Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is exist here because tell everyone what we do or not and what we allowed and not allowed to do in out blog and also for those who are concerned with how their 'personally identifiable' is being used online. please read carefully our policy to get clear everything about cookies, how we get information, what is not for and more. it helps you get blocked and out of our reach.

What information do we collect :

we do not collect any personal information about you with other source. we collect information about you from when you sign up, register for any event, share any blog, write any comment, subscribe to our blog and more activity you do on our blog with your permission. that time we collect from you (your name, business, education, location, Email, address, parientel information . social link ) .

How Fort Worth Used your Information:

Your information is used to operate and improve the features, offerings and content presented to you: fulfill your requests for services and posts; to communicate with you and respond to your inquiries; to share information about you; with communicate other user which connect with you; to advertisements and more.

How do we secure your information

we use high security system technology to protect your identifiable information. your information secure on computer servers, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access. we are always says to sign in with your security password and always alert with your account. your identifiable information is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have our permission and special access to such systems.

Cookies :

We and certain third party partners may place “cookies” on your web browser when you visit our properties. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer for record-keeping purposes, which information is stored in a file on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies is part of our network operations. anyone use it because compile aggregate data about site traffic and site integration, understand and save user preferences . we also use cookies to collect some information. when you came on our site we may automatically collect certain information like your IP Address, domain type, enhance your experience with customized content, click stream information, and our marketing efforts, connect with new customers. Cookies make web-surfing and browsing easier for you by saving your preferences so that we can use the saved information to facilitate and improve your use of fort worth site.