Protect Your PC Against Viruses and Worms

The internet is a great tool for our daily lives. We must be able to protect our computer from online attacks. Viruses are a threat to PC users today. Some send worms via chat messages, displaying a link that takes you to a website infected by a Trojan horse. The hackers can then report the new vulnerabilities to the hackers by spreading worms through programs. Before people can get a fix, hackers will create malware to exploit the vulnerability Fortinet Colombia

Are you aware of the dangers that malware can pose to your computer? Malware can expose your computer to online attacks. Hackers can also gain direct access to your computer through Malware. This allows hackers to remotely access your computer and gain your personal information. Peer-to-peer (P2P), networking is a common way to find viruses. Free downloads can contain spyware, Trojan horses, viruses, and worms. Many people don't realize the dangers of using the P2P "browse host” feature. Because it allows others to connect directly to your computer to browse file shares, it is extremely risky.

Hackers can gain access to your logins, user IDs, passwords, personal information, such as letters and chat logs. Cookies, emails, and other private folders that are accessible on your computer. P2P viruses can access your email and instant message information and steal your identity and commit fraud.

These rules will help you protect your computer.

1. Keep your computer safe with the most current security software. A security program that protects your computer from hackers is essential. To protect your computer from online attacks, you need anti-virus, firewall, antispyware and anti-phishing software. It should scan all files, including email attachments, disks, and files downloaded from the internet.

2. Secure Internet service providers (ISP) are recommended. It should be anti-spam and antiphishing.

3. To prevent any known vulnerabilities from affecting your computer, make sure you always update Windows. Other software manufacturers can also provide patches. You can reduce the chance of getting infected by spyware and Trojans by having your computer protected behind a firewall.

4. When opening attachments, be careful. Your anti-virus software should scan all email attachments and instant messages. Do not open unsolicited emails or attachments from anyone you don't know.

5. Use P2P file sharing with caution Trojans can be hidden within programs and are waiting to be downloaded by users. Also be careful in downloading files through email and instant messaging like files with the extensions.bat,.bin,.dll,.cmd,.exe,.lnk,.scr,.com and.vbs.

6. You should use security protections on your cell phone, PDA and Wi-Fi devices. Trojans and viruses can be downloaded from the Internet or attached to email/IM. Cell phone viruses and mobile-phishing attacks will become more popular as people access multimedia and Internet content via their smartphones. It is recommended that you use a pin code on your mobile phone. Never install or download any mobile software from an unknown source.

7. Make sure you set up your instant messaging app correctly. Do not set instant messaging to open as soon as your computer opens.

8. Beware of spam-based Phishing schemes. Never click on links within emails or IM.

9. Backup your files regularly. You can always recover your files if you are ever attacked by a virus.

It is easy to spread viruses and worms over the Internet. These threats are why you need to protect your computer to avoid online attacks. It will endanger your business and personal life if you fall for their traps. Techie Now can assist you with virus removal or anti-virus software installations. Techie Now does it faster, safer, better, and at a lower price than other companies. Techie now to protect your computer.