Foster Youth Council

A Parent Advisory Commitee of the Pasadena Unified School District.


The Foster Youth Council is a collaborative body of guardians/parents, educators, students, and community advocates. The council respects and embraces the intelligence, talents, and potential of students in foster care, values their ability to reach their full potential, and provides them the tools and skills to integrate into the school community.

As a parent advisory committee of PUSD, the Foster Youth Council engages in district level advocacy for the educational success of youth in our community, collaborating with other parent advisory committees and building partnerships with community organizations. 


The Foster Youth Council meets monthly during the school year, a minimum of 8 times. Meetings in the 2023-2024 school year will be on second Tuesdays, alternating morning and evening meetings to increase opportunities for caregivers to attend.

All are welcome to attend! Please find the Zoom meeting the link below:

Meetings provide connections for caregivers with the school district as well as other organizations who support the young people in our care. Parent voices are centered in our meetings with time dedicated to addressing immediate needs and creating connections to services.



Residents of the boundary area of the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD), employees of PUSD, caregivers of youth enrolled in PUSD, and employees of an agency serving foster youth in the PUSD boundary region may join the Foster Youth Council. Members serve 2 year terms. 

To apply for membership, please complete the form linked here: 

For more information, support between meetings, or to be added to our email mailing list, please reach out to the council at


Lily Bartenstein - Co-Chair, Resource Parent

Vacant - Co-Chair

Vacant - Secretary

Vacant - Parliamentarian



Foster Youth Council Bylaws Revised May 2023 APPROVED.docx

The collection of advocacy resources linked through the image below was developed by the Foster Youth Council in 2021.