Primary Secondary Transition

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Welcome to Forres Academy’s Primary- Secondary Transition website. Due to the ongoing situation with Covid 19, we haven't yet been able to hold our usual parents' information evening - we are hoping to be able to do this later this session. In the meantime, this website will give you some information about transition that you shoulkd find useful.

I am delighted to say that, due to the changing picture with Covid 19 in society and the subsequent changes in schools, we will be able to hold face to face transition for P7 pupils this year. The first of these eventss is an after school activity planned for 4-5pm on Thursday 31st March at Forres Academy. Parents are responsible for transporting pupils to and from the Academy and furtehr details, including an information slip, will be issued via primary schools next week.

Unfortunately we are still not permitted to have parents in the school building and so we are planning a parents' informatiobn evening on Google Meet in term 4. Again, further details will be issued to parents via primary schools. This site will be updated with relevant information for you including the virtual tour which you will find below.

This is a live site and information will be uploaded regularly. Please explore the different sections and return as many times as you like.

Head Teacher's welcome to the school


Mrs Reilly, Depute Head Teacher with responsibility for Primary-Secondary Transition, talks through the transition process for this year.

Forres Academy staff involved in transition.pptx


Put a face to the name - here you will find photos of all staff who will be involved in the transition process for your child


Here you will find a 3D video of our school building. Follow the arrows to navigate your way through the corridors and press the extra signs for more information.

Transition from S1 pupils' perspective.pptx


Some of our S1 pupils give their opinion of their Primary-Secondary transition during 2020 and of their experiences of their first year at Forres Academy

Some frequently asked questions
What is the school uniform and where can I buy it?
Our pupils wear black trousers/ skirt with a white collared shirt, plain black v neck jumper and a school tie. Black jeans are acceptable but these have to stay black and have no rips or tears. We do not permit leggings or hoodies to be worn. Your child should wear black shoes or black trainers. Currently, due to ventilation requirements, we encourage young people to wear layers of clothing that they can remove as required.

As a school community with comfort and affordability central to our ethos we strive to keep our uniform costs to a minium. There is the option to purchase a Forres Academy branded jumper however, we strongly encourage and promote our students' dress code of plain black clothing. Of course, we fully appreciate that some families may wish to pass down items of clothing from older siblings and, although our logo has changed, jumpers with our previous logo are fully acceptable. We supply a free school tie for all new students at point of entry and all items of uniform can be purchased from local shops and supermarkets at minimum cost. For any of our families struggling with the cost of uniform, we are happy to work together to a referral to our partner agency, Moray School Bank ,who will supply items of uniform (including outer clothing) free of charge. If this is something you wish to take advantage of, please drop Mrs Reilly an email and she will arrange this for you.
If you want to discuss any aspect of this please contact Mrs Reilly or any member of the guidance team.

What other items will my child need to bring to school?
Your child will need to bring a PE kit on days when they have PE. They can wear shorts, sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms with a T-shirt or sweatshirt. Football shirts are discouraged. A different pair of shoes should be brought on days when your child has PE so that they can change shoes before and after their activities. If they need to bring items for subjects, instructions will be given by subject teachers

Does my child need to do any assessments before they come to Forres Academy?
No, we get all data from your child's primary school on their literacy and numeracy levels along with any details of additional support requirements.

What Modern Language will my child study?

In 2022-2023 session, S1 pupils will experience teaching and learning in 2 modern languages with 2 periods of French and 1 period of German each week. This replaces our usual model of pupils studying either discrete French or discrete German through their first 2 years. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact Mrs Reilly at school either by email or by telephoning on 01309 672271