Flow Physics Computations & Analysis Lab

Our group investigates physical mechanisms in a wide array of aerospace systems.  Current interests range from jet aeroacoustics of single, merging and impinging jets, flow-structure interaction noise in jet nozzles, turbofans and rotorcrafts, design of acoustic liners for engine nacelles and afterburners using novel acoustic metamaterials, the role of hydrodynamic instability in configurations such as jet and boundary layer transitions, pipe flows, swirling flows in combustors and others.  A range of numerical and theoretical tools are used including large-eddy simulations, solvers for physics-based lower-order models and other analytical techniques that exploit complex analytical properties of Fourier-transformed quantities.  In collaboration with other investigators, we sometimes use experimental setups too for our research that include jet facilities in wind tunnels and anechoic chambers.

Research Highlights

Jet Aeroacoustics

Rotating Flow Stability

Sound Scattering

Open Positions @2023

All openings will be filled only via regular research admissions at IIT Kanpur.  Please don't contact me unless you have already secured an admission for a research degree at IIT Kanpur.  Brief overview of current work done is available in the Research pages.

Arnab Samanta

Associate Professor

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2009

Department of Aerospace Engineering

asamanta [at] iitk.ac.in

Contact Details

Office phone: +91 512 259 2182

Lab phone: +91 512 259 2182

Fax: +91 512 259 7561

Office: Low Speed Aerodynamics Lab Room No: A02