The Springfield Empowerment Zone Partnership (SEZP) and Springfield Public Schools (SPS) Comprehensive School Counseling Program is a systemic and developmental program that is an integral part of the total educational program for every student in every school. Springfield Empowerment Zone Partnership (SEZP) and SPS counselors are professional educators certified by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education as School Adjustment Counselors and/or School Guidance Counselors. School counselors are trained to service the entire PRE-K to 12 school communities including students, families, staff, and school leadership through their area of certification. The work of school counselors positively impacts student academic success in alignment with Massachusetts standards of educational expectations, social emotional development, readiness for higher education, and transition to a career.

One of Forest Park Middle School’s major objectives is to facilitate more effective communication with families regarding Counseling services throughout our system.

To ensure all Forest Park Middle School families have effective and timely communication to meet their needs, we have listed a few important links below that will give you direct contact with information and Forest Park Counselors who can answer questions or concerns you may have centered on your students’ academic and social/emotional wellbeing.

To reach the appropriate counselor - please call the school at 413-787-7420 and the extension listed below:

               -First half of alphabet - Ms. McMillian  ext. 43844