
2020 -

47. Singh, A., Perumal, A. K. & Samanta, A. 2024 Effect of fluidic injection on the radiated sound in a Mach 0.5 Jet. 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, Jun 2024. AIAA paper no. 2024-3086.

46. Singh, A., Perumal, A. K. & Samanta, A. 2023 Flow-field and acoustic characterization of actively controlled jets via steady fluidic injection. 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Jodhpur, India, Dec 2023.

45. Singh, A., Perumal, A. K. & Samanta, A. 2023 Characterization of an anechoic chamber for conducting aeroacoustic experiments at IIT Kanpur. 15th International Symposium on Experimental & Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF), Chennai, India, Oct 2023.

44. Muthichur, N., Vempati, C., Hemchandra, S. & Samanta, A. 2023 Reduced-order models of aeroacoustic sources for sound radiated in twin subsonic jets. J. Fluid Mech., 972, A33.

43. Vempati, C., Hemchandra, S. & Samanta, A. 2023 The role of coherent structures inside a subsonic jet nozzle on the radiated sound. AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, National Harbor, Maryland, USA, Jan 2023. AIAA paper no. 2023-1544.

42. Balakrishna, N., Mathew, J. & Samanta, A. 2022 On late stages of transition in round jets. TSFP12, Osaka, Japan, Jul 2022.

41. Vempati, C., Hemchandra, S. & Samanta, A. 2022 The influence of nozzle-exit boundary-layer state on evolution and radiation of wavepackets in subsonic jets. AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, Jun 2022. AIAA paper no. 2022-3068.

40. Muthichur, N., Hemchandra, S. & Samanta, A. 2021 Acoustic radiation of coherent structures in turbulent round jets. AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, Virtual Event, Aug 2021. AIAA paper no. 2021-2245.

39. Balakrishna, N., Mathew, J. & Samanta, A. 2020 Inviscid and viscous global stability of vortex rings. J. Fluid Mech., 902, A9.

38. Muthichur, N., Hemchandra, S., Tummalapalli, H. & Samanta, A. 2020 Sources of sound and its radiation from twin turbulent jets. AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jan 2020. AIAA paper no. 2020-1245.

2015 - 19

37. Samanta, A., Muthichur, N., Hemchandra, S., & Tummalapalli, H. 2019 Sound sources in subsonic twin turbulent jets. 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov 2019.

36. Kumar, S. & Samanta, A. 2019 Global thermoacoustic oscillations in a thermally driven pulse tube. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 33 (5), 433–461.

35. Kumar, S. & Samanta, A. 2019 The role of global thermoacoustic modes in energy exchange of a finite-length thermally-driven duct. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, May 2019. AIAA paper no. 2019-2593.

34. Samanta, A. 2018 Transient growth mechanisms in a high-speed rapidly-swirling jet with vortex breakdown. 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Nov 2018.

33. Muthiah, G. & Samanta, A. 2018 Transient energy growth of a swirling jet with vortex breakdown. J. Fluid Mech., 856, 288–322.

32. Kumar, S. R. & Samanta, A. 2017 Global thermoacoustic oscillations in a thermally driven pulse tube. Fluids Day: Presentations and Discussions on Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, India, Dec 2017.

31. Muthichur, N., Hemchandra, S. & Samanta, A. 2017 Noise radiation characteristics of interacting subsonic twin turbulent jets. Fluids Day: Presentations and Discussions on Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, India, Dec 2017.

30. Balakrishna, N., Mathew, J. & Samanta, A. 2017 Biglobal stability of vortex rings. Fluids Day: Presentations and Discussions on Fluid Mechanics, Bangalore, India, Dec 2017.

29. Samanta, A. & Muthiah, G. 2017 Transient growth from the continuous spectrum of a high-speed rapidly-swirling jet. 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 2017.

28. Balakrishna, N., Mathew, J. & Samanta, A. 2017 Biglobal stability of vortex rings. 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov 2017.

27. Yadav, N. K. & Samanta, A. 2017 The stability of compressible swirling pipe flows with density stratification. J. Fluid Mech., 823, 689–715.

26. Chary, P. S. & Samanta, A. 2016 Linear models for sound from supersonic reacting mixing layers. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 083801.

25. Chary, P. S. & Samanta, A. 2016 Spatial stability of compressible reacting mixing layers. 6th International Congress on Computational Mechanics & Simulation (ICCMS), IIT Bombay, India, Jun–Jul 2016.

24. Samanta, A. 2016 Effect of heating and compressibility on the instability of supersonic jets. 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, May–June 2016. AIAA paper no. 2016-3054.

