Who We Are

Parents, grandparents, educators and concerned citizens who support a strong public education system in the Fox Cities.

A non-partisan, issue-oriented advocacy group that focuses on Wisconsin’s promise of a quality public education for every child.

What We Do

Advocate for public policies that will improve our schools and attract the best educators.

Generate support for public education through community events.

Our Core Beliefs

Strong public education is vital to preparing children for their future and preserving democracy.

Public money should be used for public schools.

Local control must be preserved so that taxpayer-funded schools are accountable to the public.

As a non-partisan organization, we do not support or oppose candidates for public office.  We take positions on issues but not political parties.

More Info

Subscribe (free) to educateALL, our bi-monthly newsletter.

View the Resource Guide: 80 images, with links and notes, that explain the challenges facing public education.