Theoretically, it should be possible for you to dynamically create a page that would redirect to the BlobURI, and you could name this redirection page as you which. But this is just theory, I never tried to do it myself.

A rough proof of concept can be seen in this plunker, obviously, you'll need to generate blobRename.html dynamically, and change its name to the one you want, and also force it's content-header so that the browser thinks it's an html page if you want to get rid of the .html.Also note that it doesn't seem to work with pdf files, which need browser plugins to trigger in, but with some more work, it may be possible to hack something around.

Force Download Blob Javascript

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This is a frustrating problem for developers who want to generate a PDF inside the browser with something like pdf-lib while retaining control over the default filename offered to the user when they click the download/save button on the browser's built-in PDF viewer.

I wasted a bunch of time trying to get PDF.js to work in Svelte so it looks like the the default PDF viewer with just the download button overridden. I had one problem after the other. Everything seemed stacked against me and there were old Stack Overflow answers and blog posts casually mentioning their project that uses PDF.js to display PDFs. Things had changed (like the introduction of a top-level await that Svelte doesn't like and a change in philosophy about the release of the default viewer's source code). Was I really going to have to generate the files on the server just so I have control over the filename? That's not acceptable.

Thankfully, you can now solve this problem with the Cache API in combination with the Service Worker API. They are widely supported by modern browsers, so there shouldn't be any issues in terms of compatibility. IE doesn't support it, obviously, but that's not really worth mentioning.

This technique allows you to leverage browser-based rendering while maintaining control over the filename with the caveat that Chromium will only download the file directly from the server. Please star the bug report if you want to see this fixed in Chromium.

Basically, you add the document to a cache and assign it a URL on your server that is won't get in the way of any other files, then set an iframe's src to the URL once the cache finishes accepting it. That stores it where your service worker can find it and tells the browser to go looking for it there. Since you define the URL, you also control the filename (it's the last segment of the pathname).

Then you create and register a service worker that checks the cache to see if the file exists before fetching it from the Internet. If it's in your cache, it's because you put it there, so don't worry about it getting confused with random files. When the browser goes looking for the file that you stored a moment ago, it'll find and return it as if you downloaded it off the Internet.

Service workers are easy to register in SvelteKit just by creating a file in the correct location, but it really doesn't take much to create and register one with any other framework. You just have to keep in mind that the browser will try to hang onto the service worker, forcing you to clear your site data when you want to make changes to it. So it's best to avoid putting code in there that might change frequently.

There's another possible solution that can be explored but it has it's own issues. You can actually store your blob url in the browser cookie storage and then retrieve it from another tab and when you create the shared worker it will connect to the same worker. The caveat here is that your blob can disappear while your cookie value is still set so when a new worker gets initialized it will silently fail. There may be ways to mitigate this if you tested somehow to see if the worker script was running successfully and if it's not, erase the cookie and recreate the blob. However there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to know if workers are running from the main thread so this would be tricky, but I suspect doable if you use some delays/timeouts and wait for an echo from the worker for example.

First I would wonder if when you say "error" you actually mean "warning". They are really two different things and the browser treats them differently (it usually only tracks/raises warnings when the developer tools are open etc).

But, that said, the blob.type property is indeed inmutable in JavaScript and as such you have to set it when the blob is "newed". In your case it sounds like you are getting the data from a Objective-C socket and just daisy chaining it down via:

The blob data itself from the Objective-C socket is not containing the "header" type data of the type when it sends it across, and it sounds like your node is not touching the blob at all (have you tried decorating the new Blob in your node and then sending that down the socket to see if it retains the typing?).

So what is happening is that the websocket is sending down just the blob data as it got it and when the receiving javascript gets it, it is implicitly typing it with a new Blob right then and there, just with a blank type.

So essentially no, there does not seem to be any way around the new Blob construction if you really want to get rid of this warning. Even if you tried tricks like adding the type into the blob data and then splicing it out etc, you still can't get around the websocket receiving code implicitly typing it as a blob with a blank type.

"Blob URLs only work with GET requests, and when one is successfully requested, the browser sends an HTTP 200 OK status code and also sends a Content-Type header that uses the type property of the Blob."

You can solve this problem from the end you are delivering the image. This problem is happening because of the wrong content-type, so you should configure your server to send image with image headers.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to download files from the internet, both by enforcing the download from the website, as well as with a manual click. After that, we will go over content generation in various forms, how to download generated content, and understanding the download attribute. Lastly, we will go over the usage of blobs and object URLs:

Though the diagram indicates the communication flow, it does not explicitly show what the request from the client looks like or what the response from the server looks like either. Here is what the response from the server could possibly look like:

The response also contains headers that give the client some information about the nature of the contents that it receives. For this example response, the Content-Type and Content-Length headers provide that kind of information.

Given the example HTTP response from above, our web browser client would simply display or render the GIF image instead of downloading. For the purposes of this writing, what we would actually want is for the GIF or image to be downloaded instead of displayed. For this, an extra header will be needed to tell the client to automatically download the contents of the file.

To inform the client that the contents of the resource are not meant to be displayed, the server must include an additional header in the response. The Content-Disposition header is the right header for specifying this kind of information.

Achieving such a behavior in the browser is possible with HTML anchor elements: . Anchor elements are useful for adding hyperlinks to other resources and documents directly from an HTML file. The URL of the linked resource is specified in the href attribute of the anchor element.

In this example, we will use the Fetch API to asynchronously fetch JSON data from a web service and transform the data to form a string of comma-separated values that can be written to a CSV file. Here is a breakdown of what we are about to do:

Here we are fetching a collection of photos from the Picsum Photos API. We are using the global fetch() function provided by the Fetch API, filtering the collection, and converting the collection array to a CSV string. The code snippet simply logs the resulting CSV string to the console.

Next, we define a collectionToCSV higher-order function. This takes an array of keys and returns a function that takes an array collection of objects and converts it to a CSV string, extracting only the specified keys from each object.

Blobs are objects that are used to represent raw immutable data. Blob objects store information about the type and size of the data they contain, making them very useful for storing and working file contents on the browser. In fact, the File object is a special extension of the Blob interface.

It is one thing to obtain a blob object and another thing altogether to work with it. One thing you want to be able to do is to read the contents of the blob. That sounds like a good opportunity to use a FileReader object.

A FileReader object provides some very helpful methods for asynchronously reading the contents of blob objects or files in different ways. The FileReader interface has pretty good browser support. At the time of writing, FileReader supports reading blob data as follows:

The URL interface allows for creating special kinds of URLs called object URLs, which are used for representing blob objects or files in a very concise format. Here is what a typical object URL looks like:

The URL.createObjectURL() static method makes it possible to create an object URL that represents a blob object or file. It takes a blob object as its argument and returns a DOMString, which is the URL representing the passed blob object. Here is what it looks like:

Whenever an object URL is created, it stays around for the lifetime of the document on which it was created. Usually, the browser will release all object URLs when the document is being unloaded. However, it is important that you release object URLs whenever they are no longer needed in order to improve performance and minimize memory usage.

In this section, we will examine how we can download programmatically generated contents in the browser, leveraging all we have learned from the beginning of the article and what we already know about blobs and object URLs. 152ee80cbc

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