Illnesses connected to Cronobacter are rare, but they can be deadly in infants, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cronobacter sakazakii, a germ found naturally in the environment, can live in dry foods, including powdered infant formula, powdered milk, herbal teas and starches. Powdered formula can get contaminated in the home after being opened.

Sunday's recall applies to select batches of Nutramigen Powder, a specialty infant formula for the dietary management of Cows Milk Allergy, sold in 12.6 and 19.8 ounce cans. The Nutramigen, manufactured in June 2023, was primarily distributed in June, July and August. The products have a UPC Code of 300871239418 or 300871239456 and a "Use By Date" of Jan. 1, 2025.

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"Based on the limited availability of the remaining stock of this special infant formula, it is believed that much, if not all, of the products recalled in the United States have been consumed," according to the recall notice.

Baby formula maker Reckitt Benckiser's Mead Johnson Nutrition has voluntarily chosen to recall certain batches of baby formula powder due to possible bacterial contamination, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"Based on the limited availability of the remaining stock of this special infant formula, it is believed that much, if not all, of the products recalled in the United States have been consumed," Reckitt said in a statement published by the FDA on Sunday.

I have a master sheet that I am referencing which contains multiples rows that I need reflected on my teams sheet. There is a column named "Vuln Mgmt" (set as a dropdown/multi-select) that has options Yes: 3rd party, Yes: Security, or No. I want to create a formula that will reference the entire master sheet and look for the phrase "Yes: Security" then feed out the data in the first column of that row.

I recycled another VLOOKUP formula I used to pull data in from the master sheet, the only difference being that instead of putting a specific keyword for the search value, I referenced a cell on my teams sheet.

Instead of Vlookup, I would recommend using Index/Match. This formula gives you more flexibility on the order your columns because you're just selecting the columns specific to the data you want to output and data you want to compare against (and results in processing less data). This also means if you change column orders it will not affect your formula.

Lastly, in cases where there really is not a match and you don't want it to show "No Match" as the results, you can add IFERROR to the front of your formula so it'll output something other than "No Match" like leaving the cell blank.

Thanks @Victoria_Indimar, this helps some but now I am running into a new issue. I get the error #Invalid Ref. Here is some more context around my ask. I want to pull in only the Customers that have "Yes: Security" in VulnMgmt column. Then I would ideally only have Customer Three and Four in my teams sheet, and can write formulas to pull in additional details from the master sheet, such as GM and Site Manager.

I attempted to pull in the VulMgmt field as a way to pull in the customer name but all efforts have failed. The only solution I was able to come up with, which is not ideal, is to have an automation notify me when a new customer is added to the master sheet and manually add them to mine. I am hoping there is another formula that I have no discovered that is able to use the following logic:


I know at one time there were several threads that spoke to extracting the First Name from a full name, and also a formula for extracting the Last Name. While I can find several threads with the code for First Name, I cannot find any that show for Last Name now that I'm in need of it 

First Name Formula Found:

I've tried different variations using RIGHT instead of left, but I either get really odd returns where some last names are extracted properly, and others are completely way off, or I get blank returns. 

I have several Full Names that include more than 1 name as that Last Name. Example: Olivia Gutierrez Lawson. I would need "Gutierrez Lawson" to appear in the last name field with the formula. 

I feel confident in some of my formula creation skills and then there are times like this when I realize just how little I know haha. I am so grateful there is a community of people who are way better at understanding formulas than I am that I can ask for help from.

The Formula Hybrid competition is an interdisciplinary design and engineering challenge for undergraduate and graduate university students. They must collaboratively design and build a formula-style hybrid or electric-only racecar and compete in a series of events. This educational competition emphasizes drivetrain innovation and fuel efficiency in a high-performance application.

A constant is a value that is not calculated; it always stays the same. For example, the date 10/9/2008, the number 210, and the text "Quarterly Earnings" are all constants. An expression or a value resulting from an expression is not a constant. If you use constants in a formula instead of references to cells (for example, =30+70+110), the result changes only if you modify the formula. In general, it's best to place constants in individual cells where they can be easily changed if needed, then reference those cells in formulas.

A reference identifies a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet, and tells Excel where to look for the values or data you want to use in a formula. You can use references to use data contained in different parts of a worksheet in one formula or use the value from one cell in several formulas. You can also refer to cells on other sheets in the same workbook, and to other workbooks. References to cells in other workbooks are called links or external references.

Relative references A relative cell reference in a formula, such as A1, is based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell the reference refers to. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the reference is changed. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the reference automatically adjusts. By default, new formulas use relative references. For example, if you copy or fill a relative reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it automatically adjusts from =A1 to =A2.

Absolute references An absolute cell reference in a formula, such as $A$1, always refer to a cell in a specific location. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the absolute reference remains the same. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the absolute reference does not adjust. By default, new formulas use relative references, so you may need to switch them to absolute references. For example, if you copy or fill an absolute reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it stays the same in both cells: =$A$1.

Mixed references A mixed reference has either an absolute column and relative row, or absolute row and relative column. An absolute column reference takes the form $A1, $B1, and so on. An absolute row reference takes the form A$1, B$1, and so on. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the relative reference is changed, and the absolute reference does not change. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the relative reference automatically adjusts, and the absolute reference does not adjust. For example, if you copy or fill a mixed reference from cell A2 to B3, it adjusts from =A$1 to =B$1.

You can use 3-D references to refer to cells on other sheets, to define names, and to create formulas by using the following functions: SUM, AVERAGE, AVERAGEA, COUNT, COUNTA, MAX, MAXA, MIN, MINA, PRODUCT, STDEV.P, STDEV.S, STDEVA, STDEVPA, VAR.P, VAR.S, VARA, and VARPA.

What occurs when you move, copy, insert, or delete worksheets The following examples explain what happens when you move, copy, insert, or delete worksheets that are included in a 3-D reference. The examples use the formula =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6!A2:A5) to add cells A2 through A5 on worksheets 2 through 6.

When you record a macro, Excel records some commands by using the R1C1 reference style. For example, if you record a command, such as selecting the AutoSum button to insert a formula that adds a range of cells, Excel records the formula by using R1C1 style, not A1 style, references.

You can turn the R1C1 reference style on or off by setting or clearing the R1C1 reference style check box under the Working with formulas section in the Formulas category of the Options dialog box. To display this dialog box, select the File tab.

After typing the question with the variable, parameters to define the formula will display [1]. Set the variable answers for the formula. Specify the minimum [2] and maximum [3] values for the variable. Select decimal places in by using the increase or decrease arrows [4].

The 8 August 2016 Arria meeting on the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, Syria, marked the first occasion when an Arria meeting was webcast on UN TV, with the footage subsequently archived on the UN website. Webcasting of Arria-formula meetings became quite frequent in the period since, with 16 out of the 21 Arria-formula meetings in 2018 having been webcast and archived on the UN website. In 2019, 17 out of the 22 Arria-formula meetings were webcast and archived by the UN.

Over the years, the frequency of Arria-formula meetings has varied. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Arria-formula meetings were quite frequent, peaking at 20 in 1996. In 2003 the number of meetings dropped to just four, and for the next several years oscillated between five and nine. In 2010 there were two such meetings and in 2011 just one. The next year, however, saw a climb to ten Arria-formula meetings, followed by a drop to six meetings in 2013. Six meetings were held in 2014. In 2015 there were 17 Arria-formula meetings, in 2016 there were 12, in 2017 there were 17, in 2018 there were 21, and in 2019 there was an all-time high of 22 meetings. e24fc04721

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