
Whether you grab a notebook and pencil or email your writing prompt to your teacher, we hope you keep your writing skills sharp while at home. Try to write everyday. Here are some writing prompts to get you started:

Keep a daily diary or journal during your time at home.

What activities did you do to stay busy during the day?

How are you feeling? Why?

What was something you did today that you normally don't have time to do?

What do you miss or wish you could do?

Who are you at home with? How did you make them smile today?

What did you do to practice math, reading, and writing?

  • Would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to talk to animals? Why?

  • Sean ran to kick the soccer ball in to the net during his big soccer game. He was about to score a goal when...

  • Describe a moment where you were proud of yourself or someone else. Where was it? What was happening? Why were you proud?

  • Would you rather be a famous actor or discover a cure for cancer? Explain.

  • A family friend hands you a $100 bill and tells you to do a good deed with it. What would you do? Explain.

  • Compare a circle to a square or a triangle to a rectangle.

  • Is social media a good or bad thing? Explain.

  • Which family member do you have the most in common with? Explain.

  • You just found a magic wand. Write about what you would do with it.

  • Create a list of words that describe yourself and a separate list about your friend. How do they overlap? What similarities do you share? Explain.

  • If you were to write a book, what would it be about? Explain.

  • If you fell from the sky with a parachute, where would you hope to land? Why?