Coming at this far into the future. If anyone else still runs into this, I discovered, the cause in my case was due to the wrong Font Style Field being selected under the font family. I was importing the Chevron Down icon, and the font style field was set to Regular. I updated the style field to Solid and voila!

Brother, it's because ForkAwesome is an open-source library and as of Joplin is also an open source software, we're here trying to use more of resources which are open-source and tbh it has similar icons and that's what laurent said.

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I had the same problem when I tried to use the icons directly from BootstrapCDN (the easiest way). Then I downloaded the CSS file and copied it to my site's CSS folder the CSS file (Described under the 'easy way' in font awesome documentation), and everything started working as they should.

I would not advice you to use built in font-awesome styling like the fa-5x etc; for fear they may change it and you would have to keep chainging your application code to meet up with the latest standard. You simply avoid this by giving each font-awesome class you want to style uniformly the same class say:

I think best way to accomplish this would be to add a plugin outlet to the category-title-link template, and use a widget to add the appropriate icon before the category name. It makes sense to me for the Category Icons component to optionally include the category icon in the categories list. If you only want icons to display on the category list, you could hide them from the other locations with CSS.

A Font Awesome Kit is the place to manage all your icons for a project. With the power of a Kit, you get the easiest way to use Font Awesome icons, great performance, easy customization, and you can even upload your own icons!

If you don't want us to host your Kit, you can download any Pro Kit and host it yourself (or use the icons in your desktop apps). Downloading is available on Kits set to Version 6.4 and higher (or Latest). Then on the Set Up tab in your Kit, you'll see the options for downloading.

If you're using a Pro Kit, Auto-subsetting takes just the icons you're using in your project and creates a subset on the fly - whether you're using Web Fonts or SVG icons. So your Kit only loads the icons you need and gives you the great performance auto-magically.

/edit, just por completeness, alhough it works this solution seems to create a console warning regarding the path from the FA css to the FA fonts ; I moved the issue to a different question for clarity here, edit/

In many cases, our software's Auto-Accessibility feature handles rendering the right technical syntax to make your icons accessibile. Learn more about how Auto-Accessibility works and where/when it's available.

Auto-Accessibility feature is included in many of Font Awesome's web-based software options. Though it is not included in all cases, you can always make your icons accessible manually in those situations.

In the cases where Auto-Accessibility isn't available or you'd prefer to implement best practices yourself, you can use the following instructions to make your icons as accessible to as many people as possible.

Hi. I'm building a website within HubSpot. I understand HubSpot utilizes Font Awesome icons. Is is possible to add personal icons to those? I have FA Pro so I can can upload personal ones, but curious if I can add to the default library or override it? Thanks in advance.

Font Awesome Kits are the easiest way to get Font Awesome icons into your projects. Just create a new Font Awesome Kit and add the Kit embed code to the head of each template or page of your project where you want to add icons.

We use Font Awesome icons to the appsheet icons, but the icon list seems really outdated. I don't know exactly how many icons we have and how many we are missing but there are great new icons that are not available.

There is any plan down the road to update it?

yeah... That's exactly the issue, it's not updated and the views and actions icons are limited to those.

In fact the best solution would be letting us (optionally) connect to a font awesome account so we could use or own kits, but this would cost some icons if you are using a free account.

You can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix fa and the icon's name. Font Awesome is designed to be used with inline elements (we like the  tag for brevity, but using a is more semantically correct).

To stack multiple icons, use the fa-stack class on the parent, the fa-stack-1x for the regularly sized icon, and fa-stack-2x for the larger icon. fa-inverse can be used as an alternative icon color. You can even throw larger icon classes on the parent to get further control of sizing.

There are three families of Font Awesome icons - each with a unique look, class name, and @font-face font-family. In both Font Awesome Classic and Sharp, there are five styles of Font Awesome icons. Here are some examples:

If you don't specify a family class name, our styling toolkit will render icons in Font Awesome Classic, the original look and feel that's always in style. But if you need to reference the Classic family, you can just add the fa-classic in your icon's HTML class names. If you want to change any or all icons to use Sharp, just add fa-sharp in the same manner!

