March, 25 2024

Paper Accepted on COAP!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Projection free methods on product domains", joint with I.M. Bomze (University of Vienna) and D. Zeffiro (University of Padova),  has been accepted on COAP.

April, 16 2024

Complexity of Social Phenomena @UniPD

Prof. S. Fortunato ( will give this amazing course.

Looking forward to it! 

April, 3 2024

Introduction to Quantum Algorithms @UniPD

Prof. G. Nannicini ( will give this amazing course.

Looking forward to it! 

March, 25 2024

Paper Accepted on SIAM Journal on Optimization!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Stochastic trust-region and direct-search methods: A weak tail bound condition and reduced sample sizing", joint with L.N. Vicente (Lehigh University) and D. Zeffiro (University of Padova),  has been accepted on SIOPT.

March, 25 2024

Paper Accepted on COAP!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Inexact direct-search methods for bilevel optimization problems", joint with Youssef Diouane (Polytechnique Montreal), Vyacheslav Kungurtsev (University of Prague) and Damiano Zeffiro (University of Padova) ,  has been accepted on COAP.

February, 20 2024

Operations Research meets Data Science @UniPD

Prof. I. M. Bomze ( will give this amazing course.

Looking forward to it! 

February, 19 2024

Organizing the Derivative-free and Simulation-based Optimization Stream @ISMP 2024!

I am one of the organizers of the Derivative-free and Simulation-based Optimization Stream @ISMP 2024.

ISMP is a triennial conference on mathematical optimization, gathering scientists from around the world to present and share their most recent advances and development in the field. It is also a unique opportunity to discuss new challenges and opportunities in practice and theory of mathematical optimization.

ISMP 2024 will be held in Montréal, Canada, from July 21st through July 26th, 2024.

Check the details here.

February, 19 2024


The 2nd Derivative-free Optimization Symposium (DFOS) will be held from Monday, June 24th to Friday, June 28th, 2024 at the University of Padova, Padova, Italy.

This is a single-track symposium, highlighting the latest trends in Derivative-free Optimization (DFO), with invited speakers only. The main goal is to find new connections between research focused in DFO algorithmic design and novel applications of DFO. A single-track workshop facilitates the interaction among participants, strengthening possibilities of collaboration. 

February, 16 2024

Paper Accepted on BMC Malaria Journal!

I am happy to announce that our paper "A machine learning approach for early identification of patients with severe imported malaria" joint with R. Mazzieri (University of Padova), Alessandra D’Abramo,  Serena Vita,  Angela Corpolongo, Claudia Palazzolo, Tommaso Ascoli Bartoli, Francesca Faraglia, Maria Letizia Giancola, Enrico Girardi and Emanuele Nicastri (National Institute for Infectious Diseases "Lazzaro Spallanzani"),  has been accepted on BMC Malaria Journal.

January, 9 2024

Paper Accepted on Scientific Reports!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Collaboration and topic switches in science" joint with S. Venturini (University of Padova), Satyaki Sikdar (Indiana University), Francesco Tudisco (University of Edinburgh) and Santo Fortunato (Indiana University), has been accepted on Scientific Reports.

December, 4 2023

Advanced Topics in Data Science @UniPD

Prof. L. N. Vicente ( will give this amazing course.

Looking forward to it! 

September, 22 2023

Paper Accepted on Euro Journal on Computational Optimization!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Laplacian-based Semi-Supervised Learning in Multilayer Hypergraphs by Coordinate Descent" joint with S. Venturini (University of Padova), A. Cristofari (University of Rome "Tor Vergata"),  Francesco Tudisco (Gran Sasso Science Institute), has been accepted on EJCOMP.

September, 12 2023

Paper Accepted on Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications!

I am happy to announce that our paper "A Unifying  Framework for Sparsity Constrained Optimizationjoint with M. Lapucci, T. Levato (University of Firenze) and M. Sciandrone (University of Rome, "La Sapienza") has been accepted for publication on JOTA.

July, 7 2023

Paper Accepted on Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Retraction based Direct Search Methods for Derivative Free Riemannian Optimization", joint with D. Zeffiro (University of Padova) and Vyacheslav Kungurtsev (University of Prague) has been accepted for publication on JOTA.

June, 2 2023

Paper accepted @ ICML 2023!

