Dock Information

Our current dock used to launch racing shells and coaching boats for all three schools needs to be replaced. It is now 20-years old and it shows its age. Compounding this, is the need for an expanded dock to better accomodate the size of all three programs as they practice together. Safety on the water is paramount. Expanding the dock to double the length along the river as well as widening the approach to the dock will allow safer access and movement in and out of the river.

All three rowing boards have discussed ways and means to tackle this project, along with the District, and carefully considered our various budgets. The District will not be able to participate in this cost, leaving the project to the three school club parent boards to fund and coordinate. The district has given the project the green light regarding liability and supports this effort.

Together, the three rowing boards have determined a phasing plan, led by FHC. The plan includes three phases: first, expanding the existing dock to accomplish capacity and safety goals. The second and third phases will replace existing dock sections to bring them up to new condition. Your FHN Rowing Parent Advisory Board has voted to support the project and fund phase one. Funding for phases two and three is to be the focus of a district-wide rowing dock fundraiser with all three schools. An auction event, with donations coming from each of the rowing program’s membership. This event is planned to take place in February of 2018.


Dock Improvements Coming Soon!

The three FHPS district rowing clubs are joining forces to achieve much needed dock improvements. The three clubs, Forest Hills Central, Forest Hills Eastern, and Forest Hills Northern Rowing Club have planned a three-phase project to fund and implement the dock improvements. The Phase 1 project will expand the dock, creating a section of dock to the west in equal length to the existing portion to the east, creating a “T.” The remaining phases are to be funded by a three-school fundraiser. Each rowing club will elect a chair to share in planning and holding a fundraising auction event to be held in February, 2018. Based on the outcome of this fundraising, the remaining phases will be funded.

For more information, speak to one of your Parent Advisory Board Members.