It is highly flexible and can be extended and customised in a number ofways. JXplorer is written in java, and the source code and Ant build systemare available via svn or as a packaged build for users who want to experiment or further develop the program.JX is is available in two versions; the free open sourceversion under an OSI Apache 2 style licence, or in the JXWorkBench Enterprise bundle with built in reporting, administrative and security tools.

Simple and easy to use LDAP Browser and LDAP administration tool designed to suit the needs of both novice and expert users and administrators. It helps users/administrators accomplish LDAP administration operations in a few mouse clicks, view and edit data including binary and images, export and import data to/from most popular file formats, edit attributes using different editors, manage LDAP users and their privileges and employ many other admin and user functions. It also provides SQLLDAP support which allows users to query ldap using sql like syntax, mass update records with sql like syntax and export/ import records as update, delete and insert statements. 

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Tabbed browsing in LDAP Admin Tool lets you load different connections in separate tabs of a single admin tool window, so you can jump between them quickly and easily. Using tabs instead of new windows to display content creates a smaller memory footprint and therefore reduces the strain on your operating system and the directory servers.


On *nix I've used luma a bit for poking around with a gui-tool and then there's, well, ldapsearch (from OpenLDAP). ldapsearch, while perhaps taking some getting used to, works very well once you get your head around the manual-page and options.

Ldap Admin is free Win32 administration tool for LDAP directory management. Is pretty lightweight and useful for simple query operations. For more complex scenearios I prefer Apache Directory Studio.

Keycloak collects user credentials, such as password, OTP codes, and WebAuthn public keys. This information is encrypted and saved in a database, so it is not visible to Keycloak administrators. Each type of credential can include non-confidential metadata that is visible to administrators such as the algorithm that is used to hash the password and the number of hash iterations used to hash the password.

The LDAP Administration tool you provided is to administer the actual LDAP database. It would be nice if there was an LDAP client such as the one available in OpenSuse so that Ubuntu can be easily configured to authenticate against the LDAP database. At the moment it's a real pain.

ldapdomaindump: This is a command-line tool that can be used to extract domain information from an LDAP server, which can be useful in identifying potential targets for LDAP injection attacks.

A bypass code is a temporary passcode created by an administrator for a specific user. These are generally used as "backup codes," so that enrolled users who are having problems with their mobile devices (e.g., mobile service is disrupted, the device is lost or stolen, etc.) or who temporarily can't use their enrolled devices (on a plane without mobile data services) can still access their Duo-protected systems.

Select a user by clicking their username. Scroll down to the bottom of the user properties page and click the Add Bypass Code button. Help Desk admins won't see this button if the "Do not allow Help Desk admins to create bypass codes" option is selected on the Settings page.

To change the expiration and reuse settings, or to define the bypass code (instead of letting the system generate a random string of nine digits) click the Change options link. Help Desk admins won't see this link if the "Do not allow Help Desk admins to customize bypass codes" option is selected on the Settings page.

You'll see at a glance the total number of valid bypass codes and counts of "weak" bypass codes (meaning bypass codes that have no expiration). The table lists which users have been assigned bypass codes, which Duo admin created that bypass code (or "API" if the bypass code was created programmatically via the Admin API) and when the codes will expire or run out of uses. Click each type of user count to filter by that category.

When you create a user in SonarQube's own database, it is considered local and will only be authenticated against SonarQube's own user/group database rather than against any external tool (LDAP, Active Directory, Crowd, etc.). By default, admin is a local account.

LDAP is used in Microsoft's Active Directory but can also be used in other tools such as OpenLDAP, Red Hat Directory Server and IBM Security Directory Server for example. OpenLDAP is an open source LDAP application. It is a Windows LDAP client and admin tool developed for LDAP database control. This tool should enable users to browse, look up, remove, create and change data that appears on an LDAP server. OpenLDAP also lets users manage passwords and browse by schema.

Admin roles can be assigned to users by the User Sync tool using special group names and prefixes. Using these special naming conventions, admin roles can be assigned like any normal product profile or user group.

This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT by smbd(8) when a new group is requested. Itwill expand any %g to the group name passed. This script is only usefulfor installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools. The script is free to create a group withan arbitrary name to circumvent unix group name restrictions. In that case the script must print the numericgid of the created group on stdout.

Full path to the script that will be called when a user is added to a group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It will be run by smbd(8)AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the group name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.

This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT by smbd(8) when a group is requested to be deleted. It will expand any %g to the group name passed. This script is only useful for installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools.

Full path to the script that will be called when a user is removed from a group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It will be run by smbd(8) AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the group name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.

The ldap admin dn defines the Distinguished Name (DN) name used by Samba to contactthe ldap server when retrieving user account information. The ldap admin dn is usedin conjunction with the admin dn password stored in the private/secrets.tdbfile. See the smbpasswd(8)man page for more information on how to accomplish this.

To make Samba scale well in large environments, the ldapsam:trusted = yesoption assumes that the complete user and group database that is relevant to Samba is stored in LDAP with thestandard posixAccount/posixGroup attributes. It further assumes that the Samba auxiliary object classes are stored together with the POSIX data in the same LDAP object. If these assumptions are met, ldapsam:trusted = yes can be activated and Samba can bypass the NSS system to query user group memberships. Optimized LDAP queries can greatly speed up domain logon and administration tasks. Depending on the size of the LDAP database a factor of 100 or more for common queries is easily achieved.

In both cases we only got the results that the server access-control lists (ACLs) allowed us to see, based on who we are. A very handy tool to verify the authentication is ldapwhoami, which can be used as follows:

In this blog, we aim to shed light on some of the must-have tools that every Google Workspace administrator should be aware of. These tools, from the cutting-edge Admin Console to serverless computing capabilities, have been carefully crafted to solve some of the most pressing challenges organizations face today. So, buckle up and discover the must-have tools every Google Workspace administrator should be using.

Google Cloud Secret Manager is one of the most useful Google web admin tools. It is a secure and centralized solution for storing and managing sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and certificates in the cloud. It provides encryption at rest and in transit, fine-grained access control policies, and automatic tracking of changes to your secrets. Additionally, Google Cloud Secret Manager integrates with other Google Cloud services like Google Kubernetes Engine and Google Cloud Functions, making it easy to securely manage secrets for your applications and services.

Google Cloud Shell is a browser-based command-line interface (CLI) provided by Google Cloud Platform. This tool provides an easily accessible, preconfigured environment for managing Google Cloud resources, making it simple for administrators to manage their cloud infrastructure from anywhere, at any time. The Cloud Shell integrates with other Google Cloud services, including Google Workspace. Moreover it provides a consistent interface across projects, making it an ideal tool for administrators who manage multiple projects.

Google Workspace admins who need to manage user identities across multiple systems and applications, including those that use LDAP-based directories, will find that Google Cloud Identity Secure LDAP is a valuable tool. It provides centralized identity management, integration with Google Cloud Platform, security and compliance features. By using Google Cloud Identity Secure LDAP, admins can improve security, reduce the risk of identity-related security breaches, and manage user identities more efficiently.

Before you enable MFA, the Outbound Email Toggle must be enabled so Appian can send verification codes to users. Also note that when MFA is enabled, users cannot reset their own password. Instead, they will need to request that a system administrator do it for them. 589ccfa754

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