Much has been written on the importance of goals and their relationship to success and happiness. As entrepreneurs, I am sure most, if not all of you already know the importance of taking action to achieve your goals.

Get your goal out of your imagination and on to a piece of paper. This then becomes a statement of intent. The process of writing down your goal or target forces the subconscious to accept the commitment you have made to work towards your target.

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If your goal is a larger, more complicated challenge, break it down into smaller steps and determine a deadline for each separate step. Put these important dates into your diary or computerised planner.

It is very possible that a new goal will necessitate learning a new skill or will require some form of personal growth. Figure out what new knowledge you will need, or what new skills you will have to develop. Find the best source for gaining this knowledge and invest wisely to develop the assets you need on your path to success.

If you wait for the moment when everything is in perfect alignment you will never get started. This first step is always the hardest one to take. Once you have made a start the next step will be slightly easier, and the one after that easier again. Try to make your first step an easy one to commit to. This will encourage you to make it as soon as possible, so you quickly begin the journey towards achieving your goal.

When you complete your goal it is important to reward yourself for this achievement. Look back over your accomplishments and enjoy the satisfaction that success brings. This will train the subconscious mind to focus on activities that produce successful results.

Goal-setting is the process of identifying something you want to accomplish and establishing measurable and specific objectives to achieve it. Goals are your desired results that you or your team are committed to achieving within a specific time frame. It involves setting long-term and short-term objectives that help you stay focused on your goals, track your progress, and attain the desired result.

As a team member, having a clear vision of what your team is aiming to achieve provides inspiration and motivation. Working with your team to move toward a common goal is motivating and satisfying, giving your team purpose.

The theory states that setting goals gives individuals a clear understanding of what is expected of them and helps them to focus on the most important tasks. Furthermore, it indicates that individuals who set specific and challenging goals are more likely to achieve better results than those who set vague or easy goals.

The theory suggests that feedback and commitment are essential elements in goal setting and achievement. So ensuring you are not setting and going after your goals in a vacuum will help you to be more successful in achieving them.

A study by Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University of California shows the effectiveness of writing down goals. According to his research, people who write their goals have a better chance of accomplishing more than those who do not write down their goals.

Write down the individual steps you need to take to achieve goals. Creating an action plan will keep you on track. As you work your way through each step of your plan, cross it off so you can see how much further you have to go and feel optimistic about your progress.

Here are some other reading goals (many came from you all) not so much focused on overall quantity, and some tips to achieve them. 

While the below goals are very general, I suggest you get specific with your own goals and write them down.

This is just a handful of goals and tips to achieve them. Lean on your book loving friends and family to hold you accountable and make sure you share your wins! I know 2019 is your year of reading. You got this.

4. Now, break your goals down into very specific, ridiculously easy baby steps. What can you do today? Tomorrow? My first step was to call my friend Aaron, a trainer, who put together the exercises for me. Today, a baby step is to learn the warm-up stretches he gave me. Try to break your baby steps down until they are so easy you feel little or no resistance to them.

Whether it is getting a promotion at work, graduating top of your class, or creating a family, working towards achieving your goals can help give your life meaning and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

With a detailed action plan that outlines exactly what you need to do, on the other hand, it will be much easier to follow through with your goal. Your brain won't be overwhelmed by the effort it takes to write a book if you have a concrete plan in place that you will follow day in and day out.

For a self-disciplined person, nothing seems impossible. For someone who lacks discipline, on the other hand, even the easiest and most mundane tasks can seem difficult and a waste of time. They may have big goals but lack the grit to sit down and work for them.

Now, different people seek different types of inspiration. For some, motivational TED talks may be enough to keep them focused and inspired. Others perform better with a mentor to guide them on how they should meet their goals.

This means accepting failure now and then, facing setbacks head-on, and not making excuses for yourself. Holding yourself accountable is an important mindset that you should incorporate into your life to make all the strategies mentioned above tangible.

Some strategies that students can use for achieving their goals include creating a detailed action plan, fighting their bad habits (e.g. non-stop partying) and distractions (e.g. watching TV shows), avoiding procrastination, looking for a mentor (for example, an inspiring professor), identifying potential setbacks, and tracking their progress.

Some obstacles to achieving goals include putting off your goals indefinitely, waiting to act until you feel the time is right or until you feel ready, not anticipating the tough times, viewing every mistake or setback as a failure, not making your goals a priority, and underestimating how hard the process can be.

To give you an example - a professional goal can be someday owning your own medical practice. In this case, some targets would be finishing med school, buying the right property, establishing a strong client base, etc.

When you set goals, even small, and continue to execute and get them done over and over, your confidence and discipline compounds. Your confidence and discipline get stronger, and well, you get better as a person. You become a better version of who you really are.

I will teach you about how to start freelancing and consulting from a software developer perspective, how to work for yourself, increase productivity, find clients and make more as a freelancer/consultant. I'll also share the lessons I've learned in over 20 years in freelancing and consulting that will save you time, money and frustration. I look forward to chatting with you via email.

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As I become more familiar with fear, I am learning to welcome it as a sign of growth and striving to become the best coach I can be. I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on some of the ways that fear shows up in your own life or business. Identifying and knowing exactly how fear shows up will make it all the easier to work through and overcome.

Enlisting support from those close to you, from those in your community, and from others can make the difference between you feeling that you're swimming against the stream, and feeling you're being carried along toward your goal.

It's important to explore the root of what has you stalled and make changes as needed. Rather than seeing it as a failure on your part or a breakdown in discipline, see if some minor adjustments and course corrections can get you back on track where you'd like to be.

So the beginning of your goal, which is the equivalent of just dialing, dialing, dialing, not even getting a hold of anyone is the grind part. It exists with all kinds of goals. It exists with building a business, or being a salesperson in a company like I was.

Okay, number five, final thing that I recommend you do if you want to make achieving your goals easier is to choose to have fun with the process. Again, I know this one sounds a little bit clich, enjoy the journey. 589ccfa754

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