23. Samanta, A. 2016 On the axisymmetric stability of heated supersonic round jets. Proc. R. Soc. A, 472 (2188), 20150817.

22. Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2015 A model supersonic buried-nozzle jet: instability and acoustic wave scattering and the far-field sound. J. Fluid Mech., 778, 189–215.

21. Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2015 Upstream radiation from supersonic buried-nozzle jets via scattering at the shroud edge. 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA, Jun 2015. AIAA paper no. 2015-2523.

- 2014

20. Samanta, A. 2013 Acoustic far-field of shroud-lip-scattered instability modes of supersonic coflowing jets. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Nov 2013.

19. Chary, P. S. & Samanta, A. 2013 Spatial stability of compressible reacting mixing layers. 6th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics & Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD), Hyderabad, India, Nov 2013.

18. Nagpal, A., Samanta, A. & Hemchandra, S. 2013 Computational study of interacting twin jets. 6th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics & Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD), Hyderabad, India, Nov 2013.

17. Raghavan, S., Mahapatra, D. R. & Samanta, A. 2013 Modeling and simulation of hydrodynamic interaction of DNA in a micro-fluidic channel. 2nd Global Congress on Nano Engineering for Medicine and Biology, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Feb 2013. Paper no. NEMB2013-93217.

16. Rodriguez, D., Colonius, T., Samanta, A. & Khalighi, Y. 2011 Parabolized stability equation (PSE) models for the prediction of mixing noise in turbulent jets: comparison with large eddy simulation. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov 2011.

15. Colonius, T., Rodriguez, D., Samanta, A., Cavalieri, A. V. & Jordan, P. 2011 Parabolized stability equation (PSE) models for the prediction of mixing noise in turbulent jets: nonlinearity and comparison with experiments. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov 2011.

14. Rodriguez, D., Samanta, A., Cavalieri, A. V., Colonius, T. & Jordan, P. 2011 Parabolized stability equation models for predicting large-scale mixing noise of turbulent round jets. 32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, Jun 2011. AIAA paper no. 2011-2838.

13. Samanta, A., Appel¨o, D., Colonius, T., Nott, J. & Hall, J. 2011 Reply by the authors to G. E. Dorrington. AIAA J., 49 (4), 877–878.

12. Samanta, A., Gudmundsson, K. & Colonius, T. 2010 Non-linear parabolized stability equation (NPSE) models for predicting large-scale mixing noise of turbulent round jets. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, California, USA, Nov 2010.

11. Samanta, A., Appelo, D., Colonius, T., Nott, J. & Hall, J. 2010 Computational modeling and experiments of natural convection for a Titan Montgolfiere. AIAA J., 48 (5), 1007–1016.

10. Colonius, T., Samanta, A. & Gudmundsson K. 2010 Parabolized stability equation models of large-scale jet mixing noise. Procedia Engineer., 6, 64–73.

9. Samanta, A., Gudmundsson, K., Reba, R. & Colonius, T. 2009 Far-field radiation of large-scale turbulent structures using wave-packet models. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Nov 2009.

8. Samanta, A. 2009 Acoustic reflection of vorticity waves at a shrouded-jet exit in “howling” resonances. 3rd Southern California Symposium on Flow Physics, University of California, San Diego, USA, Apr 2009.

7. Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2008 Finite-wavelength scattering of incident vorticity and acoustic waves at a shrouded jet exit. J. Fluid Mech., 612, 407–438.

6. Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2008 Acoustic reflection of vorticity waves at a shrouded-jet exit in “howling” resonances. 29th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 2008. AIAA paper no. 2008-3051.

5. Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2007 Finite-wavelength scattering of incident vorticity waves at a shrouded jet exit. 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Nov 2007.

4. Freund, J. B., Topalian, V., Samanta, A., Kim, J. & Hasselbacher, A. 2007 Superresonances in AEDC altitude test cells. U.S. Air Force T&E Days, Destin, Florida, USA, Feb 2007. AIAA paper no. 2007-1619.

3. Topalian, V., Samanta, A. & Freund, J. B. 2006 Acoustically coupled jet resonance in a finite-length duct. 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, Nov 2006.

2. Samanta, A., Freund, J. B., Wei, M. & Lele, S. K. 2006 Robustness of acoustic analogies for predicting mixing-layer noise. AIAA J., 44 (11), 2780–2786.

1. Freund, J. B., Samanta, A., Wei, M. & Lele, S. K. 2005 The robustness of acoustic analogies.  26th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Monterey, California, USA, May 2005. AIAA paper no. 2005-2940.