We've updated many of our icon names in Version 6 to make them more universal and consistent. But we wanted to make sure not to break your existing code, so we made aliases for renamed icons to allow them to work with either the old or new names.

Troubleshooting with the Plugin

Font Awesome icons are popular, so lots of themes and plugins also load Font Awesome, and sometimes their version can conflict with yours. So we created a way to help you find and prevent those conflicting versions from affecting your icons: The Conflict Detection Scanner.

Using Pro Icons and Features

To enable Pro icons with the CDN, you will need to add your domain to the list allowed domains on your Font Awesome CDN Settings page. To configure a Kit, get your API Token from your Font Awesome account page.

Enhance Font Awesome version 4 compatibility: add shimming of the version 4 font-family to enable version 4

icons defined as pseudo-elements to be rendered via the version of Font Awesome 5 loaded by this plugin.

All browsers require fonts to be hosted on the same domain (and a sub-domain is considered a separate domain name). If your Font Awesome Icons or custom fonts are not showing up in a certain browser (mainly Firefox or IE), then you have two solutions for the issue.

Another scenario when the Font Awesome icons do not show, is when no Font Awesome font subset is selected in the Features section of the global options (Avada > Options > Advanced > Features > Font Awesome). Ensure at least one subset is selected.

In some cases, when users migrate sites, the Font Awesome files can still show a path to the old site, and this causes the font to now show. Resetting the Avada Caches easily fixes this (Avada > Options > Performance > Reset Avada Caches).

Though Figma is more suited for web layout and app design it has surprisingly robust vector drawing tools that make it perfect for creating an icon design system. This type of system is great for creating something that has many different repeating pieces that need to be reused, as well as pieces that modify other icons. And the collaborative features of Figma make it even more useful, as multiple people can access and edit the design at the same time.

Icon names equal those on the official website, but are written in lower camel case. If more than one icon style is available for an icon, the style name is used as prefix, except for "regular".Due to restrictions in dart, icons starting with numbers have those numbers written out.

We supply a configurator tool to assist you with common customizations to this package.All options are interoperable.By default, if run without arguments and no icons.json in lib/fonts exists, it updates all icons to thenewest free version of font awesome.

Probably the most requested feature after support for pro icons is the ability to retrieve an icon by their name.This was previously not possible, because a mapping from name to icon would break alldiscussed optimizations. Please bear in mind that this is still the case.As all icons could theoretically be requested, none can be removed by flutter. It is strongly advised to only use thisoption in conjunction with a limited set of styles and with as few of them as possible. You mayneed to build your app with the --no-tree-shake-icons flag for it to succeed.

Flutter 1.22 added icon tree shaking. This means unused icon "images" will be removed as well. However, this onlyapplies to styles of which at least one icon has been used. Assuming only icons of style "regular" are being used,"regular" will be minified to only include the used icons and "solid" and "brands" will stay in their raw, completeform. This issue is being tracked over in the flutter repository.

Google has created over 2,100 official Material icons, each in five different "themes" (see below).For each SVG icon, we export the respective React component from the @mui/icons-material package.You can search the full list of these icons.

Each Material icon also has a "theme": Filled (default), Outlined, Rounded, Two-tone, and Sharp. To import the icon component with a theme other than the default, append the theme name to the icon name. For example @mui/icons-material/Delete icon with:

The Material Design guidelines name the icons using "snake_case" naming (for example delete_forever, add_a_photo), while @mui/icons-material exports the respective icons using "PascalCase" naming (for example DeleteForever, AddAPhoto). There are three exceptions to this naming rule: 3d_rotation exported as ThreeDRotation, 4k exported as FourK, and 360 exported as ThreeSixty.

The Icon component will display an icon from any icon font that supports ligatures.As a prerequisite, you must include one, such as theMaterial Icons font in your project.To use an icon simply wrap the icon name (font ligature) with the Icon component,for example: ff782bc1db

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