
Welcome to my website. I am currently working as Research Associate (postdoc) at IRSEI, University of Luxembourg. My research interests include the sociology of education, social stratification and educational inequality, comparative educational research as well as quantitative methodology.

I am currently working on three main research lines: i) Inequality of educational opportunity in access to higher education in Chile; ii) Wage inequalities and the value of education and skills in labour markets in the Americas; iii) Wealth effects on inequalities in a range of social outcomes.

I am a Ph.D. (c) at the Sociology department of the University of Amsterdam and affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, and the programme group Institutions, Inequalities and Life courses (IIL). My Ph.D. research focuses on the generation of social differentials in individual educational outcomes and educational pathways in Chile as country case, and Latin America.


The project examines the association between the social background and educational outcomes of students in Chilean and Latin American educational systems. The project is oriented to understand the micro-level mechanisms that drive the generation of inequalities on achievement and educational opportunities based on the distinction between primary and secondary effects. The focus on macro-level mechanisms relies on institutional factors that foster or lessen social stratification in educational performance in Latin America. I use unique and recently available longitudinal census data from Chile, for different cohorts, a country case with a distinctive choice-driven educational system (school system and higher education), one of the most privately sourced educational systems. To address educational institutions effects, I use a large-scale assessment for the Latin American region, which provide quality microdata for fifteen countries in combination with UNESCO/OECD country-level data.

Promotor: Prof. dr. Herman van de Werfhorst

Co-promotor: Prof. dr. Thijs Bol