Edit: Appreciate the help so far, have downloaded fontforge and will be exploring shortly. Just want to restate that one of the problems I could really use insight on is: how to effectively capture the dynamic combinations her script has, letter-to-letter. What predetermined sentences are there I could have her right - are pangrams the solution there? Sorry, I'm not inclined to typographic anatomy, but I had assumed this was called a ligature - apologies if this is incorrect!

Of course because of the order of the lookups the font always starts with the INITIAL_L lookup. SO I was wondering how could I make the font engine to loop between the two lookups? So one would get choosen each time you start to type.

Or am I going in totally the wrong direction?

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How do you go on making your own script/handwritten fonts? What tools do you usually use? Apart from Glyphs App? Do you use technology such as an iPad Pro or just a piece of paper and a pen then go on image tracing on Illustrator then import your work to the app?

For a little change, I'm going for a font that looks like handwriting. Can some of the expert CSS folks here suggest what would be some of the safest fonts (most widely available in most browsers) that look like handwriting?

There is no handwriting font that would be reliably available in most browsers across all platforms. There are subsets like the fonts that come with Windows Vista or 7 but if you want to achieve any serious reliable coverage, it's likely that you'll have to resort to delivering the font alongside the web page - which, sadly, makes things complicated.

I suppose Comic Sans or Lucida handwriting would be some of the most widely available 'handwriting' fonts, although they're not great fonts. You might be better served by looking into some of the font embeding options, either using fancy-smancy html 5 stuff: -links.com/2009/05/28/exciting-times-html-5-web-fonts/ which won't be entirely supported, or using sIFR which is flash based: , or some combination of these solutions to reach all users.

There's an alternative.If you're familiar with Javscript or Jquery.There's a very nice script called "Cufon" that does a thing called "Font Replacement".With this simple to use script, you can use ANY font you want on your website.I suggest you start by checking it's documentation, then create the cufon-js version of the font and then use it !

It began as a way for me to address a need for a project I was working on, something designed to look like a scrapbook. I was using the "Journal" typeface designed by Fontourist ( ), which gave me a good balance of readability and organic feel, but of course it had the same issues as all other fonts of its ilk.

To address that I wrote a script to trawl the taxt frames in a specified CS5 INDD document, looking fist to see if they had that font as their active one, after which the script shifts each glyph up or down the baseline by a random amount, gives each glyph a random stroke weight change, and finally tints each glyph a random amount off of its basic tint.

Each of these changes is very subtle, with the result being something that looks considerably more organic and hand-made than the font did out of the can. The script should be easily modified by anyone who wants to run it using a different font instead of "Journal". Here it is. Enjoy!

I need to do something similar to this - but need to vary the size and font. I need to have a script assign random fonts to words (I'd have a set of three or four fonts I'd want the script to choose from).

For the fonts, the really cheap and dirty method would probably be to load the names of the fonts you want to use into an array variable in the AppleScript, then get a random index count to grab one of the font names out of that array.

The script as it exists now goes character by character - you'd want to revise it so it went word by word instead, or else you'd end up setting each word's character to one of your random font choices. Instead of

The curly braces are necessary, as it appears that AppleScript supports lists rather than arrays (a minor but not entirely unimportant detail). Anyway, from there, you'd grab one font at a time, randomly, probably like this:

You do the first line to get a random number based on the number of items in your list of fonts. You subtract 1 from it because the count on the actual list begins at 0 rather than 1, which means that sometimes you'll get a random number that's actually 1 larger than the number of items in the list, and you'll never see the first item (which is at position 0). This is a very old-school gotcha when working with arrays and lists - a ten-item list will count from 0 to 9, not 1 to 10.

From there, you'd set the given word in your text frame's font to the name of the font you pulled out of the myFontArray variable. You'll want to make sure that the font names you load into your list are the actual names of the fonts you're working with - the examples I used here probably won't work.

Computer fonts cannot replicate the variations which are common in handwriting. Some certain letter combinations can be defined as ligatures and open type fonts can also have varied letter versions and decoratives, but everyone sees in a second that it's computer font, not written by hand.

Creating a rich script font is a major task. It starts on paper by defining and practicing the letters so well that one is also able to input them to a font editor. Have a couple of months time to define the style and double it for becoming also able to work with a font editor program and finally some more to input the needed data. Font editor programs are available as well commercially as for free.

Trivial case - manual lettering where the letters are written rigidly in the same way - has numerous commercial and free solutions. Drawing program Inkscape has font creating tools. The fonts can be used in Inkscape, but inputting the letters as curves needs the ability to draw with Inkscape.

All methods presented above need that you can draw the wanted letters by yourself or know how to extract them as computer graphics curves from an existing writing. No machine nor generally available software will do it for you automatically. Do not expect to replicate any highly personal handwriting style in the mentioned ways.

Serious academic research has produced something better, but unfortunately I do not know any details. Start your own research from this -08-12-a-computer-program-that-can-replicate-your-handwriting.html

There's a video tutorial here which shows how you can do it using online software called Calligrapher. I have no links with the video creator or the website. There's are free and paid options, with a limitation of the number of glyphs in the free version. Might still be enough to get a usable font however.

It may also be possible to create glyphs using vector image editing software to auto trace bitmap images of individual glyphs to turn them into vectors, and import them into proper font editing software. But software like that is complex with a steep learning curve. It all depends on how much time you are prepared to invest. Free software you could use: Inkscape (vector image editor). FontForge (font editor).

I did something like this (10?) years ago to make a font based on some engraved lettering that I found on a 1750s map of New England by Lewis Evans. The process was very tedious, but partially because of the software that I was using at the time.

Were I to try something like this today, I'd likely trace or create the shapes for the characters that I wanted myself, then print them out in a format that a free or cheap pay-for font creation service would use to convert them into a font. From then, I could tweak the resulting font that was sent back using something like FontForge to make whatever minor edits I wanted.

The options that you have depend on what it is needed for. If it is just for headings or very short inserts, you could use images or sIFR. If it is for one particular page, it might be better to get a really good font yourself and create that page as a PDF.

If it is for body text throughout the site, then my advice would be to do a Nancy Reagan. There is a good reason why most websites use only a very small number of fonts, and that is that there is only a very small number of fonts that are suitable for reading body text on screen at the font size typically found on websites. A handwriting font, even a really good one that is great for print, is unlikely to be good to read on screen - particularly without anti-aliasing or Cleartype (or similar).

Hi, I just purchased a handwiting font "LiebeHeide" by LiebeFonts and it looks like that it isn't working (it is invisible, no color) in Publisher. The font uses contextual alternates to get a more realistic outcome.

I'm afraid I don't remember if there's been a commitment by Serif or not to include color font support in a later version or not. There's at least two longish threads on the subject that I haven't read in quite a while so a "commitment statement" may have been made.

That said, it will likely be some time before it happens. I also have that font--I haven't found the right project for it specifically but have used a couple of other color fonts in jobs. With no means of altering the colors easily, they are not something I even bring to a client's attention as an option.

Dear Emily,You have an amazing God given talent,hon and part of that talent includes making others happy!

 Emily,I have a Mac and I would really appreciate it if I could down load your Emily font.How might I do it??

 Enjoy your holidays with your family and make special memories! Be well, one of your many admirers! Elaine

fontTools also provides a couple of command line tools called ttx andfonttools. ttx converts a TTF font into an XML file, which was useful to mebecause I wanted to rename some glyphs in my font but did not understandanything about fonts. So I just converted my font into an XML file, used sedto rename the glyphs, and then used ttx again to convert the XML file back into a ttf. e24fc04721

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