hard the 101 is going to be as hard as the 100 the 102 is going to be um as hard as the as the 101 so you have to be able to um to to face the same level of hardship every day that you're gonna be able to endure it's patience it's resilience that's the most important but as long as you are able to put a little bit more in it you you're gonna be you're gonna be doing miles and miles of progress just takes time okay so something that i asked myself in the beginning of the interview is how did you become this superhuman what are the your secrets um and maybe this is already one thing um like the consistency like the the patience um that you have the consistency you're doing it like for six years now um did you have any big um i don't know interruptions or uh yeah rest in between like weeks or was it for six years discipline okay so um um i can say that a part of your question has already been answered you know consistency is crucial it's crucial is the most important thing the most important there's nothing more important and you know linking to this um in this six almost seven years of training now i've had some stops minor stops um i don't think i stopped for more than a week more than one time in my first year when uh when i almost passed out one time and i got scared but even if my um you know my parents told me to take it easier because i risked passing out again i just kept being drawn to that bar so i got back to it i've made my choice and i haven't stopped since i have had some cases in which i had to stop a couple days but my mentality is being like one whole big continuous uh effort really and and that's that i think is the key because you said i'm superhuman and i thank you so much for that but i do not feel really any different from when i started just the fact is when i started i happened to be able to do uh two bad pull-ups now i can do 50 but i can do sets of 50. but there's no difference really like i feel the exact same the level of strength and of ability doesn't really change who you are shouldn't change the mentality you got uh towards training because i still feel like i've got so much to improve and to work on it's it's been the same since the beginning my level has gotten up but the level of uh you know work struggle uh and passion that i that i put in is like almost it's the same it's just proportioned to to the increase of my level and again as far as stops luckily apart from some inflammation especially on my elbow joints i haven't really had any major injury this year i've had actually three times uh chest injury which was really really um different from anything else that i've ever had because it actually prevented me from doing pushing movements um without pain like i could do half a push-up just come down for half of the motion and i would feel pain in my chest but um from what i can remember i took a stop in two days and even with a little bit of pain really really uh re um how can you say it uh readjusting the the amount of work that i was doing i never stopped training never stop moving like i went from doing 2500 push-ups to a hundred in a day you know that's a big big jump but i haven't stopped i haven't stopped i kept working reinforcing the weaknesses healing myself through the movement and now i'm stronger than i've ever been even in pushing movements that's the key the key is not stopping the key is finding what you are able to do and do everything that is in your possibilities and try to get better a little bit every day i feel so motivated already it's like a motivational speech but i know that you're like yo that's what i do that's literally what i'm here for nice and i really think that people will appreciate um thank you so much that's really great to hear um i know that you um yeah that you uh get asked i watched your uh instagram uh comments etc people ask can you do a planche and you you just answer no but i still ask the question do you do skills sometimes does it doesn't it interest you or what's the reason um all right so actually um i have come to discover that um frown levers or at least you know working on frown liver in some way and this teaching comes from my teacher zeb zachary helps your muscle up so if you want to improve your muscle up it could you know be um of of help also uh training a movement such as the lever but um if it's just about skills um i'm not really interested in doing him just in the first place or improvement in that field i don't really feel that is my calling if you wanna you wanna say that um it doesn't stimulate me as much as reaching other types of goals which are obviously related to the fundamentals of calisthenics that's just the way i am to me um let's say a set of 100 straight push-ups is more impressive than a planche even if it might be easier i i can't really i can really pronounce myself on that because i i have no idea about the difficulty of uh full planche or the journey that it takes to get there it's just it's just not my discipline if you if you will and even more than a single set of 100 doing 10 sets of 100 that to me would be really really phenomenal and it makes everything else like branches and is this this is disappear it's just it's just not my focus it's not what i care about okay get it and the other thing that i asked myself did you or do you sometimes try out your one rep max so uh one rep with the maximum weight or is it also something that's uh-huh i also yeah i try that from time to time my one rep max for pull-ups and dips and