Bring a pot of well-salted water to boil. Boil haricot vert for 3.5 minutes (yes, I honestly believe that this level of timed precision will be rewarded). Plunge them into an ice bath and drain the beans.

Function: Repositions glyphs to visually center them within full-height metrics, for use in vertical setting. Applies to full-width Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic glyphs, which are typically included in East Asian fonts, and whose glyphs are aligned on a common horizontal baseline and not rotated relative to the page or text frame.

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Note: The same functionality can be accomplished by setting glyph vertical origins through the use of appropriate topSideBearing values in the 'vmtx' table and (only for fonts with CFF outlines) corresponding vertOriginY values in the 'VORG' table. This method is recommended as it provides the desired spacing for vertical layout by default. Fonts that include 'vmtx'/'VORG' tables should not implement this feature.

Function: Contextually re-spaces glyphs designed to be set on full-em heights, fitting them onto individual half-width vertical heights, to approximate more sophisticated text layout, such as what is described in Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (JLREQ) or similar CJK text-layout specifications that expect half-width forms of characters whose default glyphs are full-width.* This differs from 'vhal' in that the re-spacing is contextual. This feature may be invoked to get better fit for punctuation or symbol glyphs without disrupting the monospaced alignment.

Application interface: If a layout engine supports advanced layout for CJK text as described in CLREQ, JLREQ or KLREQ, this feature should not be used. Otherwise, this feature should always be applied in vertical layout of CJK text.

UI suggestion: This feature should not be used in combination with a layout engine that independently provides advanced layout as described in CLREQ, JLREQ or KLREQ. For applications that provide such advanced layout, it may appropriate not to expose control of this feature to users. In applications that do not support such advanced layout, this feature should be enabled by default for vertical layout of CJK text.

Recommended implementation: The font includes versions of the glyphs covered by this feature that differ in some visual way from the default glyphs, such as by rotation, shifting, or different component ordering. The 'vert' feature maps the default glyphs to the corresponding, alternate glyphs for vertical writing mode using a type 1 (single substitution) GSUB lookup.

Feature interaction: The 'vert' and 'vrtr' features are intended to be used in conjunction: 'vert' for glyphs to be presented upright in vertical writing, and 'vrtr' for glyphs intended to be presented sideways. Since they must never be activated simultaneously for a given glyph, there should be no interaction between the two features. These features are intended for layout engines that graphically rotate glyphs for sideways runs in vertical writing mode, such as those conforming to Unicode Technical Report #50: Unicode Vertical Text Layout.

Note that layout engines that instead depend on the font to supply pre-rotated glyphs for all sideways glyphs should use the 'vrt2' feature in lieu of 'vert' and 'vrtr'. Because 'vrt2' supplies pre-rotated glyphs, the 'vert' feature should never be used with 'vrt2', but it may be used in addition to any other feature.

Recommended implementation: The font includes a set of specially-designed glyphs, listed in the 'vkna' coverage table. The 'vkna' feature maps the standard full-width forms to the corresponding special vertical forms (GSUB lookup type 1).

UI suggestion: This feature should be active by default for vertical text setting. Applications may wish to allow users to add further manually-specified adjustments to suit specific needs and tastes.

Function: Re-spaces glyphs designed to be set on full-em heights, fitting them onto individual (more or less proportional) vertical heights. This differs from 'valt', which repositions a glyph but does not affect its advance.

Function: Replaces some fixed-width (half-, third- or quarter-width) or proportional-width glyphs (mostly Latin or katakana) with forms suitable for vertical writing (that is, rotated 90 degrees clockwise). Note that these are a superset of the glyphs covered in the 'vert' table.

ATM/NT 4.1 and the Windows 2000 OTF driver impose the following requirements for an OpenType font with CFF outlines to be used for vertical writing: the 'vrt2' feature must be present in the GSUB table, it must comprises a single lookup of LookupType 1 and LookupFlag 0, and the lookup must have a single subtable. The predecessor feature, 'vert', is ignored.

A rotated glyph must be designed such that its top side bearing and vertical advance as recorded in the Vertical Metrics ('vmtx') table are identical to the left side bearing and horizontal advance, respectively, of the corresponding upright glyph as recorded in the Horizontal Metrics ('hmtx') table. (The horizontal advance of the rotated glyph may be set to any value, since the glyph is intended only for vertical writing use. The vendor may however set it to head.unitsPerEm, to prevent overlap during font proofing tests, for example.)

