Catalogs remain popular, despite the rise in online shopping. The demographics of your mailing list (database) are the key to success. If you hope to get started in this arena, our advice is to start very small and narrow your niche to a needlepoint.

No. At Silver Dollar City your gate admission ticket covers all rides and shows. All shows occur several times during the day and are available on a first-come, first-seated basis. A listing of show descriptions and times is available at the front gate entrance. Don't forget to stay after the park closes for our night show in the outdoor Echo Hollow Amphitheater, weather permitting (see schedule for show dates and times).

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My friends claim that I am obsessed with racist objects. If they are right, the obsession began while I was an undergraduate student at Jarvis Christian College, a small historically black institution in Hawkins, Texas. The teachers taught more than scientific principles and mathematical equations. I learned from them what it was like to live as a black man under Jim Crow segregation. Imagine being a college professor but having to wear a chauffeur's hat while driving your new car through small towns, lest some disgruntled white man beat you for being "uppity." The stories I heard were not angry ones; no, worse, they were matter-of-fact accounts of everyday life in a land where every black person was considered inferior to every white one, a time when "social equality" was a profane expression, fighting words. Black people knew their clothing sizes. Why? They were not allowed to try on clothes in department stores. If black and white people wore the same clothes, even for a short while, it implied social equality, and, perhaps, intimacy.

Great article. A real modern day Thomas Paine on common sense water issues. I am always shocked at how little people know of industry in the US and how it works. The majority of people I meet who protest and complain about water use are limited to discussing personal use ; showers, lawns, etc. If you have any knowledge if industry it becomes quickly apparent that water usage there so far outweighs your personal use that your marching and advocating a simple lifestyle is a waste of your personal time and off the mark. I have concluded that these people, albeit nice people, are solely interested in being part of a group of like thinkers. Being against consumerism has become a brand in and of itself and is an integral part of consumerism itself. Try disagreeing with one of these true believers and you will quickly find it is a union of sorts wherein they love mother earth more than you do so they must be a better person than you are; right?

I came to the conclusion about 30 years ago, that the only way for humans to not destroy the earth, would be to all live as natives, in tents, or small wooden huts, or using whatever immediate resources for building that exist in your area. I knew I did not want to live in a tent, as the winters here reach a low of -40F. Thus, I live divided, part of me attempting to be frugal with resources, and the other part wanting a nice car, nice restaurants, new clothes (more comfortable), smooth streets, big hospitals, and no filth (lots of detergents and glues). That is, I want the industrial complex as I do not want the industrial complex. It has been clear for years, that the savings in energy use by the average caring person, only helps reserve more resources for big industry and government (including the military, who need lots of oil). We are not yet courageous enough to free ourselves from this slavery to the metallurgists, the money men, and the manufacturers and advertisers. We communicate through this electronic device, a very resource-wasting industry! Where to begin before a set of nuclear accidents destroys the planet and everything on it?! The old adage was that when humans destroyed themselves, plants would take over the world. Well, nuclear energy has finished that possibility, nothing will live or be able to grow. We are, for now, lemmings, going to our deaths, blind by choice.

We advise dressing in thinner, insulating layers like base layers, long-sleeved shirts, and light sweaters, rather than heavy sweaters, sweatshirts, and hoodies. Invest in winter clothes made from merino wool or technical textiles to add warmth to your wardrobe.

If you have access to a washer and / or dryer in your dorm or hostel, that will make a big difference on the amount of clothes you need to include in your study abroad packing list. Instead of taking extra outfits, use of these provided amenities.

The bags you check should be labeled ? inside and out ? with your name and phone number. Add the name and phone number of a person to contact at your destination if it's practical to do so. Almost all of the bags that are misplaced by airlines do turn up sooner or later. With proper labeling, the bag and its owner can usually be reunited within a few hours.

Many bags look alike. After you pull what you think is your bag off the carousel, check the name tag or the bag tag number. If your bag arrives open, unlocked or visibly damaged, check right away to see if any of the contents are missing or damaged. Report any problems to the airline before leaving the airport; insist on having a report created. Open your suitcase immediately when you get to where you are staying. Any damage to the contents or any pilferage should be immediately reported to the airline by telephone. Make a note of the date and time of the call, and the name and telephone number of the person you spoke with. Follow up as soon as possible with a certified letter to the airline.

If your bags don't come off the conveyor belt, report this to airline personnel before you leave the airport. Insist that they create a report and give you a copy, even if they say the bag will be in on the next flight. Get an appropriate phone number for following up (not the Reservations number). Don't assume that the airline will deliver the bag without charge when it is found; ask the airline about this. Most carriers set guidelines for their airport employees that allow them to disburse some money at the airport for emergency purchases. The amount depends on whether or not you're away from home and how long it takes to track down your bags and return them to you. If the airline does not provide you a cash advance, it may still reimburse you later for the purchase of necessities. Discuss with the carrier the types of articles that would be reimbursable, and keep all receipts. If the airline misplaces sporting equipment, it will sometimes pay for the rental of replacements. For replacement clothing or other articles, the carrier might offer to absorb only a portion of the purchase cost, on the basis that you will be able to use the new items in the future. (The airline may agree to a higher reimbursement if you turn the articles over to them.)

This article will look at how to recover lost customers after they abandon their carts with an abandoned cart campaign powered by email marketing. Then we'll share the email marketing tools you need to set one up for yourself.

Let's take a look at Amazon's standard return policy. It allows customers to return most items that are sold and fulfilled by Amazon within 30 days of receipt for a full refund. The return policy is more generous for holiday purchases: Most items shipped by Amazon between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 can be returned through Jan. 31 of the following year. Amazon is quick with refunds, too. In most cases, you'll get it as an "advance" as soon as the shipper scans the bar code on the return label you've taped to your package.

You might not be likely to forget things like clothes or shoes, but what about less obvious items that will make your trip smoother and more comfortable? Whether you already have your trip booked or you're planning in advance, these are the 12 things you should bring on your next vacation. (For more travel tips, learn about the best way to pack a carry-on and check out this travel checklist.)

On your travels, the last thing you want to forget is any essential hygiene or medical item. While you can easily get more deodorant to stay fresh on your trip, it's much more important to remember medications that will be incredibly difficult to replace once you arrive at your destination. This includes contact lenses, birth control, prescription glasses and any other medications.

But before that can happen, the bottle has to actually make it through the trip home. And that means you'll need to bring a form of protection. Many people swear by the wine-bottle-in-the-sock method or will swaddle the glass bottles with their clothes, but I prefer to pack an actual protective bottle bag. I recommend a protective bottle bag with padding and a zipper top that will help protect your clothing.

It's normal to forget things from time to time, and it's normal to become somewhat more forgetful as you age. But how much forgetfulness is too much? How can you tell whether your memory lapses are normal forgetfulness and within the scope of normal aging or are a symptom of something more serious?

This is the tendency to forget facts or events over time. You are most likely to forget information soon after you learn it. However, memory has a use-it-or-lose-it quality: memories that are called up and used frequently are least likely to be forgotten. Although transience might seem like a sign of memory weakness, brain scientists regard it as beneficial because it clears the brain of unused memories, making way for newer, more useful ones.

This type of forgetting occurs when you don't pay close enough attention. You forget where you just put your pen because you didn't focus on where you put it in the first place. You were thinking of something else (or, perhaps, nothing in particular), so your brain didn't encode the information securely. Absentmindedness also involves forgetting to do something at a prescribed time, like taking your medicine or keeping an appointment. ff782bc1db

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