Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal - Varment Guard Wildlife Services

Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal - Varment Guard Wildlife Services

13070 Silk Tree Trail

Fort Wayne, IN 46814

(260) 214-8300

Wildlife Control: A Rising Industry In Fort Wayne, Indiana

The removal of wildlife has become a booming industry. Knowing how to get rid of raccoons from attics, squirrels from nesting and chewing on your house, or even an armadillo from digging up your lawn has grown more difficult for homeowners and property managers to deal with.

Because the problem has grown too huge for cities to handle, a new industry called Nuisance Wildlife Removal has emerged. Raccoons, squirrels, rats, bats, opossums, skunks, snakes, and armadillos are the most prevalent nuisance wildlife. In recent years, wild hogs have become a regular nuisance. Hogs have primarily impacted industry and ranching, but they are also becoming a nuisance in urban areas.

In the last ten years, the urban raccoon population has surged. Raccoons living in sewers have learned how to get into attics and chimneys after shifting their homes from trees. Only a skilled professional should attempt to remove a raccoon. It's risky to place a trap in an attic with a live raccoon. The raccoon could be caring for raccoon puppies and would be fiercely protective of them. It's possible that the homeowner is unaware that the pups have reached full size and are being attacked by four or five raccoons at once. As can be seen, an attic is hazardous due to the lack of flooring. You don't have any flooring to escape a trap in the back of an attic with a mother raccoon. As a result, falling through the attic (ceiling) might result in significant injury, not to mention the mother raccoon chasing you down.

Squirrels eating through siding to gain access to an attic or between floors has long been a source of nuisance for homeowners. Squirrels can gnaw on wires in the attic, posing a significant fire hazard and resulting in costly electrical contractor fees for rewiring. One-way traps placed at the structure's access point are the most effective strategy to get rid of squirrels. This allows the squirrel to leave on their own but prevents them from returning. If the squirrel persists, the next step is to capture it and transport it to a legal wildlife sanctuary.

Armadillos, skunks, and opossums are common city dwellers. Cities will only come and collect them if you have previously captured them. Rats and bats should be removed from structures as soon as possible to avoid infestation.

Pest management has become a separate industry from wildlife removal. To get rid of the nuisance animals, a wildlife removal business will use natural techniques of removal and traps while chemicals are used to control insects in pest control. If you are in need of animal removal services, call Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal!

Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal & Control

Dealing with a wildlife problem can be a difficult task. Nuisance wildlife, whether alive or dead, can be dangerous to children and humans because they can easily spread disease. The removal of these critters is critical, and the necessary precautions should be followed to ensure that the animals are cared for in a safe and proper manner. The following sections go over a few of the reasons why nuisance wildlife removal & control is necessary.

To begin with, an animal should be removed from your property due to the potential for damage to your property. A wild animal attempting to gain access to a structure will scratch, tear, and claw its way through any material that stands in its way. Having a nuisance wildlife removal company take care of the animal before this happens can save you a lot of money in the long run by preventing the animal from causing damage. These services like Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal are capable of caring for the animal in the most humane manner possible by gently catching and removing them.

Another instance in which nuisance Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal services are contacted is when there is a dead animal carcass on your property. An animal carcass has the potential to spread disease. Other issues that could arise include odor or the presence of other deadly creatures feeding on the carcass. These useless lawn ornaments will be removed from your home in minutes by Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal.

One of the best features of these services is that they will come in and restore any damage that may have occurred after removing any animals or natural objects. They can also prevent any further animals from entering your home or structure. Sealing weak places in the structure and installing chimney caps are two ways they can accomplish this. Animals can get entrance to your property through chimney chutes and flue pipes if you use chimney caps. By preventing the problem from arising in the first place, you can save money on future damage charges if an animal does get in.

Nuisance wildlife can be dangerous and expensive, but fortunately, there are numerous experienced animal removal services that can assist you no matter what the issue is. These professionals will be able to eliminate your problem for good, whether the animal is clawing away in a crawl space or has perished behind your house.

When Should You Call A Wildlife Removal Company?

Every day, everyone comes into contact with wildlife. You may see squirrels scampering through the trees and hear birds singing while you sit on your porch in the morning. Deer and the occasional fox may be seen along the road as you drive home in the evening. However, when wildlife such as bats, raccoons, or squirrels enters your home, it may be quite dangerous, not to mention extremely inconvenient.

Among the issues that may occur are:

  • Property damage

  • Disease transmission

  • The loss of a beloved pet

  • Human harm and accident

  • Farmers and ranchers may lose their crops

  • Anxiety levels for the homeowner are at an all-time high.

  • Daily routines are disrupted.

  • Inability to use sections of your home or property safely

There are no benefits to having a wildlife infestation, unlike most issues that have both advantages and cons. Knowing when to call a professional Frot Wayne wildlife removal business is crucial to preventing the problem from becoming out of hand. In order to do so, homeowners must be aware of the signs of wildlife intrusion.

Unwanted Wildlife Signs in the Home

Visual confirmation is the most evident sign of unwanted wildlife. If you spot a coyote in your backyard at night, hear birds in your attic, or observe a rat moving across your kitchen floor, you have a problem that needs to be addressed. However, by the time you've received a visual proof, the problem has already escalated.

There are subtle indicators that you may have a problem if you pay attention. Outside of visual confirmation, some of the most common signs include:

  • Rodents, bats, and birds have left droppings behind.

  • Large holes dug under the foundation of your fence, barn, chicken coop, or house

  • Strange noises can be heard that are impossible to attribute to any other source.

  • Your roof's shingles may exhibit signs of wear and tear.

  • Footprints can be spotted on the roof or on the lawn.

  • Without a known cause, a distinctive (perhaps unpleasant) stench persists.

  • Burrows occur in your yard as small holes.

  • If you maintain animals, finding blood or skeletal remains is a solid sign of coyotes.

One final sign that many people miss is when their home pets, primarily cats and dogs, begin to act abnormally. These animals have heightened senses of smell, allowing them to detect the fragrance of invading wildlife. Dogs may bark at seemingly little things or scrape at walls. When aimed towards a door or window at night, they may become hostile. Hissing, anxiety, and "peeing" throughout the house are all signs that your cat is stressed. Fort Wayne Wildlife Removal offers humane animal removal and trapping, call now if you need help with nuisance animals.

What Should You Do If You Believe You Have a Problem?

If you see any of the above signs that wildlife may be a problem in your home, you should contact a licensed Fort Wayne wildlife removal business, preferably one that uses exclusion as a key technique of problem-solving. Because of the numerous issues that unwanted wildlife can pose to your family, pets, property, and even your livelihood, it is critical that you act fast.

Wildlife Conservation Fort Wayne, IN

Our country's wildlife is a magnificent resource that is sometimes disregarded. Forest and wooded animals should be protected by not overusing their resources and respecting their ecosystems. In some cases, wildlife may become disoriented or be forced into urban and residential areas. In this instance, contacting Fort Wayne wildlife removal and control professionals to safely and compassionately remove and relocate wild animals from your property is critical.

In Fort Wayne, Indiana, call (260) 214-8300 for wildlife removal and control. They are licensed and certified in the field of animal control, and they only employ safe and compassionate animal removal and control methods. They provide free estimates, consultation, and a variety of other services. If you need wildlife removal services in Fort Wayne, IN or the surrounding areas, call (260) 214-8300.