

Preferred Field of Study and Academic Performance (with Andre’ Diegmann & Maresa Sprietsma),
Economics of Education Review, 2023, 102409. [Download

Working from Home, Hours Worked and Wages: Heterogeneity by gender and parenthood (with Melanie Arntz & Sarra Ben Yahmed)
Labour Economics, 2022, 102169. [Download

Local Labor Market Size and Qualification Mismatch
Journal of Economic Geography, 2019, 19(6):1261-1286. [Download]

Working from Home and Covid-19: the Chances and Risks for Gender Gaps (with Melanie Arntz and Sarra Ben Yahmed)
Intereconomics, 55, December 2020, pages 381–386. [Download]

Working papers

Health and relationship quality of the LGBTQIA+ population in Europe  (with Matija Kovacic), Working Paper No 2023: 29, Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari", R&R Journal of Population Economics 

College Openings and Local Economic Development (with Christina Gathmann & Matthias Quinkhardt),
IZA Discussion Paper No. 15364

Local Labour Market Resilience: The Role of Digitalisation and Working from Home (with Sarra Ben Yahmed and Eduard Brüll), CESifo Working Paper No. 11114 

Earnings of university dropouts across Europe (with Theresa Bolz), ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-085

Work in progress

Relative Income Misperceptions: Cross-Country Patterns in Europe (with Johanna Mollerstrom and Elena Stepanova)

Other publications

How Relevant Is Job Mismatch for German Graduates? (with Daniel Erdsiek) [Paper]

Field of Study, Qualification Mismatch, and Wages: Does Sorting Matter?  (with Ulrich Zierahn)  [Paper]

Analysen zu Kosten und Erträgen von Fachwechsel und Studienabbruch (with Julia Heigle, Friedhelm Pfeiffer and Holger Stichnoth), in: Neugebauer M., Daniel HD., Wolter A., Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch, 2021, Wiesbaden, 261-280.