
Open Access Journals

The journals listed here are completely open access (OA) journals, which means all of the articles can be accessed for free.

Forensic Science International: Mind and Law - promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between psychiatric, psychological, legal, and other related fields within the forensic spectrum and beyond

Forensic Science International: Reports - publishes case reports, population data, digital reports, and short communications from every area in the forensic sciences

Forensic Science International: Synergy - covers cross-disciplinary topics, as well as issues related to forensic science policy and management

Forensic Science Research - contains the "... latest research in various disciplines of forensic sciences"

Gaceta Internacional de Ciencias Forenses / International Gazette of Forensic Sciences - "opinion, experience and research of all those who, directly or indirectly, develop their activities in relation to the Administration of Justice"

International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine - "research papers covering different aspects of clinical toxicology and forensic medicine"

Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society - covers "theoretical and empirical research on criminology, criminal justice, and criminal law and society; practice-oriented papers (including teaching/pedagogical issues); essays and commentary on crime, law, and justice policy" and more

Journal of Forensic Research and Crime Studies - publishes original research articles, case reports, methodology, and more, from disciplines such as forensic science, forensic anthropology, trace evidence, toxicology, and more

Journal of Forensic Science Education - first issue is forthcoming, accepting manuscripts now; focus is "articles geared mainly to forensic science educators and educational programs from the high school through graduate school level"

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law - content addresses "...the interfaces of psychiatry and the legal system and the theory and practice of forensic psychiatry."

Limited Open Access

These journals are available via subscription, but some articles within these journals have been made available as open access (OA) articles because the author paid a fee or similar. Usually the OA articles are indicated through an open lock icon or some sort of textual clue that they are open access. Journals were included in this list if they had some sort of search feature that allowed you to search the contents of the journal. You can follow up with your local public library if there are articles that are subscription only.

Forensic Chemistry - Mostly paywall content, though there are some open access articles. There is a tab where you can find a list of the open access articles available.

Forensic Science International - The majority of the content is behind a paywall, but there's a tab where you can see open access articles available through this journal.

Journal of Forensic Sciences - Mostly paywall content, though there are some open access articles. It's difficult to limit to open access only, but search results will indicate which articles are open access.