

In collaboration with the health education and nutrition services team at Portland Public Schools (PPS) and the cultural workgroups at Food Hero, the Portland SNAP-Ed team will be developing three new culturally specific nutrition education lessons for the 2022-2023 school year.  

Each lesson was created with input from Food Hero's cultural workgroups. These workgroups assess community needs and develop culturally informed resources, resulting in increased attention to equity. The African Heritage, Indigenous Peoples and Latinx workgroups are led by, and include, members of their intended audiences.

Lessons are divided by grade bands, K-2 and 3-5 and are aligned with Oregon health and social science standards.

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Our participants and partners help us assess program needs and build plans to address food security, nutrition, physical activity, and community food systems. Your input is critical to our collective success! Please contact us anytime with questions, comments or new ideas.