
Connect with other followers of Jesus.

Grow in Christ. Love one another. Serve Others.

These goals are incredibly important to each and everything we do here at Foothills. Connected to all three of these goals is a better understanding of God's Word. With that in mind, we have Bible classes each week on Sundays and Wednesdays. These classes help us grow in our walk with Christ, make meaningful connections with others. You can find out more about our Bible classes below. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Bible Class

Bible class is a vital part of Foothills. Join us as we study God's word together!

SUN 9:30AM | WED 7PM

Adult Ministries

Beyond our Bible classes, there are many opportunities for growth, community, and serving. Below are a couple of our ministries geared towards different adult demographics in our congregation. Each of these ministries has service opportunities, retreats, and other activities throughout the year. You can find out more info about them on their various pages.

Our CYP Ministry is for those who have graduated high school to those in their early-30s.

Women's Ministry

Christian women growing, loving, and serving together.

Men's Ministry