Thus, proportional-width glyphs with rotated forms in the 'vrt2' feature will appear identically spaced in both vertical and horizontal writing. In order for kerning to produce identical results as well, developers must ensure that the Vertical Kerning ('vkrn') feature record kern values between the rotated glyphs that are the same as kern values between their corresponding upright glyphs in the Kerning ('kern') feature.

Recommended implementation: The font includes rotated versions of the glyphs covered by this feature. The 'vrt2' table maps the standard (horizontal) forms to the corresponding vertical (rotated) forms (GSUB lookup type 1). This feature should be the last substitution in the font, and take input from other features.

Recommended implementation: The font includes versions of the glyphs covered by this feature that, when rotated 90 degrees clockwise by the layout engine for sideways presentation in vertical writing, differ in some visual way from rotated versions of the default glyphs, such as by shifting or shape. The 'vrtr' feature maps the default glyphs to the corresponding to-be-rotated glyphs (GSUB lookup type 1).

Feature interaction: The 'vrtr' and 'vert' features are intended to be used in conjunction: 'vrtr' for glyphs intended to be presented sideways in vertical writing, and 'vert' for glyphs to be presented upright. Since they must never be activated simultaneously for a given glyph, there should be no interaction between the two features. These features are intended for layout engines that graphically rotate glyphs for sideways runs in vertical writing mode, such as those conforming to Unicode Technical Report #50: Unicode Vertical Text Layout.

Note that layout engines that instead depend on the font to supply pre-rotated glyphs for all sideways glyphs should use the 'vrt2' feature in lieu of 'vrtr' and 'vert'. Because 'vrt2' supplies pre-rotated glyphs, the 'vrtr' feature should never be used with 'vrt2', but it may be used in addition to any other feature.

A final remark, prompted by a comment from barbara beeton: For the code examples used here, it's not necessary to increase the size of the vertical bars. However, I'm assuming your real use case involves expressions such as $\bigl\vert -\int_0^1 f(x)\,dx \bigr\vert$.

There's no difference at all between \big|, \big\vert and \big\lvert. The reason is that \big (and also its siblings \Big, \bigg and \Bigg) make an ordinary symbol out of the following delimiter, after forcing it to be a larger size.

Thus whether you use |, \vert or \lvert after \big is immaterial. In the first case TeX looks at the \delcode of |, which is "26A30C. In the second case it looks at the definition of \vert, which is \delimiter"026A30C; the definition of \lvert is \delimiter 69640972 (hexadecimal "426A30C). If we supplement this with the information that the \mathcode of | is "026A we have the whole picture.

This is a big one! \lvert is considered as an opening atom; its companion \rvert is a closing atom. The commands have been introduced by amsmath (not by the LaTeX kernel), in order to avoid bad spacing: just considering the output of

From Middle English vert, borrowed from Old French vert, from Vulgar Latin virdis, syncopated from Classical Latin viridis. Doublet of virid, which was borrowed directly from Latin.

Returning for the first time since 2011, the women of Skateboard Vert will compete at X Games California. Skateboard vert is a style of skateboarding that involves performing tricks on a large U-shaped ramp called a half-pipe or vert ramp. The rider gains speed by pumping up and down the ramp, building momentum for aerial maneuvers that can reach heights of up to 15 feet or more. Skaters perform a variety of tricks, including spins, flips, and grabs, while soaring through the air above the ramp. Skateboard vert requires a combination of speed, agility, and courage, as riders must be able to maintain control while executing complex aerial maneuvers at high speeds. Competitions typically involve skaters performing a series of runs, with judges awarding points based on the difficulty, execution, and overall style of their tricks.

"We look for sports that have a solid year-round infrastructure, a growing participant base, an established annual competition schedule, rising youth talent pools, ample access to courses, low barriers of entry into the sport and myriad other factors," a statement from ESPN X Games read. "After thoughtful discussions and evaluation of many of those factors, we have decided to discontinue the women's skateboard vert competition from X Games 17."

"Being in the X Games is the motivation behind most women vert skaters; it's what we dream of and strive for," said Adams Hawkins, 21, of Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Calif. "So what the heck are we supposed to dream of now? As it stands today, we have no vert contests to look forward to. This, unfortunately, is going to end the growth for women's vert skating as we know it." be457b7860

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