Forest Park Middle School

46 Oakland Street, Springfield, MA 01108

413 - 787 - 7420

Principal:  Sara Macon 


Commitment to Equity and Anti-Racism

·  Forest Park Middle School is committed to high quality instruction in an inclusive learning environment.  We honor the uniqueness of each individual and embrace diverse backgrounds, values, and points of view to build a strong, inclusive community and to prepare students for lives in a multicultural society. 

·  We are committed to providing every student an equal opportunity to participate and thrive in the academic and co-curricular programs. 

·      We believe in and are actively working to examine bias and to dismantle racist and inequitable practices and policies that support white supremacy, white privilege, and the oppression of marginalized groups.

Springfield Empowerment Zone equity webpage: 

To help guide this work, Forest Park has created an Equity Leaders PLC and has two teachers who are Chief Equity Influencers.  Book clubs were held to begin to facilitate our discussion about systemic racism as a staff, reflect on unconscious bias and the ways it plays out in our classrooms and hallways.   This work is central to our planning both this year and next year to create a school and culture that is equitable for all students and staff.

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Programs Offered

School Hours:  7:25 a.m. -  3:05 p.m.

Main Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Phone Number: 413 - 787 - 7420


46 oakland Street

Springfield, MA 01108