Here I Am To Worship - Piano Cover

Original written by Grammy, Billboard and Dove award winner Chris Tomlin, this arrangement consists of the original melody as well as roots, 3rds and occasional octaves to make a bigger sound. The left hand consists of a quite simple and somewhat common pattern that takes the chords and walks between the roots, 5ths, octaves, and other combinations depending on which chord is being played and how close it can be played to another on the keyboard. When reaching the bridge, dynamics are raised and both hands are playing full chords to add to that dynamic change. After the last chord of the arrangement is hit, feel free to add in what ever improvisations you would like around that G-chord. I chose to walk up with that chord a few octaves, but you have the freedom to do as you would like.

Holiday Medley 2020

A compilation of holiday songs written by various artists, arranged by Michael Fragola. The sheet music included with this arrangement also includes an extra song not included in the public YouTube video.

The songs included (in order) are: The Little Drummer Boy, Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy), Away in a Manger, and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.