I am happy to announce that our paper, "Learning the right layers: a data-driven layer-aggregation strategy for semi-supervised learning on multilayer graphs" joint with S. Venturini (University of Padova), A. Cristofari (University of Rome "Tor Vergata"),  Francesco Tudisco (Gran Sasso Science Institute), has been accepted on the proceedings of this year's ICML conference.

Congrats to Sara that was awarded with the ICML participation grant! 

June, 2 2023

Congrats to Sara on her Post-doc Position!

Congratulations to our PhD student Sara Venturini that will be a postdoctoral fellow @ MIT Senseable City Lab, mentored by Carlo Ratti and Paolo Santi 

Best wishes to Sara on her future career!!!

April, 18 2023

DFO Stream @ EUROPT 2023!

I am happy to announce that Andrea Cristofari, Damiano Zeffiro and I are organizing the Derivative Free Optimization Stream at the EUROPT 2023 Conference (August 23-25, 2023 - Corvinus University of Budapest). 

April,16 2023

Two Abstracts accepted @ IC2S2 2023!!! 

Happy to anounce that two abstracts got accepted at IC2S2 2023:

Sara Venturini, Satyaki Sikdar, Francesco Rinaldi, Francesco Tudisco, and Santo Fortunato, "Social Contagion in Science", Plenary Session (only 16 out of 918 were accepted as plenary talks!!!).

Sara Venturini, Satyaki Sikdar, Marie-Laure Charpignon, Sagar Kumar, Francesco Rinaldi, Francesco Tudisco, Santo Fortunato, Maimuna S Majumder, "The COVID-19 research outbreak: how the pandemic culminated in a surge of new researchers", Parallel Session.

April,16 2023

Two Abstracts accepted @ NETSCI2023!!! 

Happy to anounce that two abstracts got accepted at Netsci2023:

Sara Venturini, Andrea Cristofari, Francesco Rinaldi, and Francesco Tudisco, "Learning the right layers: a data-driven layer-aggregation strategy for semi-supervised learning on multilayer graphs".

Sara Venturini, Satyaki Sikdar, Francesco Rinaldi, Francesco Tudisco, and Santo Fortunato, "Social Contagion in Science".

March,30 2023

We have a Post-doc opening in Optimization! Drop me an email if interested.

January, 11 2023

Paper Accepted on Journal of Global Optimization!

I am happy to announce that our paper "An oracle-based framework for robust combinatorial optimization", joint with C. Buchheim (TU Dortmund), M. De Santis (University of Rome "La Sapienza") and E. Bettiol (University of Paris Nord), has been accepted for publication on JOGO.

December, 14 2022

Data Science in Action @ Unipd!

We are organizing an innovative teaching event called Data Science in Action.

Happy to host great colleagues and looking forward to all those amazing talks! 

November, 9 2022

Paper Accepted on Computational Optimization and Applications!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Avoiding bad steps in Frank Wolfe variants", joint with D. Zeffiro (University of Padova), has been accepted for publication on COAP.

September, 21 2022

Paper Accepted on Journal of Complex Networks!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Louvain-like Methods for Community Detection in Multi-Layer Networks", joint with S. Venturini (University of Padova), A. Cristofari (University of Rome "Tor Vergata"),  Francesco Tudisco (Gran Sasso Science Institute), has been accepted for publication on Journal of Complex Networks.

July, 29 2022

Paper Accepted on Computational Optimization and Applications!

I am happy to announce that our paper "Minimization over the l1-ball using an active-set non-monotone projected gradient", joint with A. Cristofari (University of Rome "Tor Vergata"),  M. De Santis and S. Lucidi (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), has been accepted for publication on COAP.

July, 8 2022

DFO Stream @ EUROPT 2022!

I am happy to announce that Ana Luísa Custódio  and I are organizing the Derivative Free Optimization Stream at the EUROPT 2022 Conference (July 29-30, 2022 - Nova School of Science and Technology, Lisbon). 

July, 8 2022

Talk @ DFO Workshop!

I am very excited I will be giving the talk "A weak tail-bound probabilistic condition for function estimation in stochastic derivative-free optimization" at the Workshop Derivative-Free Optimization: Linking Algorithms and Applications (July 17 - 22, 2022  - University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada).

Here is a link to the paper.

July, 1 2022

New website out!

Happy to announce that the new website is finally out!