working papers

A structural model of asymmetric lumpy investment   (with A. Oskolkov)      [ paper ]    

November 2023 

Strategic complementarities in a dynamic model of technology adoption: P2P digital payments   (with F. Alvarez, D. Argente, E. Mendez, D. Van Patten)       [ paper ]    [slides]

Revise and Resubmit,  American Economic  ReviewMay 2023 


Caballero-Engel meet Lasry-Lions: A uniqueness result (with F. Alvarez, T. Souganidis)      [ paper ]      [slides]

Mathematics and Financial Economics,  forthcoming  2024 

Empirical investigation of a sufficient statistic for monetary shocks  (with F. Alvarez, A. Ferrara, E. Gautier, H. Le Bihan)  

 [ paper ]    [slides]

Review of Economic Studies ,   forthcoming  2024,  (first draft 2021)

Large shocks travel fast   (with A. Cavallo, K. Miyahara)      [ paper ]       [slides]

American Economic  Review: Insights , forthcoming  2024

Price setting with strategic complementarities as a mean field game    (with F. Alvarez and T. Souganidis )  

  [ paper (inclusive of technical appendix) ]    [slides]     [ published version

Econometrica , November 2023    

Inflation and misallocation in New Keynesian models  (with A. Cavallo, K. Miyahara)  

 [ paper ]    [slides],    prepared for the 2023 ECB Forum on central banking ,   youtube presentation

June 2023 

A simple planning problem for COVID-19 lockdown: A dynamic programming approach  (with   A. Calvia, F. Gozzi, G. Zanco)  

 [ paper ]    [slides]

 Economic Theory , March 2023  

  Unequal growth (with F. Perri)  

 [Paper]   [slides]

 Journal of Monetary Economics ,   Carnegie Rochester NYU Conference  on Public Policy,  2023

 The Analytic Theory of a Monetary Shock  (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper]    [Appendix]   [Extension: multiproduct model ]   [Slides]

Econometrica , 2022 

  The Macroeconomics of Sticky Prices with Generalized Hazard Functions   (with F. Alvarez and A. Oskolkov)  

 [ Paper and Appendix ]   [ Online Appendix   [  Slides  ] 

Quarterly Journal of Economics 2022

Cash: A Blessing or a Curse?   (with F. Alvarez, D. Argente, R. Jimenez)  

 [ paper ]     [  Slides  ] 

 Journal of Monetary Economics ,   Carnegie Rochester NYU Conference  on Public Policy,  2021 

  A Simple Planning Problem for COVID-19 Lockdown, Testing and Tracing  (with F. Alvarez and D. Argente)  

 [ paper]     [  Slides  ]     [ codes_and_readme_zip ]

American Economic Review: Insights  ,  September 2021

The Fiscal Arithmetic of a Dual Currency Regime  

 [ Paper

Journal of Money Credit and Banking ,  February 2021

Temporary price changes, inflation regimes, and the propagation of monetary shocks    (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper]   [Online Appendix]   [Slides]

 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,  2020 

Cost of inflation in inventory theoretical models    (with F. Alvarez and R. Robatto)  


 Review of Economic Dynamics, 2019  

Monetary shocks in models with observation and menu costs   (with F. Alvarez  and L. Paciello) 

 [Paper]  [Slides

Journal of the European Economic Association , 2018    

Are state and time dependent models really different?   (with F. Alvarez  and J. Passadore)  

 [Paper] [Slides]  

NBER Macro Annual , 2017 

Cash Burns: An inventory model with a cash-credit choice  (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper]  [Slides]

Journal of Monetary Economics , 2017    

The real effects of monetary shocks in sticky price models: a sufficient statistic approach (with F. Alvarez and H. Le Bihan)  

 [Paper] [Technical Appendix]  [Slides]

American Economic Review , 2016

Monetary shocks in models with inattentive producers  (with F. Alvarez and L. Paciello)  

 [Paper] [Slides]

 Review of Economic Studies , 2016  

Optimal monetary policy with heterogenous money holdings  (with S. Ragni and N. Trachter)  

 [Paper] [Online Appendix ] [Slides]

 Journal of Economic Theory, 2015  

Corporate Control and Executive Selection (with F. Schivardi)  

 [Paper] [Slides]

Quantitative Economics, 2014 

Price setting with menu cost for multi-product firms  (with F. Alvarez)

[Paper]  [Technical Appendix]  [Slides]

Econometrica , 2014   

Persistent  liquidity effects and long run money demand (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper] [Slides]

American Economic Journal: macroeconomics, 2014

The demand of liquid assets with uncertain lumpy expenditures   (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper] [Slides]

Journal of Monetary Economics,  2013   

Durable consumption and asset management with transaction and observation cost   (with F. Alvarez and L. Guiso)  

 [Paper] [Online Appendix] [Slides]

American Economic Review , 2012 

Oil and the macroeconomy: A quantitative  structural analysis  (with A. Nobili)  

 [Paper] [Date & Online Appendix]

Journal of the European Economic Association , 2012

Optimal price setting with observation and menu costs   (with F. Alvarez and L. Paciello)  

 [Paper] [ Online Appendix] [Slides]

Quarterly Journal of Economics , 2011

Financial innovation and the transactions demand for cash    (with F. Alvarez)  

 [Paper] [ Online Appendix] [Slides]

Econometrica, 2009

Technological change and the households' demand for currency   (with A. Secchi)  


Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009

Information variables for monetary policy in an estimated structural model of the euro area   (with S. Neri)  


Journal of Monetary Economics, 2007  

Did prices really soar after the euro cash changeover?  (with P. Angelini)  

International Journal of Central Banking , 2007 

Monetary Union with Voluntary Participation   (with W. Fuchs)  

 [Paper] [Slides]

Review of Economic Studies , 2006

The monetary transmission mechanism: evidence from the industries of five OECD countries   (with L. Dedola)  


European Economic Review, 2005

Endogenous monetary policy with unobserved potential output   (with A. Cukierman)  


Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2005 

Pricing behavior and the introduction of the euro: evidence from a panel of restaurants  (with E. Gaiotti)  


Giornale degli Economisti, 2004 

Strategic monetary policy with non-atomistic wage setters  


Review of Economic Studies , 2003 

Revisiting the Case for a Populist Central Banker  


European Economic Review, 2002 

Labor Markets and Monetary Union: A Strategic Analysis  (with A. Cukierman) 


Economic Journal , 2001

Median Voter Preferences, Central Bank Independence and Conservatism 


Public Choice, 2000

Central Bank Independence, Centralization of Wage Bargaining, Inflation and unemployment - Theory and Some Evidence   (with A. Cukierman) 


European Economic Review, 1999

Rational voters, elections and central banks: do representative democracies need non representative institutions?   (with O. Swank)

Journal of Policy Modeling, 1999

On Central Bank Independence and the Stability of Policy Targets  

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1998 

Do Policymakers Distributional Desires Lead to an Inflationary Bias?  (with O. Swank)

Journal of Policy Modeling, 1996