Selected publications


"Underwriting bank bonds: information sharing, certification and distribution networks", Journal of Corporate Finance, vol 70, 102057, DOI: 2021 (with S. Carbo and A. Saunders)

"The Effects of Negative Interest Rates: A Literature Review and Additional Evidence on the Performance of the European Banking Sector", The European Journal of Finance, vol. 27, forthcoming

Non-pricing drivers of underwriters’ market shares in corporate bond markets", International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 76, 671-693. 2021. (with S. Carbo and P. Cuadros)

"The impact of lending relationships on the choice and structure of bond underwriting syndicates", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, DOI:, vol. 74, 101403 . 2021. (with S. Carbo and P. Cuadros)

"A machine learning approach to the digitalization of bank customers: evidence from random and causal forests", PLoS ONE 15(10):e0240362. 2020 (with S. Carbo and P. Cuadros)

"Brain Sustrates explain differences in the adoption and degree of financial digitalization", Nature-Scientific Reports, vol. 10,17512(2020), 2020. (with S Carbo, J. Lacomba, F. Lagos and J. Verdejo)

"The effect of banks’ IT investments on the digitalization of their customers", Global Policy, Volumen 11, Special Issue, Supplement 1, January 2020, 9-17. 2020 (with S.Carbo and P. Cuadros)

Financial Digitalization: Banks, Fintech, Bigtech and Consumers, Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, vol 8, nº 1, págs 2040001-1 - 2040001-13. (with S. Carbo)

"Do bank bailouts have an impact on the underwriting business?" Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 49, 100756, 2020 (with S. Carbo and P. Cuadros)

"Do banks game on dynamic provisioning?",Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, vol 6, nº 1, 1850002-1 - 1850002-22. 2018 (with S. Carbo

“Do banks and industrial companies have equal access to reputable underwritters in debt markets?”, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 46 forthcoming (with S. Carbo and P. Cuadros). 2017.

"Are Covered Bonds a Substitute for Mortgage- Backed Securities?", Journal of Economic Policy Reform, vol. 20, forthcoming (with S. Carbo and R. Rosen). 2017

"Monetary policy, implicit interest rate, and relative net trade credit", Revista de Economía Aplicada, vol XXV. forthcoming, (with S. Carbo and J. Mansilla). 2017.

“Disentangling the effects of household financial constraints and risk profile on mortgage rates”, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, vol 55, forthcoming.(with S. Carbo and S. Mayordomo). 2017

“The effects of bank market power in short-term and long-term firm credit availability and investment”, Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, vol. 46, forhcoming. (with S. Carbo and J. Mansilla). 2017.

"The Role of Interchange Fees in Two-sided Markets: An Empirical Investigation on Payment Cards", The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 98, 367-381 (With S. Carbo and S. Chakravorti). 2016.

“Trade credit, the Financial Crisis and Firms Access to Finance”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.48, 113-143. (with S. Carbo and G. Udell). 2016.

"The diffusion pattern of non-cash payments: evidence from China", International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 70, 44-57 (with S. Carbo and M. Qi). 2016.

“The impact of securitization on credit rationing: empirical evidence", Journal of Financial Stability, 20, 36-50 (With S. Carbo and H. Degryse). 2015

"ATM withdrawals, debit card transactions at the point of sale and the demand for currency", SERIEs, vol. 5, 5, 399-417. (with S. Carbo). 2014

"Safety–net benefits conferred on difficult–to–fail–and–unwind banks in the US and EU before and during the great recession", Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 37,1845–1859. (with S. Carbo and E. Kane). 2013

“Feedback Loop Effects in Payment Card Markets: Empirical Evidence”, Review of Network Economics, vol. 11, Issue 2, article 2. 2012 (with S. Carbo and J.M. Liñares).

“Securitization, risk transferring and financial stability: the case of Spain” Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 31, págs 80-101. 2012. (with S. Carbo and D. Marques).

"Exploiting Old Customers and Attracting New Ones: the case of Bank Deposit Pricing", European Economic Review, vol. 55, 903–915 (with S. Carbo and T. Hannan) 2011.

"Regulatory arbitrage in cross-border banking mergers within the EU", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 44, 1609–1629. (with S. Carbó and E. Kane) 2012.

"Bank market power and SME financing constraints, Review of Finance, vol. 13: 309-340 (with S. Carbó and G. Udell), 2009.

"Evidence of Differences in the Effectiveness of Safety Net Management in European Union Countries", Journal of Financial Services Research, vol. 34: 151-176 (with S. Carbo and and E. Kane), 2008.

“The Economics of Credit Cards, Debit Cards and ATMs: A Survey and Some New Evidence", Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 32:1468-1483 (with B. Scholnick, N.Massoud, A. Saunders and S. Carbó), 2008.

"The determinants of bank margins in European banking", Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 31: 2043-2063(with S. Carbó). 2007.

"Financial Innovations in Banking: impact on regional growth", Regional Studies, vol. 41: 311-326 (with S. Carbó and and R. Lopez). 2007.

"Operaciones fuera de balance y economías de escala en el sector bancario español", Investigaciones Económicas, vol. XXIX (2): 389-430. (with S. Carbó). 2005.

"New Evidence of Scope Economies among Lending, Deposit-taking, Loan Commitments and Mutual Fund Activities", Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 57(3):187-207. (with S. Carbó).

"The Finance-Growth Nexus. A Regional Perspective", European Urban and Regional Studies, vol. 11(4): 339-354. (withS. Carbó). 2004.

"Bank Deregulation is Better than Mergers", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 13(5): 429-449. (with S. Carbó and D. Humphrey). 2003

"Medición de la competencia en los mercados bancarios regionales", Revista de Economía Aplicada, vol. XI (n. 32): 5-33 (with S. Carbo and and F. Rodriguez). 2003.

"Deregulation, Bank Competition and Regional Growth", Regional Studies, vol. 37(3): 227-237. (with S. Carbó and D. Humphrey). 2003