Home Inspections Near Me

Foothills Home Inspections is locally owned and operated by Daniel Johnson, a licenced home inspector in Colorado. Home inspections, radon tests, sewer scopes and professionally handles all of your home inspection needs. Coming from a family who is heavily involved in the real estate industry, he has seen all aspects of residential and commercial real estate from the time he was young. He has experience in remodeling, maintenance, and ground up construction. Daniel started Foothills Home Inspections in 2015 with the desire to work for himself. He used past experiences in construction, remodeling, and maintenance as a base, and then got certified to do the job in early 2015. He mostly enjoys helping his clients gain knowledge about the home they are about to purchase, and putting them in a good spot at the negotiation table.

Contact Details:

Foothills Home Inspections LLC

1913 Leicester Way, Fort Collins, CO 80528, United States

Phone: 970-489-0661

A home inspection is defined as the non-invasive assessment of a house in order to determine its safety, security, and overall condition. It covers the examination of house structures and parts and is usually performed in relevance to a home sale. If you are planning to buy a house for your family or perhaps you are planning to invest on several homes, then these are the top questions you should ask the home inspector.

What will the inspection cover?

Different states implement different requirements on the home inspection procedures. It is essential for you to know the coverage of the inspection to see whether the areas of your concern will be tapped. Ahead of time, you may request copies of the standard procedure that will be done by the home inspector.



Finding your dream home can be an emotional roller coaster. When you find the perfect neighborhood for your family or the cozy little home where you want to retire your heart skips a beat. How do you put the emotions aside and make sure that the investment you are making is a wise choice? This is where elite home inspections come in. When making a life changing decision such as buying a new home, it is important to allow a trained professional to inspect the property for you. Allowing someone who isn't involved emotionally .

Hiring a professional to check your potential investment should be done by all responsible homeowners. With a proper home inspection, sellers can identify critical items for repair and increase the value of the home. Inspectors can also check if the house can pass state standards prior to selling a piece of property. By allowing these professionals to come in, not only do investors get to confirm their initial findings, but they can also discover hidden defects as pointed out by certified inspectors.

Home Inspections Near Me - 970-489-0661

When buying a home, some people take it upon themselves to perform the inspection in order to avoid the home inspection cost. They think that since they will be the new homeowners, they know exactly what to look for and will be the best person to assess if the home is right for them or not. This is true to an extent. Certainly most buyers have already decided what basic features they want in a home and are already checking to make sure the house they buy will have these things. However, when it comes to assessing if the home is livable, functional and most importantly safe, then it is best to hand over the job to a certified inspector. Here are the reasons why:

Highly Trained

These professionals are adept at performing elite home inspections because they have been trained for it. They are not only good at checking walls, ceilings, floors, doors, and windows, but they are also informed about local and state building code.

Home inspections are performed for various reasons. You may be selling a home or just looking to find new insurance. Your home must be in top form if you plan on having an inspector look it over. Even the smallest details can affect the outcome of an inspection. Inspectors are trained to spot problems in the earliest stages of development. Dividing your home into the following sections may help you in finding things that should be fixed before having an inspector come to your home.


The exterior of your home includes the roof, siding, windows, foundation and garage. Exterior doors and windows should be checked to make sure they seal properly. Broken or missing pieces of siding should be repaired, in addition to some areas of the roof or sidewalk. If your home has a chimney, make sure it is properly ventilated. The yard should be mowed and trimmed as well. Mulch or gravel should be moved away from the base of the foundation.



Inside the home, all electric appliances and outlets should be in good working order. The main electrical box should be easily accessible. All of the plumbing should work as well. It is always a good idea to have the home clean and free of clutter. Home inspections are not a contest to see who has the cleanest home, but it is helpful if the inspector does not have to move items or boxes when checking out various fixtures.

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As part of every home inspection, the attic, basement or crawlspace will be thoroughly checked. Always make sure there is proper ventilation and that all external vents are free of debris. Insulation should be properly installed and located away from vents. Basements and crawl spaces should be dry, with any leaks being repaired prior to the inspection. Electrical wiring should be in good working order and properly secured.


Foothills Home Inspections LLC Are Home Inspections Worth It
Foothills Home Inspections LLC American Home Inspection Near Me
Foothills Home Inspections LLC Affordable Home Inspections Near Me
Foothills Home Inspections LLC Home Inspections Near Me


In a competitive market, having a home inspection done before the sale begins is almost a given because prospective buyers would like to know the condition of the property before they seriously consider purchasing the home. For a home buyer that has just found their dream home, it can be devastating to realize after they've completed their own inspection that the home actually suffers from major roof damage or water problems that they simply cannot afford to repair on their own.


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