even though you know they are decent numbers at least for the for the pushing department uh i'm i'm pretty confident i can do more than 100 kg dip for the pull-up part i can pull um 70-75 kg so my body weight at least pretty confidently i haven't really pulled a whole 80kg yet uh but i like to i like to definitely again though it's not really my focus when i train i like a lot being at least you know around the 10 reps 8 to 10 even for the higher higher weights that i use when i do weighted if i do pull ups with 50 kg i aim to do some sets of 10 and if i'm if i'm training with lower weights 40 or 20 kg i aim to do higher upsets it's not really into my style of training doing sets of three or sessor one and of course not training specifically for a certain goal that's why the performance doesn't really benefit um as much as it could it's not my focus so i i think it's natural it not being like the ideal in proportion to my weight perhaps i like my strength going up but of course as you said in the beginning i'm an endurance athlete so uh that's what i focus more on okay makes sense and uh yeah i i appreciate or i respect somebody who is like clear about his goals clear about his um yeah direction where he wants to go so um yeah one doesn't have to do every everything and so yeah um let's talk about your nutrition uh you said that you don't have this uh stable nutrition or like you're you're eating quite flexible um yeah it's i'd say it's pretty stable right now because i eat um you know the same things routinely actually i i live at home with my parents so when i don't go to university lunch is what my my mom prepares me and it's a full meal you know you got a first dish with pasta you got a second dish with some meat fish or eggs anything based on on uh you know something more protein you got some veggies on the side so my meals are pretty full um it's just that i don't really focus on what exactly i put in i don't count macros i don't even count calories um i mainly use what i eat as fuel i don't eat [ __ ] and that's the thing but i love ice cream for example and you know some chocolate here and there it's not no i don't wanna seem like one who stuffs his face with with sweets but i don't really i don't really see it as a problem as long as my training is really hard and efficient plus i'm young so nutrition my nutrition is not the worst again it's pretty complete i i think like i can get and i do get all the most important nutrients uh from uh from my from my meals but i don't focus heavily on it like specifically okay and do you take supplements i don't i never did if ice cream counts as a supplements i do but uh if not then no i don't okay so not even like health supplements let's call them i don't know some vitamins or fish oil okay wow great um do you want to um uh how to call it uh reason it um because people are asking now oh how how can he do it uh like for the for the supplements do you have a reason why you know do you have a reason why you don't think if i have a precise reason um look i think they can be very useful but there has to be a need for them you know you you as much as i as maybe you want me to give a reason not to take them i think the most important thing actually is having a reason to take them because it might be just superfluous for most people that just you know buy into the craze of supplements and they're not even sure about what's really in the supplements that they're taking they're just following the general advice of their most um estimated influencers and not even doing the the research about it it's if you take it superficially how do you know you're really optimizing your you know your intake and your performance uh either you do it really you know with your with your brain or it's it's just it's literally just as me not taking any and you know going with uh going with the flow okay great um last question before we come to the quick questions quick answers um what are your goals for 2021 and what can people expect from you what can we expect from you oh man um look i am the kind of guy that tries to live the moment and the day so i try to make the best out of my days but of course i've got some big goals for for next year for example as i said i'd love to start traveling again to teach and i love if i if i can to travel to new york to meet my barbarian family at the mecca so in brooklyn uh in those legendary parks that i just seen that i've just seen on youtube up until now that would be a great experience that i want to live i want to meet again other members of the family uh for example from spain in general there's you know javi is there the the the man the young man who became a barbarian right after me another super strong dude and a great person so i just wanna i just wanna mainly reconnect with all those people that make a possible possible for me to stay motivated and keep going you know feel that sense of responsibility to to keep getting better as an athlete and better as a person so also meeting with my students now if i have the the opportunity it would be great because it's always great when we meet um and i don't know if i'll be able to to finish my cursive studies i don't think it's gonna be it's gonna be over in 2021 maybe it's gonna be that's gonna be for 2022 early you know 2022. so i'm just going to keep working towards that goal and as far as bigger goals you know i'm thinking about a lot of things like really really um making the whole uh environment that maybe stems from me here