Clinical Forensic Medicine

FM3.1 IDENTIFICATION Define and describe Corpus Delicti, establishment of identity of living persons including race, Sex, religion, complexion, stature, age determination using morphology, teeth-eruption, decay, bite marks, bones-ossification centres, medico-legal aspects of age

FM3.2 IDENTIFICATION Describe and discuss identification of criminals, unknown persons, dead bodies from the remains-hairs, fibers, teeth, anthropometry, dactylography, foot prints, scars, tattoos, poroscopy and superimposition

FM3.3 Mechanical injuries and wounds: Define, describe and classify different types of mechanical injuries, abrasion, bruise, laceration, stab wound, incised wound, chop wound, defense wound, self-inflicted/fabricated wounds and their medico-legal aspects

FM3.4 Mechanical injuries and wounds: Define injury, assault & hurt. Describe IPC pertaining to injuries

FM3.5 Mechanical injuries and wounds: Describe accidental, suicidal and homicidal injuries. Describe simple, grievous and dangerous injuries. Describe ante-mortem and post-mortem injuries

FM3.6 Mechanical injuries and wounds: Describe healing of injury and fracture of bones with its medico-legal importance

FM3.7 Describe factors influencing infliction of injuries and healing, examination and certification of wounds and wound as a cause of death: Primary and Secondary

FM3.8 Mechanical injuries and wounds: Describe and discuss different types of weapons including dangerous weapons and their examination

FM3.9 Firearm injuries: Describe different types of firearms including structure and components. Along with description of ammunition propellant charge and mechanism of fire-arms, different types of cartridges and bullets and various terminology in relation of firearm – caliber, range, choking

FM3.10 Firearm injuries: Describe and discuss wound ballistics-different types of firearm injuries, blast injuries and their interpretation, preservation and dispatch of trace evidences in cases of firearm and blast injuries, various tests related to confirmation of use of firearms

FM3.11 Regional Injuries: Describe and discuss regional injuries to head (Scalp wounds, fracture skull, intracranial haemorrhages, coup and contrecoup injuries), neck, chest, abdomen, limbs, genital organs, spinal cord and skeleton

FM3.12 Regional Injuries Describe and discuss injuries related to fall from height and vehicular injuries – Primary and Secondary impact, Secondary injuries, crush syndrome, railway spine

FM3.13 Describe different types of sexual offences. Describe various sections of IPC regarding rape including definition of rape (Section 375 IPC), Punishment for Rape (Section 376 IPC) and recent amendments notified till date


Describe and discuss the examination of the victim of an alleged case of rape, and the preparation of report, framing the opinion and preservation and despatch of trace evidences in such cases


Describe and discuss examination of accused and victim of sodomy, preparation of report, framing of opinion, preservation and despatch of trace evidences in such cases


Describe and discuss adultery and unnatural sexual offencessodomy, incest, lesbianism, buccal coitus, bestiality, indecent assault and preparation of report, framing the opinion and preservation and despatch of trace evidences in such cases

FM3.17 Describe and discuss the sexual perversions fetishism, transvestism, voyeurism, sadism, necrophagia, masochism, exhibitionism, frotteurism, Necrophilia

FM3.18 Describe anatomy of male and female genitalia, hymen and its types. Discuss the medico-legal importance of hymen. Define virginity, defloration, legitimacy and its medicolegal importance

FM3.19 Discuss the medicolegal aspects of pregnancy and delivery, signs of pregnancy, precipitate labour superfoetation, superfecundation and signs of recent and remote delivery in living and dead

FM3.20 Discuss disputed paternity and maternity

FM3.21 Discuss Pre-conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PC&PNDT) - Prohibition of Sex Selection Act 2003 and Domestic Violence Act 2005

FM3.22 Define and discuss impotence, sterility, frigidity, sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation. Discuss the causes of impotence and sterility in male and female

FM3.23 Discuss Sterilization of male and female, artificial insemination, Test Tube Baby, surrogate mother, hormonal replacement therapy with respect to appropriate national and state laws

FM3.24 Discuss the relative importance of surgical methods of contraception (vasectomy and tubectomy) as methods of contraception in the National Family Planning Programme

FM3.25 Discuss the major results of the National Family Health Survey

FM3.26 Discuss the national Guidelines for accreditation, supervision & regulation of ART Clinics in India

FM3.27 Define, classify and discuss abortion, methods of procuring MTP and criminal abortion and complication of abortion. MTP Act 1971

FM3.28 Describe evidences of abortion - living and dead, duties of doctor in cases of abortion, investigations of death due to criminal abortion

FM3.29 Describe and discuss child abuse and battered baby syndrome

FM3.30 Describe and discuss issues relating to torture, identification of injuries caused by torture and its sequalae, management of torture survivors

FM3.31 Torture and Human rights Describe and discuss guidelines and Protocols of National Human Rights Commission regarding torture

FM3.32 Demonstrate the professionalism while preparing reports in medicolegal situations, interpretation of findings and making inference/opinion, collection preservation and dispatch of biological or trace evidences

FM3.33 Should be able to demonstrate the professionalism while dealing with victims of torture and human right violations, sexual assaultspsychological consultation, rehabilitation