
Course held by Anne Quéguiner-Mathieu.  

Course held by Christian Ausoni. 

The course was thought alongside William Troiani.

Week 1: What is a category? Notes, problems 

Week 2: Structure preservation. Notes, problems 

Week 3: Naturality, presenting mathematics. Notes, problems 

Week 4: The Yoneda Lemma. Notes, Assignment 1 notes, problems, 

Week 5: Adjoint functors. Notes, problems. 

Week 6: More on adjoint functors. Notes, problems 

Week 7: Universal properties. Notes, problems 

Week 8: Notions of computation, presenting mathematics 2. Notes, problems 

Week 9: More on limits, colimits, and adjoint functors. Notes, problems 

Week 10: Monads and adjunctions. Notes 

Week 11: Sample presentations: Analytic functors (Will) and Abelian categories (Francesca). Analytic functors, Abelian categories, problems 

Week 12: Student's presentations. 

Week 13: Feedback, presenting mathematics 3. Assignments: One due 20/10/22. Two due 1/12/22.

Every week we would assign the students excercises on Arithmetics, Analysis and Linear Algebra, and discuss with them the solutions.

The excercises