in italy bigger and uh being able to spread the barbarian philosophy even wider and make him more renowned and appreciated here in italy but that's just a gradual process like it's not something that can happen happen you know over a nice time i'm just gonna keep working towards those bigger goals and try to represent barbarians best that i can and of course keep getting stronger stronger stronger and stronger towards my athletic goals i wanna i really wanna show numbers that no one has ever done in uh in the history or the world well looking forward to that um this episode will come out in the beginning of 2021 so uh the people who are listening to this will probably uh or will hopefully take a lot of motivation with it um but i'm pretty sure about that so uh yeah thanks for sharing everything um now to the really important questions pizza or burger i will go with pizza especially because i'm from italy i think i i owe that to my to my land pizza 100 i love burgers but it's pizza okay do you prefer dogs or cats dogs i like both but i prefer dogs okay i got three dogs oh actually i'm sorry i had three dogs now i've got two one passed away so recently that i still say i've got three but you know that's life that's life yeah um your favorite location for holidays um wherever my family is okay like i like cool places but i care about the people more get it 100 sure um do you have a favorite calisthenics athlete or maybe a top three yeah okay the favorite is zeb zuckerberg and the rest is all from my family like i don't want to really sound like uh uh a super fanboy but that's that's the way it is like you've got ice water huge inspiration for me like i've been trying to be more like him since uh since i've seen him on youtube and especially since i've met him when i got my my wigs same same discourse i could i could make for my brother javi from spain again he's a legend super strong a great person and of course much respect to cyborg which played a huge part in maybe coming of our very you know history history is history and it cannot be forgotten i owe him a lot great is that is that the talk though okay that's that's a given he's the goat nice um do you have a hate exercise a nightmare exercise nightmare exercise man i'm i'm not sure if that trophy will go to burpees or sit-ups cause i hate them both okay uh one of those two works for for different reasons yeah i can i can relate do you have a favorite book that you want to recommend oh favorite book man that's that's a tough one um you know there is um there is a book that i liked a lot when i was in high school and it's called the man who folded himself and it's a science fiction book about time travel and the eternal recurrence you know theory of miche uh if you if you've seen the movie predestination you know it follows the same same principles okay okay we'll put it in the description um david gerald is the is the author of the book okay the man who folded himself i loved it it's even it's even short really you you can read it in a couple hours some hours in two sets 20 reps okay uh the best calisthenics event you've ever visited well that will have to to go to you know um all right it's a bit hard but that will have to go to 2018 first uh endurance uh legend tournament and i attended two which was actually the the volume two of the competition that my brother uh pierre piazza organized here in italy uh that was phenomenal that's that's the time that i first met javi that's the time that i lost to cyborg in the final but it still was legendary great memories that's a week i will never forget in that event to culminate it was really uh high high hu huge point you know great and if you have to decide body weight or weighted 100 body weight i like weighted a lot but man body weight cannot be feet in any way it's just magic nice yeah sergio how can people get in touch with you how can they contact you for coaching for questions for all this oh they can they can text me mainly on instagram i will answer the dms you know based on my time availability i try to answer i always try to answer everybody but there's a lot of messages so it's at sergio underscore dipasquale underscore aka underscore new era that's the longest instagram handle that i know personally yeah why do you do this to us i'm sorry that that that was also another joke related to what you just said but that's beneath me okay um yeah every all the links to your youtube channel to your uh instagram channel are all in the description um for the people who want to check it and we're coming to an end i want to say thank you to everyone listening to this till the end because it's one over an hour already and people who listen to this till the end i deeply respect them and i really hope that you enjoyed this episode i really i'm happy if you can give a thumbs up comment if you liked it comment the person who should be interviewed next i already know that under this video javi will be uh one of the most requested interview guests because uh his name was always mentioned with yours or a lot of times so uh yeah but apart from that big big thank you to everyone listening and sergio you have the honor to end the episode and say goodbye to everyone yo first of all thank you thank you so much for having me and as you said thank you to all those people who reached the end of the video and were interested by my ramblings and maybe we're also motivated by what i said thank you so much

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