Rain-Puddle {RC}

"We all die in the end."


Current Name:

Other Names, if any:

Age (in moons): 30

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Creation Date: sometime in july

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: RIverclan

Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A

Rank: Warrior

Mentor(s): {i forgot}

Apprentice(s): White-paw {former}

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): River-whisker

Mother (s): Lake-Frost |NPC|

Sibling(s): River-kit/Blue , Charred-paw

Off-Spring : Lion-kit ,more to come.

Best Friend(s): N/A

Friend(s): N/A

Neutral:fly-fur , Twilight-star , Bucky- man.

Acquaintance(s): soot-flare , white-paw , lion-storm ,

Enemies: Dawn-star , Ice-star...{lowkey}

Crush: Himself :>

Significant Other: Rain-Willow


Overview: 3/10

Traits: strong , stubborn , hot headed , smart {some what} , anti-social , clingy , protective , loud , not afraid to speak his mind.

Mental Age: 35 moons

Psychiatric Complications: N/A

Phobias: Philophobia { the fear of falling in love }

Sociability: 3/10

Outlook: 3/10

Responsibility: 8/10





More Logical or More Emotional?: logical

Favorite Season:leaf-fall

Favorite Food(s): vole

Favorite Word: idiot

Favorite Sound: thunder-strike's hitting the ocean.

Greatest Hope: to become the best warrior possible.

Greatest Strength: his bravery

Greatest Weakness: watching his clan-mates die , charred-paw getting injured in any way.

Worst Nightmare:losing everyone he loves.

Deepest Darkest Secret: he really really really wants to kill.... soot-star , fly-fur , fox-paw , and charred-paw.

Most Treasured Memory: N/A

Quirk(s): he likes to watch things die in his paws.

Theme Song(s): Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi


Place of Birth: river-clan med-cat den

Date of Birth: ?

Former rank(s): Kit , App

Beliefs: Star-clan / Dark-FOrest.

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): White . black

Fur Texture: almost like sand-paper.

Fur Length: short

Markings: black splotches.

Eye Color: Orange , blue

Body Type/Structure: a slim build.

Height: 11 inches.

Weight:10 pounds

Voice: Jack Met from AJR

Gait: A walkish run.

Scent: like the ocean

Scars / Deformities: A scar on his right thigh.

Diseases / Conditions: N/A



Strength: 9/10

Art by me!