Probably because Firefox has its own font configuration settings. On void, you had no other emoji fonts installed, so Firefox picked up the only one that you had. On NixOS, you have to change that in Firefox settings.

The default font settings are bit of a misnomer. It only adds a certain font to the top of fontconfigs list of fonts to use for the emoji family. But fontconfig will still prefer any other installed colour font when it does not recognize the preferred font as containing colour glyphs.

Fonts Emoji


I'd been trying to merge my favorite fonts, so that I could use them as my system default font. I succeeded merging two fonts using the zFont tool app, but when I tried to merge an emoji TTF file with a font file, it said it's a bitmap file and it's not supported. I also tried to merge them with FontForge, but I got the somewhat same error that said a bitmap file can't be merged. If you know any app or website that can merge an emoji with a font, I'd be happy to see your solution :)

The ibus-ui-emojier-plasma utility was working before and now the emoji are there, but invisible to me. I know they're "there" because I can hover over them with my mouse and "select" them (i.e. it copies them to my clipboard) and I can paste them into apps that accept them, for example here is the fox emoji, copied from the emoji selector and pasted into this forum text box: ?

I just can't see the emoji in the terminal, for some reason. I've searched the arch and other forums and tried a few things that solved other folks' issues with noto-color-emoji but none of those solutions worked. The kfontview and other KDE font management utilities also do not show the emoji as visible.

Even though I had done all of this, I went and did it again based on your suggestion and now emoji are working in the viewer and in konsole, but not in gnome-terminal. You're my hero! I don't know why they don't work in gnome-terminal but I will happily use konsole (I was only using gnome-terminal because emoji weren't working in konsole at first, but they were working in gnome-terminal haha) ... I really wish I understood what changed between the time I tried all this and the time you suggested it, but I am grateful none the less. Thanks a ton!

Different browsers/systems support different kinds of color fonts. There is a chapter about it in the handbook. And there are some recent additions for SVG-based color fonts that are only documented in the blog post: -features-in-glyphs-2-4

The main problem is that there are several formats of color fonts and most browsers do support only some of them. Firefox does support Colr/Cpal and SVG fonts, Internet explorer (win10) supplest those and Apples sbix and Safari only sbix. Chrome in win10 supports Colr/Cpal but not its own color format.

So you need sbix and Colr (or SVG) table to support most users.

I started with a VM of Ubuntu 19.10. I applied all updates and installed Chromium and Brave Browser. When I try viewing emoji (E.G. they appear to be rendered by DejaVu Sans (black and white). The system already has Noto Color Emoji installed.How do I give Noto Color Emoji precedence? I've followed several fontconfig tutorials, but none of them have worked.I've had success by reinstalling Noto Color Emoji, but I haven't been able to figure out what reinstalling is doing that makes it work. Also, I'm working with someone who says reinstalling did no work for him.

Is it possible to build an emoji font using Glyphs, exporting to photofonts? What kind of support do Photoshop/Illustrator have. And could this kind of font be deployed as a webfont?

I was curious on how they made apple colored emoji fonts. If you have any insights, please let us know 



Not quite. Currently, IE10 in the prerelease version of Win8.1 is the only app that supports COLR/CMAP-equipped fonts according to the Microsoft proposal. We have been working on implementing the Microsoft specs.

So I'm on Windows 7 and I absolutely dislike colored emoji for how much distracting they are. There is no font file called "EmojiOne Mozilla" to delete from Windows' fonts folder, unfortunately. And there is no relevant option in about:config list I could find.

In the current Aurora build, the file you'll want to remove is \fonts\EmojiOneMozilla.ttf, where is the installation folder, which will vary depending on the bit-ness (Program Files or Program Files (x86)) and channel (Mozilla Firefox, Aurora or Nightly). On Windows you can right-click Firefox shortcut and select Open file location.

Go to about:config, context menu (right click) > new > string. Set as preference name and Segoe UI Symbol as string value.

Colored emojis are instantaneously disabled, no need to refresh open tabs or restart the browser.

