it's just a generic "this is me" rapper song, like Eminem's Without Me or Jay-Z's PCA or Snoop's 'Snoop Dogg' or Dre's "Still D.R.E" - the list goes on. It's to try and get you to remember their names and give themselves an identity with their first song (or in Eminem's case, the first song off of every album, pretty much).

there is nothing wrong with Eminem he is an accomplished rapper, and is sick as hell. His songs make since to the people who understand him just like every other rapper. He dosent care if you trash him he's got the skill he's at the top. Fort minor's good but there still a group and Eminem did it (mostly) on his own. Besides Eminem has had problems along with most rappers and for them to make it out and do what they do. Thats an accomplishment on its own. Tupac, was shot for getting out. So the rest i think are doing good. Also not veary many people remember Fort Minor. but the others are legends in there own style of rap. They exell were others failed, and for that they desrve there spot even it is for the money. They can still rap.

Fort Minor Remember The Name Mp3 Free Download

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The song "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor (feat. Styles of Beyond) is a powerful anthem motivation to follow their dreams and goals in life. The lyrics emphasize the idea of having a "percent of luck" and a "percent of skill" in order to achieve success. The song also uses the story of a rapper, Ryu, to show that success is achievable through hard work and dedication even if you don't have a name that is recognizable in the industry. The chorus of the song comes back to remind the listener that success doesn't come easy, and that the only way to remember their name is to put in a hundred percent effort. The song serves as a reminder that with the right attitude and dedication, anyone can achieve their goals and be remembered for their accomplishments.

It's just ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name ff782bc1db

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