November, 28 to December, 8, 2023

Frontiers of Formosan Linguistics: Symposium Showcasting Latest, Collaborative Findings


taywan nantaw kapa’yakai’ kapakshekla’ ka pinyancyoan

Organized by Elizabeth Zeitoun

手冊 Pamphlet


English 英文

Many languages are spoken in Taiwan, but most, if not all, the Formosan languages are facing extinction due to the drastic linguistic policies carried out during the time of the Japanese occupation (1895–1945) and during the first fifty years of the Nationalist government (1949–1989). Among the sixteen officially recognized Indigenous languages of Taiwan, four can be characterized as vulnerable and twelve are currently severely or critically endangered, based on the measures established by the UNESCO (2003).

There are about 60 scholars and students working on Formosan languages at this moment. While we are currently witnessing (in nearly all the Formosan languages) a decrease of the number of competent speakers, a loss of language proficiency, the erosion of parts of the linguistic systems, and the overriding dominance of Mandarin Chinese, in the past ten or twenty years many scholars have started to work together in a collaborative fashion, and we are observing a more systematic and comprehensive coverage of the aboriginal languages of Taiwan than we have been able to do before. Research range are being carried out in different perspectives: from a more general, comparative or typological standpoint, from a more historical viewpoint or through a sociolinguistic assessment of what has been achieved in the past decades.

We are happy to announce a (joint) symposium in four different locations in Taiwan (Academia Sinica in Taipei and Tainan, National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu and National Dong Hwa University in Hualien), from November 28 through December 8, 2023. In each of these venues, colleagues will present a variety of topics that do not only correspond to each presenter’s expertise, they also respond to the interests of the students and communities where the conference will take place.

Mandarin Chinese 中文

台灣是個多語社會,但由於在日據時期(1895-1945 年)及國民黨政府執政的前五十年(1949-1989)所實施的嚴厲語言政策,大部分(如果不是全部)台灣南島語面臨滅絕的危機。根據聯合國教科文組織 (2003),在台灣官方認可的十六種原住民語言中,有四種屬於脆弱語言,十二種目前處於嚴重或極度瀕危狀態。



Saisiyat 賽夏語

taywan ’ima ’akoy kapa’yakai’ ’oemaeh, ’oka’ ila, kakhayza’an ripon ’ima malaehang (1895-1945 tinal’oemaeh) ki kominto: nasia kinalaehang monaseb o hayza: ka tinal’oemaeh (1949-1989) minay’isaa’ konre’re’en kapa’yakai’ noka shashinshinraehoe’ swti’ hawka’ ila kapa’yakai’. tani noka lienheko: cyawkewen cuce: ray (2003), ray taywan langpez o shayboshi: ka kapayakai’ ’iizo’, shopat nanaw kapa’yakai’ ’ima kayzaeh, ’aroma’ langpez o rosha’ kapa’yakai’ haysani ma’ ’iakinapazeng ila kita’en.

haysani kamamatawaw kapa’yakai’ no shashishinraehoe’ monshayboshi: o hayza:. hini shaehpiih ila ’akoy tinal’oemaeh, mita’ kama malno noka shashinshinraehoe’ kapa’yakai’ wawalae’ ila, haebaan kamamatawaw ka kapa’yakai’ minay’isaa’, mon’alay mainhal matawaw, matawaw noka shashinshinraehoe’ ka kapa’yakai’, hini pinatawaw ma’ minsalaz ila ki kakhayza’an, o maray ’ima nonak kinita’ ka pinatawaw :  kinita’ maray léshiinshin, ki maray lishe: ’iyanshié:, shehwé: ’iyanshié: komita’ noka shashinshinraehoe’ kapa’yakai’. ’isahini ray taywan kapa’yakai’ noka shashinshiraehoe’ tatngor ila, kinshiwa’ maray yantawhwé: ma pakita’ niya’om ’ima shasho’ ka pinatawaw.

’isahini ma’an ray shopat ka’a’ialahoan ’am yantawhwé:, ray congyang yancyoyan, ray shinciko’ ko:li’ chinhwa: kakishsobaeoehan , o ray kalinko: ka ko:li’ tonghwa: kakishsobaeoehan . sho: yantawhwé: rayno’ ma’ tani shay’isaa’ ray ’asang nasia ka kinshiwa’an kapapnabih ki shay’isaa’ kamakishkaat nasia kinshiwa’ kakish’az’azeman, pawai’ ’oyeh ’ima raam matawaw ka hini kapawaw mwai’ pakbazae’ ka pinatawaw nasia. hini shopat ka’a’ialahoan shinepe: ka haehila: ’am mon’alay ray 2023 tinal’oemaeh 11 ’ilash 28 haehila:, tabin 12 ’ilash 8 haehila: sizaeh.

 Venues & Programs 場次與議程 nom 'a'iyalaeho: ra:an

Academia Sinica (Taipei)中央研究院 (臺北)ray taypey congyang yancioyan
National Dong Hwa University國立東華大學tonghwa: kakishsobaeoehan
Academia Sinica (Tainan)中央研究院 (臺南)ray taynang congyang yancioyan 
National Tsing Hua University國立清華大學chinhwa: kakishsobaeoehan


Contact 聯絡

Elizabeth Zeitoun 齊莉莎

Telephone 電話:02-2652-5032

Email 電子郵件 


Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica


congyang yancioyan

Council of Indigenous Peoples

