Q. How old does my child need to be to play?

A. Minimum age is 4 years old.  As long as your child turns 4 at any time this calendar year he/she is eligible.

Q. What age group will my child play in?

A.  Our age groups are set in two year increments. U6 U8 U10 U12 U14.  The "U" stands for under and the number is the age.  If your child is 4 or 5 he/she would be in the U6 age group.  Keep in mind that your child must be under the identified age for the entire year to play in that age group.  Example:  If your child is 9 years old, but will turn 10 at any time in this calendar year he/she would be considered 10 years old for the entirety of the year and would be placed on a U12 team. 

Q.  How are the teams assembled?

A.  Teams are assembled by age, sex, returning players, player's skill level, player/parent requests, and team size

       A.  All the teams are divided into age groups encompassing a two year range (ex. U8 would be children 6 or 7 years old and not to turn 8 years old any time with the calendar year.)

        B.  All age ranges after U6 are separated into girl and boy teams.

        C.  Team sizes are limited so preference is granted to returning players.

        D.  Players identified by coaches as able to play up to a higher age group are permitted to do so if there is room on the team he/she wishes to play on and the head coach accepts the player.

         F. Players, Parents can request to be on a team with a particular coach and or other players.  These are requests and we will do all we can to accommodate but we cannot guarantee these will be satisfied.

         E. Team size is limited to allow adequate playing time for all players.  Team sizes are based on the number of players fielded during a  regular season match plus sufficient substitution players.  Team sizes: U6 and U8: 8 players are fielded between 2  fields and 4 substitutes (12 max), U10: 7 fielded players plus 3 substitutes (10 max),  U12:  9 fielded players plus 4 substitutes (13 max), U14 and up: 11 fielded players and 6+ substitutes (17-20 max)

         G. Once teams are filled up all other players will be put on a wait list.  If an accepted player drops out the first one on the list (by registration date and time) is asked to replace that player.  If there are enough players to form a second team, and a coach is found to manage a second team  there will be a skills day where all players will need to attend and the coaches will draft players.  If no team becomes available all fees will be refunded.

Q. When do practices start?

A. The fields are open for practice the first week of August.

Q. What time and day will my child be practicing?

A. The days and times for practices are set by the coach and will be based on the coach's schedule and field availability. Generally, practice will be twice a week for 1 to 1.5 hours depending on age.  Practice times will start as early as 4pm and as late as 6. 

Q. Where are the practices held?

A.  All Practices and home games will be held at Foresthill Divide Elementary School.

Q. When are games?

A. Games are on Saturdays starting the first Saturday after Labor Day in September.  Each team will play 10 games with 5 games being home and 5 away games (this will be subject to field availability and conditions)

Q.  Can I register my child without a birth certificate and/or picture.

A. You can register you child but the club will need to have the birth certificate and picture submitted to the league in order for your child to play in games.  If you are having trouble uploading a birth certificate or picture please contact our club at  foresthillsoccerclub@gmail.com

Q. Can I be a coach or help with my child's team?

A.  We are always open to those who would like to volunteer their time to coach, help with our teams, or club.  All those who volunteer must submit and pass a DOJ background check.  49er Youth Soccer League will cover the cost of the background check.

Q.  What if I have additional questions or concerns?

A.  Please email any questions or concerns to   foresthillsoccerclub@gmail.com.