The main idea behind the force field analysis technique is to identify the forces that help or hinder an organization in reaching a particular goal or intended change. This decision-making methodology is particularly valuable for leaders and change agents to analyze the pros and cons of any organizational or project decision. It is widely used across domains such as project management, organizational transformation, as well as social and cultural sciences.

This force field analysis template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can use and modify to suit your specific needs. It can be easily modified to include additional sections if needed. For example, you may want to add additional rows to include more forces. You may also change the scoring scale to suit your requirements. Please help us to make this template better by providing us with your comments or suggestions.

Force Field Analysis Template


Our Free Force Field Analysis Slide Template provides a creative layout to showcase the key points of your force field analysis. In change management and business development, the executives a concerned about the factors that may affect the transition process. Meanwhile, a force field analysis report can help estimate the real scenario by the systemic arrangement of these elements. This presentation, compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates, carries human illustrations to present the aspects in favor and against the proposed idea. Users can download this free PPT template for their professional presentations or choose from our Force Field Analysis templates according to the requirements.

The Free Force Field Analysis Slide Template has two editable slides. Generally, to present a force field analysis, the central idea is written in the center; the factors for and against that concept are mentioned on the left and right-hand sides, respectively. Similarly, the first slide of this force field analysis PPT template features a central rectangular text box to note the goal or vision of change. Two human characters are applying forces from opposite sides to this central block. Both sides of this infographic diagram also show circular shapes are varying distances from the block. This effect enables the presenters to classify the forces according to their effect, i.e., the forces with higher impact can be written in bigger circular blocks and vice versa. This way, the slide becomes self-descriptive.

The second slide of this force field analysis PowerPoint template is simple. It also shows a central block, and both sides display arrows to mention the for and against forces. Professionals can completely customize this diagram to represent their force field analysis. It can be used to calculate scores that help in making a decision. Likewise, professionals can devise mitigation protocols to either resolve the against forces or to elevate the for factors that might mask the effect of opponent ones. So, download this free PPT template or try our Force Field Analysis PowerPoint template for your presentations.

Best of all - it's easy to use and has complete credibility as a professional tool.We'lluse a little basic science to introduce the concept, after which you'llfind enough information to allow you to unleash your knowledge of forcefields on colleagues!

 In this articleThe original and best explanation of a force field analysisA step-by-step guide to using the force field analysis toolA downloadable force field analysis templateTop criticisms of the force field analysis model

Force Field Analysis TemplateI've created a template that you can use to practically apply a Force Field Analysis. Download the free Force Field Analysis Templatewhen you're ready.

Lewin's Force Field Analysis Explained

To understand the concept of a force field analysis let's start with a simple science experiment (this really is relevant, so stay with me for a moment please).You'll need to sit down for this one. You're sitting? Good. Now, what's keeping you in the chair?Well, there are two answers really. One is gravity which is pushing you down into the chair. A driving force, if you like.Theother is the chair itself, which provides an opposing force, resisting gravity, and stopping you falling to the ground. So it would seem that while you are sitting in your chair you're in an equilibrium of sorts.Twoforces keep you there. Gravity pushes down, keeping you in the chair,and the chair resists this, stopping you from falling to the ground.Two equal forces, a driving force and a resisting or restraining force, working to keep the equilibrium or status quo.Agreed?Okay, now let's play. Let's say we want to move away from thisequilibrium and get you to fall to the floor. What could we do?

Well, on the one hand we could increase the amount of gravity (our driving force). The chair will give way eventually and you will fall.On the other hand, we could leave gravity alone and decide to weaken the chair (our restraining force). The chair will give way, and there you are on the floor again!We can achieve our intended result by increasing the driving force, or by reducing the resisting force.

Ifyou've followed me this far then you've just completed a force fieldanalysis and understood the basic concepts of the model.It also helps to explain why our science experiment is relevant.You see, Kurt Lewin applied exactly this thinking to his theory of change within social situations - to people.May the Force be with you, or against you.

Kurt Lewin views culture as being in a state of equilibrium.He writes: "A culture is not a painted picture; it is a living process, composed of countless social interactions. Like a river whose form and velocity are determined by the balance of those forces that tend to make the water flow faster, and the friction that tends to make the water flow more slowly the cultural pattern of a people at a given time is maintained by a balance of counteracting forces." (Lewin, K. 1948. Resolving Social Conflicts, p.46.)

"To bring about any change, the balance between the forces which maintain the social self-regulation at a given level has to be upset" (Lewin, K. 1948. Resolving Social Conflicts, p.47.)This describes the experiment we just did and is summarised in the diagram below.Kurt Lewin Force Field Analysis Diagram

So before change the force field is in equilibrium between forcesfavourable to change and those resisting it. Lewin spoke about theexistence of a quasi-stationary social equilibrium.

Create an unstoppable force when you invite all your team members to the table. With a force field analysis maker from FigJam, you can move around ready-made icons, doodle on an open canvas, and share your thoughts through sticky notes, audio messages, stamps, and emotes.

From day-to-day choices to life-altering decisions, a force field analysis diagram helps you thrive. Attract even more attention by leveraging strategy and diagram templates from fellow FigJam contributors.

Force field analysis is a widely-used decision-making tool that organizations utilize in determining the importance, impact, and influence of various factors before implementing changes in business processes. Once the objectives and goals are defined, this method helps put corresponding values to the listed driving forces and restraining forces of a proposed change.

The idea behind force field analysis is that after examining the values of the factors driving or restraining the change, the method should result in a recommendation to either strengthen the forces for change or weaken the forces against change. Businesses can then use this recommendation as a well-grounded basis for deciding whether or not a proposed change should be implemented.

One of the primary advantages of using force field analysis as a decision-making tool is that it provides a visual representation of the factors surrounding the proposed change. It also takes into consideration the impact of these factors on the final decision. Some other advantages of applying this concept are as follows:

Since force field analysis is best used in a set-up wherein a whole team, process, or organization may be affected by a possible change, remember to keep everyone on the same page by allowing them to include the factors that they consider to be important and other elements that may not initially be apparent. Conduct your force field analysis by following this step-by-step guide:

Force field analysis is more efficient when relevant stakeholders can directly access files or documents to ensure that everyone is on the same page. SafetyCulture is a powerful digital tool that businesses can use when applying the force field analysis method in implementing changes. With SafetyCulture, you and your teammates can access specific files at the same time and directly input any notes that you may have by modifying access levels accordingly. SafetyCulture also allows you to do the following:

Force field analysis is simply a decision-making tool that assists businesses in deciding whether to proceed or postpone a proposed change. The name and the illustration may appear complex, but the analysis merely lists down the driving forces behind the change.

Force field analysis provides a template or a framework for identifying the forces that affect a process or a situation. The idea is that there are 2 types of forces that exist when you need to make a decision:

Despite these limitations, force field analysis is a go-to tool for you to analyze different factors that impact a change. This simple framework tries to figure out the efforts that must go into bringing about a change.

Defining the objective clearly, identifying the driving and protesting forces, assigning scores to each force, and creating an action plan help in mapping out a roadmap. A roadmap that can be rectified according to the feedback from the stakeholders. Thus, force field analysis is a tool that has its own place and importance in customer success. 2351a5e196

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