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When you create a new formula, it can have one or many versions. Each formula version has an effective date range to control the validity period for that version. Each formula also has a From quantity field. If a formula has multiple versions, the effective date ranges and from quantities cannot overlap.

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Set a minimum item quantity for using the formula version in the From formula size field. If the item is a catch weight item, enter the minimum item quantity in the From CW size field.

Enter dates in the From date and To date fields to control the validity period for this version. This effective date range cannot overlap the date range for any existing version of this formula.

In the From formula size field, enter the minimum item quantity for using this formula version. If the item is a catch weight item, enter the minimum item quantity in the From CW size field.

A formula defines the materials, ingredients, and outcomes of a specific process in process manufacturing. Together with the corresponding route, the formula defines the whole process in process manufacturing. Formulas are used to plan and produce products in process manufacturing.

A formula consists of the ingredients and quantities that are required in order to produce a specific quantity of a formula item. Depending on the task that you perform, you can access formula functionality from Inventory and warehouse management or Product information management.

A formula consists of one or more formula lines that identify the ingredients or items that make up the formula. A formula line can contain Bill of materials (BOM) items, formula items, catch-weight items, purchased items, co-products, or by-products. Because many items are used in multiple products, an item can be used in more than one formula.

An example of a formula is the formula for a chocolate chip cookie. The ingredients for this formula use multiple lines, such as flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and chocolate chips. The formula for the chocolate chip cookie contains ingredients that are likely used in other formulas. While you make the chocolate chip cookies, there might be leftovers, such as crumbs, or some of the cookies might be overbaked or undercooked. These items can be set up as co-products or by-products, depending on the production operations.

When you create a formula line, you use the line type to indicate how the system should handle the line when you run master planning and produce batch orders. Each line type gives a different result. The following table describes the line types that you can select.

When you create a new formula, you must first create a formula version before you add the formula line items and their specific characteristics. Every formula must have at least one version. The Approved button on a formula version becomes available only after a version record has been successfully saved. Each formula version record is associated with one or many co-products and by-products that can be produced as you produce the finished product. Many products can be made from the same ingredients in different batch sizes, in multiples, or by using different yields. You can create as many versions of a formula as you require.

Unlike BOMs, where one BOM is often associated with many BOM versions, only one formula version typically exists per formula. Remember that only one formula version can be activated for the coverage dimensions and quantity for a given product. However, many formula versions might exist for other reasons, and you can manually select them when you create a batch order.

Formulas and formula versions must be approved before they can be used for planning and production. Formulas are usually activated before they're used. However, during production, you can select a formula version that is approved, but that isn't activated.

To help secure a formula or formula version, you can set the Block editing and Block removal of approval parameters on the Production control parameters page.

If you select Block editing, and the formula is approved, no fields on the formula lines can be deleted or edited. However, if you remove the approval of the formula, you can delete and modify the formula lines. You can also create new formulas and new formula versions.

If you select Block removal of approval, you can't remove the approval of an approved formula or formula version. However, you can create new formulas and new formula versions, and you can remove the activation of the formula version.

You can add more levels of control by using the electronic signature functionality. When a user is set up so that an electronic signature is required at the time of formula approval, a Signature page appears when the formula is activated. The user must be authorized to sign electronically, and the certificate must be successfully validated before the change can be committed. If the signature can't be authenticated, the approval or removal of approval is denied, and the change that initiated the approval or removal of approval is returned to its original state.

The Scalable feature is available only if all the item components in the formula are set to Variable consumption. The feature isn't available if item components are set to Fixed consumption or Step consumption. When the Scalable feature is used, if you change an ingredient in a formula, the quantity of the other ingredients that you select is adjusted. The size of the formula is also adjusted. Likewise, if you change the formula size, the quantity of all scalable ingredients is changed. This feature is intended specifically for formula creation and maintenance. It doesn't indicate whether the quantity of an ingredient will be scaled up or down on a batch order.

Step consumption eliminates the requirement that you must enter a quantity on the Formula line tab for an ingredient. Instead, Step consumption is configured so that it has a From series value and a Quantity value. The information from the Step consumption per series record that satisfies the quantity on the batch order is selected. Step consumption is useful when the consumption rate isn't linear with respect to the batch order size and only increases the requirement when a specific quantity threshold is met. To enable this feature for a new formula, under the Consumption calculation group, change the formula setting for the applicable ingredient from Standard to Step. You specify this consumption method on the Setup tab of the Formula line page.

You can add a version formula to a model. The version formula applies to the whole model, wherever the Versions dimension is applied. You would typically use a version formula for variance calculations.

If the formula is incorrect a warning message is displayed. Check line item names are entered correctly, and the correct syntax is used for the formula. Learn more in IF THEN ELSE and Operators and Constants.

For example I have 4 versions namely: Actual, Budget, Forecast 1 and Forecast 2. Does Anaplan allow different formula for each version I have in my module? Say, Actual version will have a different and unique formula with Budget, etc for the same modul.

Now that you have that set up, go to your module where you want to apply the version-specific formulas to a particular line item, and create something like the following, using conditional statements that check what version the formula is currently applying to (using the line items from our Version Control module), and using differential logic based on the TRUE flags in that Version Control module. You will notice that the line item where we're using this formula applies to "All" versions, as seen in the screenshot of the blueprint, below.

OPTION 2: This one is a bit less-flexible, but you can use the ISACTUALVERSION() function in a conditional statement to apply differential logic based on whether the version is Actual or something else. This doesn't allow differentiation of non-Actual versions though, so I prefer to set up my models using Option 1 and modifying it to meet my needs.

In most of the models I've built, Actuals come from a different source than (other versions). In this context, I often use formulas like: IF ISACTUALVERSION() THEN (get actuals) ELSE (get other versions).

During Anaplan Launchpad trainings I always tout how active the Anaplan Community site is, so it brightens my day when I see customer questions getting multiple responses, representing different perspectives, informed by varied experiences, and with multiple examples.

I encountered this error when I simulate master planning for a co-product item from a formula item. I have for example a Sales Order for a co-product which is Product A of 10 pcs. then I run Master scheduling to see if a planned Batch Order will be generated, but I came along with this error.

The time I've seen this, I was planning a co-product, and the items were planned at Site dimension only. However, the by-product on the formula had Site and Warehouse defined. Removing the warehouse caused the error to disappear.

Check all your site specific or defaults are the right warehouses, that the planned order type in item coverage is "production" (not transfer), if it is you may want to try clicking the override and changing it to production.

Hi I'm looking at the classic batch processing problem where I am trying to schedule production orders onto two vats, one is 1250L and the other is 2000L. So these are the only planned order sizes that I want. I thought that if I created two formula versions and set that size on each version that those would be the only production order quantities I could use - but I'm getting confused by the setting of Formula multiple. The system's letting me create a production order for any order size that fits in with the multiple - and planned orders don't seem to be looking at the formula settings at all. 152ee80cbc

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