This is what I ended up doing for myself: I took the EmojiOneMozilla.ttf font file from \browser\fonts\ and edited all its emoji symbols to contain the "not defined" symbol at the very end of the Unicode range.

Using FontForge editor, I copied it and pasted over all the emoji symbols (edit > select > glyphs worth outputting), and installed it as a system font, and gave it a unique name so it could be used in Firefox as a custom installed font (as described in the other answer here) and now every emoji symbol is a square.

Simply open the file in a hex editor, and look for the string COLR, which should be located somewhere near the start of the file. All you need is to modify the sequence to something meaningless, like CXXX, and save. Now the coloured section of the font is effectively ignored by any application that uses it, so this "technique" can also be done to system fonts with coloured glyphs.


Curious: The combined sequence emoji show up on the side in the Layers Panel on MacOS 12.6 Monterey, but not in text items in Affinity Design. Panel labels are presumably rendered separately by the OS?

I have myself created a very elemental SBIX font consisting only of color swatches to be used with palette simulations and the font works fine. It was created based on Apple Color Emoji which was just emptied, but when I have tried to create SBIX color fonts from the scratch, they have not worked properly in Affinity apps, but do work properly in other apps supporting color fonts. Perhaps there is OS level support that apps get "free", but generic support is missing, which would explain the described behavior.

The color glyphs that do show, can also be exported fine, including CMYK PDF. The color emojis are rasterized -- they are initially in raster format (unlike Windows equivalent Segoe UI Emoji, which are vectors, and supported both on Windows and macOS versions of Affinity apps), but I mean that they are not exported as glyphs of a font; Segoe UI Emoji is not, either, but the glyphs are converted to outlines and accordingly stay sharp when zoomed in).

EDIT3: I just realized that the "variations" that macOS Character Viewer shows can be a mix of multiple fonts (based on glyph name). In such cases, the alternative glyphs might be correctly shown if displayed in certain order, like here three red dragons from Apple Color Emoji, Apple Symbols and Segoe UI Emoji:

However, if the glyphs from different fonts are picked and copied in different order (in this case in the order Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji and Apple Symbols), the glyph from one of the fonts can be repeated three times (but shown correctly in an app like Pages that fully supports this feature). The macOS Character Viewer is confusing in its "user-friendliness" since it effectively hides the font names and different font technologies and mixes the glyphs with a similar name into one happy family. However, the variations shown above for "Apple Color Emoji", which Affinity apps fail to show, are truly variations within one and the same font, which is indicated by listing the alternatives in a popup rather than as a static table.

Affinity may need to support COLRv1 fairly soon as I think the next generation emoji font from Microsoft is going to be COLRv1. They and the Google fonts folks have been been working non-stop on the tools and the standards. Already added to OpenType 1.9.0, and more changes coming in v1.9.1. They have been added very quickly.

The ZWJ sequences you mention are basically ligatures.

Character1 + ZWJ + Character2 = Character3.

In normal standard OpenType fonts this character substitution is done using the GSUB table (Glyph Substitution).

Apple Color Emoji does not have a GSUB table.

It uses Apple's MORX table which has a similar function, but it is not the same.

Affinity does not support MORX tables as they are not standard OpenType.

Why waste precious time and resources to program a non-standard parallel system to support a few Apple proprietary fonts? Makes no sense.

So in my opinion there is not going to be support for Apple Color Emoji as a font ever.

Helpful responses. I'll have to try that glyph trick.

Emoji in general are more complicated that most people realize, and maybe more trouble than they're worth. But they've got more attention (welcome?) on UNICODE than it's ever had before. ?

I wrote the proposal for the surprisingly successful ? emoji, so got to learn more about them than I'd ever considered. So many issues with rendering on different platforms with non-standard images, and now the combination "sequence" emojis that only work sometimes. It's a bit of a mess. I appreciate people working on standards everybody can adopt. Good for Affinity folks deciding what's worth spending time on. It's appreciated. ff782bc1db

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