
  • CS_Simulate, A Web Based Algorithm Simulator

An application for simulating ML basic algorithms, different dynamic programming algorithms and linear algebra methods which is helpful for students to learn algorithms through step by step simulation.

  •, An E-commerce Search Engine

It is a fashion and lifestyle product search engine powered by modern ML & AI based Search and Recommendation systems. We want to build a centralized fashion e-commerce platform.

  • CS_Classroom, A Web Based Classroom Management Application

It is mainly for providing different computer science related educational toolkits such as course management, automatic attendance tracking, educational blog with recommendation system and automatic hashtag generation, online judge, code generation of various machine learning libraries etc.

  • UPG Monitor System, A Web Based Automated Survey and Monitoring System

This system includes report template generation and sharing it with specific users, finding correlation and trend of data provided by the users of Ultra-poor graduation programme by BRAC.

  • Athletio, An Andriod Based Fitness Application

It tracks different workouts like-walking, running etc and provides recommendations by analysing user's personal data. Besides, it provides virtual reality treadmill feature and a social fitness platform.

  • Edit-Master, Desktop Based Collaborative Text Editor

Users can create, access, and edit a same file simultaneously from different remote PCs.