I wonder if you can help. I need to make some changes to the text on the bottom part of our home-page but I'm not sure how to. This site was designed for us by another agency and although I have access to the template and the back of it I can't seem to figure out how to edit the text on the footer of the site. help please!Thanks,Carolina

It seems like you're not a web developer? This is a very broad question unfortunately which will make helping hard. It depends almost entirely on how the previous agency decided to build your website, as "a footer" is not built-in functionality, but instead part of the design.


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Typically, a footer would be controlled from a _layout.twig file in the templates directory. The content inside it may be "hard coded" or dynamically controlled from the CMS - there's no way for me to know. You'd need to look at the content of that file and see if you can find any text matching the text you see in your footer. Be aware though, that a footer template is usually site wide and not specific to individual pages; a change in _layout.twig would most often mean a change everywhere on your website.

These are important choices because footers are highly visible. A lot of visitors see them. A study by Chartbeat looked at 25 million website visits and found that visitors scroll down thousands of pixels. No page is too tall, no footer too far.

How should you design your website footer? Here are 27 ideas and examples, starting with the most common content and features. Scroll down past this list to see our own guidelines and best practices for what to include in a footer design.

This is the most common link found in footers which links to the HTML version of the sitemap. These links are rarely clicked by visitors, but like the XML sitemap, they may help search engines find things.

Membership has privileges. One of those might be a logo that can be used in a footer. Chambers of commerce, industry associations and even online directories can provide logos that look good in a footer.

Or you may want to control which articles are featured in the footer. Then you can select those that answer common questions for visitors, or those that convert visitors into newsletter subscribers at the highest rates.

I am asked to get a footer on the bottom of every page of the html web page print out (not the actual page on the browser). Do you guys know any way to do it? (It should work on IE, and just IE is fine)

I tried using javascript to calculate space and give an empty div the height: was using if bottom of the footer % page height !=0, add Required gap. But the value of the bottom of the footer and required white space seems to change with change in elements type.

Still, the background of text in IE was transparent in print out, so the text was on top of footer. So, used white image of 1px by 1px in absolute top left position to act as an background of the image.

I am using Overleaf to create some documentation for software, and using fancyhdr to customize the header and footers. My header contains images which makes the header somewhat large, so I get an error from LaTeX to increase headheight to a larger value. When I do increase this to the recommended 67pt, it removes the error, but pushes the footer off the page. At first glance, the question at the link I referenced above is a 1-for-1 mirror image of what I need, but I tried includeheadfoot, setting all to 1in margins through geometry, and the footer still runs off the page. I've looked at the fancyhdr documentation exhaustively and cannot find a solution. Below is a MWE, which pushes the footer off the page:

What I am trying to accomplish is to get the footer of all my pages underneath the content of the body. All pages will have different sizes of body content. The challenging bit for me is to keep only one CSS for all pages.

I want it so that even if the body content is too small the footer always stays at the bottom of the page. Same applies for if the body content is big. Currently when setting the height of the body content to 100% it shows me a scroll bar even when the content is small and doesnt need a scroll bar. When removing the height it makes the footer directly under the small body content which is half good but its not at the bottom of the page so it looks horrible.

Footer is a root component of a page that aligns itself to the bottom of the page. It is recommended to be used as a wrapper for one or more toolbars, but it can be used to wrap any element. When a toolbar is used inside of a footer, the content will be adjusted so it is sized correctly, and the footer will account for any device safe areas.

Footers can match the transparency found in native iOS applications by setting the translucent property. In order to see the content scrolling behind the footer, the fullscreen property needs to be set on the content. This effect will only apply when the mode is "ios" and the device supports backdrop-filter.

Many native iOS applications have a fade effect on the toolbar. This can be achieved by setting the collapse property on the footer to "fade". When the content is scrolled to the end, the background and border on the footer will fade away. This effect will only apply when the mode is "ios".

A fade footer requires a scroll container to work properly. When using a virtual scrolling solution, a custom scroll target needs to be provided. Scrolling on the content needs to be disabled and the .ion-content-scroll-host class needs to be added to the element responsible for scrolling.

When it comes to the footer, squarespace have not allowed this functionality. And no matter what custom css I try to input into the design>custom css, or into the header, or into a code block... I cannot for the life of me remove the opaque black background to my footer. Is there a better workaround here? If you can tell, I'm not extra proficient with CSS. Only knew basic HTML back in the day.

But I don't want to delete the footer, and I don't want to put the contact under the buttons; I want the contact at the very bottom of each page in the bottom right corner. At the very least just on the homepage.

Being able to change the background color, add additional text, change the layout configuration. And then being able to save and apply those footers to different email newsletters, depending on your list group.

It would be nice to be able to change your footer to match the theme of your e-newsletter. I realize there are some buttons and text that are required to be there, and I'm not asking to remove them, but it would be nice to be able to change the layout of that text or the order. Be able to add business hours, support email, phone number, hours of operation, website, etc...

Hey @DerekR859, thanks for your feedback! We do offer a custom footer service where our teams can design and add content to your footer. This would likely get you a lot of what you are wanting, however, I understand the request of being able to do it on your end while being able to change it as you need. I've opened this idea up for voting.

I would like to reduce the font size of the footer text and also reduce the spacing between lines. Right now it is literally larger than and overpowering my main marketing email body text. It's a footer, by nature it should be smaller, but it's competing for attention with the main message instead.

It's extremely frustrating that we are unable to edit email footers, and have to contact support to do so. Being based in Australia means the support chat availability is often inconvenient and describing a design over the phone is impractical.

There needs to be a way to customize the footer. A way where I can handle it myself. My footer, due to my industry, needs to include certain logos, branch office addresses and licensing numbers. This seems like such a simple fix. Why isn't it available?

Thanks for sharing this feedback with us. Due to federal requirements there are certain factors that are legally required in the email footers things a from email address, a reply-to email address, and a physical address. In an effort to make sure these factors are always included being able to edit this section in the user experience is not yet available. We apologize at this time we do not have a time estimate of when it will be available. We have however merged your post into a larger thread focused on this idea. We also offer the ability to customize your footer with the help of our Design Team for a one-time fee. Please let us know if this is a service you would be interested in as we can email the contact address on file with more information.

I finally solved it with min height 0 (what was fine advice) and empty group over footer with infinite height. So, if i change size of page, the empty group pushing footer at the end of the page in every situations.

You can check it here: 



Use the Append footer setting to automatically add footer text to outgoing messages. You may want to add a footer to outbound messages for legal, informational, or promotional reasons.

The Append footer setting applies to everyone in an organizational unit. Users in child organizations inherit settings from the parent organization. Footers are applied to all messages, including messages sent from Google Workspace email aliases.

Note: Messages sent using a third-party email client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, have formatted footers. Messages sent as plain text don't support images or formatted text in the footer. A plain text footer is added instead.

I thought I would post what I found on how to change your footer background color on a responsive theme. After reseaching the forum for answers, none seem to work for me, inclduing adding the HTML code in the SEO header and or Footer settings sections. And searching through all the CSS files for my theme, nothing stood out for changing the background color and almost everything seemed to used variables. be457b7860

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