
Charlier, D., A. Pommeret and F. Ricci (2024), A Rationale for the Right-to-Development Climate Policy Stance? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 125: 102981.

Pommeret, A., F. Ricci and K. Schubert (2022), Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition. European Economic Review , Volume 141: 103991 (CEE-M working paper)

Fabre, A., M. Fodha and F. Ricci (2020), Mineral Resources for Renewable Energy: Optimal Timing of Energy Production . Resource and Energy Economics , Volume 59: 101131 . (CEE-M working paper)

Martimort, D., J. Pouyet and F. Ricci (2018), Extracting Information or Resource? The Hotelling Rule Revisited under Asymmetric Information. The RAND Journal of Economics, Volume 48, p. 311-347. (PSE working paper)

Martimort, D., J. Pouyet and F. Ricci (2018), Contracts for the Management of a Non-Renewable Resource under Asymmetric Information and Structural Price Breaks. Annales d’Economie et Statistique 132, p. 81-103. (pre-print on HAL)

O. Barreteau, O., D. Giband, M. Schoon, J. Cerceau, F. DeClerck, S. Ghiotti, T. James, V. Masterson, R. Mathevet, F. Ricci, S. Rode, C. Therville (2016), Bringing together social-ecological system and territoire concepts to explore nature-society dynamics. Ecology and Society, 21: 42.

Ricci F. and M. Zachariadis (2013) Longevity and education externalities. Economica, Volume 80, p. 404-440.

Groth, C. and F. Ricci (2011), Optimal growth when environmental quality is a research asset. Research in Economics, Volume 65, p. 340-352.

Amigues, J-P., M. Moreaux and F. Ricci (2008), Resource augmenting R&D with heterogeneous labor supply. Environment and Development Economics, Volume 13, p. 719-745.

Ricci, F. (2007), Environmental policy and growth when inputs are differentiated in pollution intensity. Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 38, p. 285-310.

Ricci, F. (2007), Channels of transmission of environmental policy to economic growth: A survey of the theory. Ecological Economics, Volume 60, p. 688–699.

Moreaux, M. and F. Ricci (2005), The simple analytics of developing resources from resources. Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 27, p. 101-104.

Introductions to special issues/dossiers: 

M. Fodha, G. Lafforgue, F. Ricci and A. Risch (2022), Economie de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles - Introduction, Revue française d’économie, Volume 37, p. 3-10.

F. Ricci (2015), Transition énergétique. Politiques de soutien aux renouvelables et de lutte contre la précarité, Revue française d’économie, Volume 30, p. 3-10.

Non peer-reviewed publications:

Ambec, S. and F. Ricci (2009), Changement climatique : quels enjeux économiques pour les entreprises ? Prospectives et Entreprise, Numéro 8.

Ricci F. and M. Zachariadis (2008), Longevity and Education Externalities: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Working paper LERNA TSE 09.02.278, includes the theory for the paper published in 2013.

Grimaud, A. and F. Ricci (2004), The growth environment trade-off: Horizontal versus vertical innovations, The ICFAI International Journal of Environmental Economics, Vol. 2, p. 7-39.

Ricci, F. (2002), The growth effect of cross-sectoral distortions. Temi di Ricerca du Ente L. Einaudi n°26.

Ongoing work presented at conferences

Schubert, K., A. Pommeret and Ricci (2023), Confronting  the carbon pricing gap: Second best climate policy. LORDE 2022, SURED 2022, TSE Climate & Energy 2022, EAERE 2022, FAERE 2022, PSE working paper n. 2023-13
In the press: The Economists (13/05/23), Les Echos (02/05/23)

Davin, M., A. Lafrogne and F. Ricci, Green finance for the energy transition: Countering biases in the financial system. LORDE 2022, FAERE 2022, AFSE 2023, EAERE 2024

Dai, M., M. Fodha and F. Ricci (2024), Efficient Recycling. IBEO 2023, PSAE seminar, CIREQ-CIRANO Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.

Cheikbossian G. and F. Ricci, Efficiency improvements in the use of a non renewable resource: The case of coordination failures. EAERE 2013, IAERE 2021

ANR collaborative research project Materials Scarcity and Recycling for the Energy Transition

Twenty-five researchers from economics, earth sciences, material engineering, who coordinate their work and develop common tools for four years starting on Oct 2021, to advance in the understanding and modeling of the role and needs of non renewable natural resource inputs for the development of the infrastructure underpinning the production, storage and distribution of energy from renewable sources, with specific focus on the potential for recycling the resources and the accompanying institutional framework.