Francisco Gomes

Professor of Finance

London Business School 

Working Papers:

"Asset Pricing and Risk Sharing Implications of Alternative Pension Plan Systems", joint with Nuno Coimbra, Alexander Michaelides and Jialu Shen

"Stock Market Participation and Portfolio Shares Over the Life-Cycle", joint with Oksana Smirnova 

"Reaching for Yield: Evidence from Households", joint with Cameron Peng, Oksana Smirnova and Ning Zhu 

The Cross-Section of Household Preferences”, joint with Laurent Calvet, John Campbell and Paolo Sodini

"Return Heterogeneity in Retirement Accounts", joint with Lorenzo Bretscher, Riccardo Sabbatucci, and Andrea Tamoni 

Crowded Ratings: Clientele Effects in the Corporate Bond Market” joint with Ryan Lewis and Jordan Nickerson

"Online Sales and Firm Resilience", joint with S Lakshmi Naaraayanan and Oksana Smirnova

Retirement Savings Adequacy in U.S. Defined Contribution Plans”, joint with Kenton Hoyem, Wei Hu and Enrichetta Ravina

Risk and Returns to Education Over Time”, joint with Jeffrey Brown and Chichun Fang

“The International Taxation of Capital”, joint with Nicolas Coeurdacier, Nuno Coimbra and Elisa Faraglia

Published Papers:

"Borrow Now, Pay Even Later: A Quantitative Analysis of Student Debt Payment Plans", joint with Michael Boutros and Nuno Clara, forthcoming Journal of Financial Economics.

Evidence on Expectations of Household Finances”, joint with Joao Cocco and Paula Lopes, forthcoming Management Science.

"Do Robots Increase Wealth Dispersion?" joint with Thomas Jansson and Yigitcan Karabulut, Review of Financial Studies, 37 (1) 119-160, 2024.

Tactical Target Date Funds”, joint with Alex Michaelides and Yuxin Zhang, Management Science, 68 (4), 3047-3070, 2022.

Household Finance”, joint with Michael Haliassos and Tarun Ramadorai, Journal of Economic Literature, 59, 919-1000, 2021.

"On the Optimal Allocations of Target-Date Funds", joint with Radu Gabudean, Alex Michaelides and Yuxin Zhang, Journal of Retirement, 9 (2), 58-79, 2021

"Portfolio Choice Over the Life Cycle: A Survey", Annual Review of Financial Economics, 12, 277-304, 2020

(Life-Cycle Model: Fortran Code / Matlab Code)

Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice with Liquid and Illiquid Assets”, joint with Claudio Campanale and Carolina Fugazza, Journal of Monetary Economics, 71, 67-83, April 2015

 “Fiscal Policy and Asset Prices with Incomplete Markets”, joint with Alex Michaelides and Valery Polkovnichenko, The Review of Financial Studies, 26, 2, 531-566, February 2013. 

"Longevity Risk, Retirement Savings and Financial Innovation", joint with Joao Cocco, Journal of Financial Economics, 103, 3, 507-529 March 2012. 

"The Excess Burden of Government Indecision", in Tax Policy and the Economy, NBER, Eds., joint with Laurence Kotlikoff and Luis Viceira, Volume 26, 2012.

"Optimal Savings with Taxable and Tax-Deferred Accounts", joint with Alex Michaelides and Valery Polkovnichenko, Review of Economic Dynamics, 12, 718-735, October 2009. 

"Lending Relationships in the Interbank Market", joint with Joao Cocco and Nuno Martins, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 18, 24-48, January 2009. 

"Optimal Life-Cycle Investing with Flexible Labor Supply: A Welfare Analysis of Life-Cycle Funds", joint with Laurence Kotlikoff and Luis Viceira, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 98, 297-303, May 2008

"Asset Pricing with Limited Risk Sharing and Heterogeneous Agents", joint with Alex Michaelides, The Review of Financial Studies, 21 (1), 415-449, January 2008.

"Exploiting Short-Run Predictability", Journal of Banking and Finance, 2007, 31, 1427–40.

"Optimal Life-Cycle Asset Allocation: Understanding the Empirical Evidence", joint with Alex Michaelides, Journal of Finance, 60 (2), 869-904, April 2005. 

"Consumption and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle", joint with Joao Cocco and Pascal Maenhout, The Review of Financial Studies, 18 (2), 491-533, Summer 2005.

"Portfolio Choice and Trading Volume with Loss-Averse Investors" (Latest Version / Published Version: March 2003), Journal of Business, 78 (2), March 2005. 

"Portfolio Choice with Internal Habit Formation:  A Life-Cycle Model with Uninsurable Labor Income Risk", joint with Alex Michaelides, Review of Economic Dynamics, 6 (4), 729-766, October 2003. 

"Stock Market Mean Reversion and the Optimal Equity Allocation of a Long-Lived Investor", joint with John Campbell, Joao Cocco, Pascal Maenhout and Luis Viceira, European Finance Review, 5, 269-292, 2001. (Gauss Code

"Investing Retirement Wealth: A Life-Cycle Model", in Risk Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform, NBER, Eds. M. Feldstein and J. Campbell, 2001, joint with John Campbell, Joao Cocco and Pascal Maenhout.